In the clean room, filled with heat, Xiao Lingchuan stood beside the bathtub, wanting to help, but unfortunately his wife was so comfortable that he sighed, so he didn't even give her a look.

Since giving birth to confinement, he has not found the opportunity to accompany his wife to take a bath.

It has been several months, and the time to eat meat is pitifully rare.

"Husband, if you want to serve me well, how would it feel?"

Li Haitang laid her hands beside the bathtub, her face full of intoxication.

In fact, finding someone is a matter of luck, and Qilin's eyes are the same. Many people have tried their best to inquire about the news, but she doesn't care about it. Zhang Ruyi gave her a ruby ??as a gift.

This is a matter of luck, others are not as lucky as her.

"Miss, you'll know right away."

Xiao Lingchuan was ready. In the past, the husband and wife would please each other, but now it was him alone. Xiao Lingchuan had no experience in this area.

However, seeing Li Haitang's little face flushed red by the water vapor, he couldn't wait any longer.


Soak in hot water to wash off the tiredness of the whole body. A few drops of fragrance dew are added to the water to fill the clean room with the scent of flowers and soothe the mood.

Li Haitang nodded, and stopped thinking if she couldn't figure it out, so as not to waste too much brain cells, anyway, the matter will always be resolved, she is not in a hurry, take her time.

The savage husband's burning eyes stayed on her body all the time. Li Haitang moved uncomfortably, always feeling that she was about to be eaten dry. She didn't want to delay too long, so she quickly got out of the tub and used dry Wipe yourself with a towel.

She is still breastfeeding now, her bust is soaring, Xiao Lingchuan's body is even hotter just by looking at it.

He gave Li Haitang a meaningful look, which immediately made her feel extremely shy. Old couples, even making hints, are shy!

The husband and wife were eyeing each other when they heard a "dong" sound at the door.

Seeing this, Xiao Lingchuan frowned, turned black immediately, put on a coat and opened the door, saw Yun Jinghong sitting on the ground in a daze, beside the firewood kicked down by him in the courtyard, rolling down everywhere.

"In the middle of the night, you don't sleep..."

Xiao Lingchuan rubbed the center of his brows, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible without any ups and downs, in his heart he wished he could just throw him out.

"Brother Xiao, if I leave the soldiers and brothers of the Northland behind and go out to find Tassel, will it be useless?"

Yun Jinghong sat on the ground and smiled wryly. If there was no tassel, it would not be impossible to accept the family's arrangement. Wandering between life and death, he found that he wanted more.

Liusu is a good girl, he made her lose her innocence, a man has to be responsible.

Xiao Lingchuan: ...

What does this have to do with finding tassels, haven't you been useless all the time?

Thinking like this in his heart, he couldn't say that, so he remained silent.

Xiao Lingchuan had changed his attitude towards the person who used to look down on the love of his sons and daughters the most. People don't have the seven emotions and six desires, so they don't live like human beings.

"Brother Xiao, I want to find Liusu."

Yun Jinghong had a drink break, this kind of emotion was incomprehensible to others, he had never met such a reckless and independent woman, Tassel was different.

"The war between the two countries is about to break out. If the soldiers know that the lord is not there, the morale of the army will be slackened, and they will not recover on the battlefield. How many innocent people will die?"

Morale is the soul of Daying in the north of the city, and it represents a kind of spirit. Only when you go with hope will you be able to work hard.

There are several shackles on Yun Jinghong's body, and it is precisely because of this that he cannot make random decisions, and it is also painful because of this.

He sat on the ground looking at the stars, then glanced at Xiao Lingchuan who was blowing the cold wind with him, and asked, "Brother Xiao, if you were me, what would you do?"

"I'm not as good as you are."

After a long silence, Xiao Lingchuan finally replied.

He didn't directly destroy Liusu's innocence like Yun Jinghong, he didn't pay attention to women at all at that time, after marrying Haitang, he just saw her wearing underwear, taking advantage of her was not so thorough.

In this way, the two hit it off and got married not long after the witness of the county master.

"Brother Xiao, don't laugh at me."

Yun Jinghong was suffering in his heart, and he couldn't express his suffering, so he said sadly, "If you were me, you would also be like this, indifferent?"

"I can't be you."

You don't know the pain until someone runs away, so what did you do?

Xiao Lingchuan thinks that he is not that cowardly, and his purpose is extremely clear, a lady is more important than everything else.

Seeing Yun Jinghong staring at him with his mouth open, Xiao Lingchuan had no choice but to tell the truth and sent him back to the room, he still wanted to make out with his wife.

"If I were you, I'd find someone."

There is almost no suspense about this question.

"But brother Xiao, you just said that a man should put the overall situation first, and you can't..."

Yun Jinghong opened his mouth even wider, he felt that his mind was a little unclear.

"I'm not wrong. My wife is my overall situation, so the overall situation is the most important."

The family, the country, the world, and the family affairs can't be handled well. How can you lead an army and command thousands of troops? Distracted by a trivial matter, can the lives of soldiers be handed over to such generals casually?

Xiao Lingchuan is completely double-standard. Anyway, others have nothing to do with him. He will not lose a piece of meat even if he dies. If his wife runs away, it will be a major change!

The husband and wife separated for half a month, and he spent every day in suffering, let alone this feeling.


Yun Jinghong wanted to say something, but because he was too noisy, he lost his voice.

Hearing the noise, Wufu poked his head out of the room and was watching the fun with great interest. Look, so handsome, is he afraid that he won't be able to marry a wife?

Little General Yun, he is a lover!

She still wanted to hear what was said later, but the master attacked and knocked the person unconscious.

"Is it exciting? What are you doing in a daze? Drag people into the room."

Xiao Lingchuan ordered Wufu to let Yun Jinghong delay for such a while, the lady can't fall asleep, right?

"Yes, Master."

Wu Fu blinked, always felt that the host's temper was a bit big today, and he made a bad face several times in a row.

Xiao Lingchuan nodded, and was about to enter the door, when suddenly, heart-piercing cries came from the small room next to the main room.

In the room, Li Haitang was applying ointment in front of the mirror, when she heard the sound, she stood up immediately, put on her clothes and rushed out, her little bun cried!

Xiao Lingchuan's forehead twitched, he exchanged a glance with his wife, and they entered the door one after another.

Doubao sleeps, wakes up in a dream, her eyes are red, her face is squeezed together, looking wrinkled.

"Mother's bean bag, don't cry, don't cry."

Li Haitang touched the bottom, it turned out that it was bedwetting, and the little bun pouted, crying pitifully.

Li Haitang quickly changed the diaper, asked Nanny Yu to fetch water and scrub it, then held the bean bag in her arms and coaxed the little bun to sleep. She thought of modern divine comedies, lullabies to help sleep, humming, and seeing Xiao Baozi slowly closing his eyes, she felt relieved.

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