Carrying a baby is not as tiring as usual. Fortunately, there are maids and mothers-in-law to help at home, and Nanny Yu is an experienced one. Otherwise, Li Haitang, a novice, would be in a hurry and be at a loss as to what to do.

The little bun breathed out evenly, and Li Haitang heaved a sigh of relief, and put the bean bun in the cradle.

She was about to go back to her room when she was grabbed by something. Li Haitang turned her head and saw that the little bun was staring at her with piercing eyes. She was sure that if she took a step away, the little bun would immediately start crying.

"Mother won't go, mother will accompany the bean bag."

Li Haitang had no choice but to coax her again, and wanted to leave several times, but Doubao would wake up when she took a step.

The baby is still so young, so she has a heart and pretends to be asleep. After all, she still can't leave her mother and get close to her. Li Haitang's heart is soft, and she has already put the wild man behind her, and turned her head to coax the little bun again.

Yun Jinghong didn't move, Baozi started making noise, Xiao Lingchuan stayed where he was, and had been forgotten for a long time.

"Ah, husband, are you still there?"

Li Haitang's mouth was parched, and she was about to pour a glass of water. She just turned around, and belatedly found a wall of people behind her, and said in surprise.

Xiao Lingchuan: ...

Why does he feel that Xiao Baozi is fighting with his father?

It's not a problem to keep watching here, we still have to go back to the room, Xiao Lingchuan suggested, "It's better to put the bean bag on the bed, so that he won't make trouble, and we can sleep peacefully."

Little Baozi doesn't understand anything, he still has a chance to take advantage of his wife.

"This is good."

Li Haitang responded immediately, and Nanny Yu who was next to her breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed her black eye circles, and finally got a good night's sleep!

The couple moved the bean bag to their room and placed it between them. Even so, Xiao Lingchuan could still touch his wife with his long hands.

"Husband, how about another day?"

Li Haitang's face was flushed, and it seemed that this was not good in front of her son. Although the bean buns are still small, she has a kind of psychological pressure that she can't let go of.

"to not fix."

Xiao Lingchuan had already held it, but he couldn't let him go. He was enjoying himself, and unconsciously noticed a line of sight. When he found the source, he found that it was from Xiaodoubao.

Dou Bao was looking at him curiously, babbling, wanting to talk.

Xiao Lingchuan: ...

Can it be more disappointing? The road to eating meat is long, and he can't do it when faced with innocent eyes.

Withdrawing his arm, he sighed, "Miss, remember the reward first."

In recent days, he has been busy from morning to night, and he cannot guarantee when the reward will be cashed out.

Xiao Lingchuan talked on his own, but found that he couldn't get a response, turned sideways to see that his wife and bean buns were snuggling together, their postures were very similar, and they were sound asleep.

He couldn't sleep, he could only keep his eyes open and think.

The current situation is unstable. He wanted to send his wife and children to a safe place, but found that there was none. It would be better to keep the lady and the little bun by his side, at least he could take care of it.

"Tassel...listen to me..."

Yun Jinghong lives in the front yard, but the house is not big, and the night is quiet, Xiao Lingchuan has good hearing, so he happened to hear this guy talking nonsense.

There are still many things to do tomorrow, he forced himself to close his eyes to sleep, and heard the crackling sound of the young couple who didn't know whose family was on the bed, but the man was not very good, and he died in less than a quarter of an hour.

After a sleepless night, Xiao Lingchuan's face was ashen, he got up to practice kung fu before dawn, and was sweating profusely after washing his body, before he had time to eat breakfast, he was called away by his subordinates.

The sun's light shone into the room through the gaps in the window sills, Li Haitang yawned habitually, and touched the side of the bed with his hands, only to bump into something soft.

She shuddered immediately, and sat up like a conditioned reflex, just in time to meet Doubao's eyes.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

Doubao yelled.

What about the savage husband? No matter, it must be that the bean bun needs to drink milk, and Li Haitang stayed with Xiao Baozi wholeheartedly, putting Xiao Lingchuan at the back of his mind.

"Ma'am, you and the master didn't quarrel, did you?"

Wu Fu entered the door with breakfast in hand, thinking of the cold and windy aura of the master's house, he couldn't help but say something.

A young couple moved in next door, probably not from a wealthy family, and raised three old hens.

In the morning, the gate of the courtyard was not closed, and for some reason, the old hen ran out for a stroll.

As soon as the master's family went out, they had their own aura, which made the old hens flutter their wings in fright, and wanted to show their prestige at first. However, the master's eyes were just like that, and the three hens trembled in fright. Yes, two hens both laid eggs.

The host's family was in a bad mood, and Wu Fu understood.

She kindly asked the couple next door to deliver eggs. The young couple saw their old hen and thanked Wu Fu, but they were still very puzzled. The old hen was a little wilted after returning, as if frightened.

"It's okay to bicker."

Li Haitang drank crucian carp soup obsessively. Only by feeding on milk can he eat more bean buns. It is even more rare for people to be fat in vain.

She and Xiao Lingchuan have always talked about one thing and another, and never quarreled. The main reason is that the savage husband can't talk to her.

"But the master is in a bad mood."

Wufu pursed his lips, and when he had nothing to do, he would make people look at the knife and make people shudder. The master has this ability.

Not only people, but also chickens.

Sure enough, two days later, Wufu heard from the neighbor that the three old hens had collectively not laid eggs.

She decided to be respectful to the master in the future, otherwise, the lethality would be too great!

Li Haitang didn't have time to worry about what Wu Fu was thinking, because she was also very busy. She had to try her best to heal Zou Guang's wife, and she also had to teach those missing women. Li Xia could handle some basic stitches.

Women can mend and embroider, and they can sew very fast. But one thing is that theory is theory, but practice is different. They are afraid that they will not be able to do it for a while when facing the injured person.

However, experience is a thing that has to be accumulated slowly, and one can't become a fat man with one bite.

Li Haitang automatically ignored the topic of Wufu, and began to think about rushing to the border town as soon as possible to study at the Zhuangzi near the border town. Usually, soldiers were injured during training, so everyone went to bandage them and get started early.

The rescue team learned the most basic knowledge, which is not difficult. Yingying and Hongli are both transparent people, and they basically memorized it after saying it twice.

Seeing this, Wufu didn't say much anymore. She still thought about going to the mountain to live for two days. The mountain is clean, and that annoying Miss Ruan won't come to make trouble.

"When she comes, you just need to maintain the superficial politeness so that she can't make a mistake."

Li Haitang also hated Ruan Mianmian very much, because of her relationship, she was too lazy to offend others directly.

"I just followed what you said, and I didn't make any mistakes, so when Ms. Ruan came, I praised her." Beautiful, witty, generous, Wu Fu doesn't know many words, and she has worked hard to praise her again, but the consequence is, Ruan Mianmian came more often, how could this be broken?

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