Li Haitang chatted with his master and servant, while Xiao Lingchuan just took Song Qingyang to the yamen to inquire about news.

"Brother Xiao, why did you suddenly transform into a bandit from Sunset Mountain?"

When Liang Bo heard that someone was looking for him, he basically guessed it. Yesterday he threw the people from the Gu family into the yamen. This morning, he brought people to ransack the house and sealed off all the shops of the Gu family.

Liang Bo just took a breath, and was about to ask the county magistrate about the trial status of the case.

The victim Wu Shusheng, according to Gu Dajiao, should be dead. Anyway, there is not much difference between death and death, either a decisive decision or exile in the northwest.

As for Master Gu and Mrs. Gu, shielding Gu Yu is also a serious crime.

Overnight, the Gu family collapsed, unbelievably fast.

Everyone knew that the Gu family was related, but they didn't expect that after committing a crime, they wouldn't even give them a chance to relax. Everyone speculated that the Gu family had offended a big shot.

I'm not afraid that the other party has something to do with it, but I'm afraid that the person you bully is tougher than you!

"It's a long story, I'm going to the northwest."

When Xiao Lingchuan saw Liang Bo, the two faced each other with fists. This is a unique etiquette between brothers. Even though they haven't seen each other for many years, their feelings are still the same.

"This is the boss of Sunset Mountain?"

Liang Bo turned his head and greeted Song Qingyang without neglecting him. Although he is an official and is opposed to bandits, it's just superficial. It's not that he didn't do low-level business back then, so he doesn't reject it.

"Don't dare!"

Song Qingyang cupped his fists and laughed heartily, as long as he was not facing a woman, he was still very sociable.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries, and when it came to the Gu family, they almost didn't need to worry about it, Liang Bo took care of it alone, as for the silver obtained from the house raids, Wu Shusheng was allocated a hundred taels, and the rest was used as military supplies for the army in the north of the city.

Recently, the war has been tense. Outside the border city, the two countries have fought several times. Daqi's army has lost morale and suffered a lot of hidden losses.

"My cousin was treated by Dr. Li without money."

Song Qingyang refused. Although they don't have much background in Sunset Mountain, they don't pay attention to a hundred taels, especially since the other party helped a lot, he can only be grateful.

"Brother Song, we are following the procedures. Don't worry, I'm here. Sunset Mountain will ensure your peace!"

Liang Bo had heard about Sunset Mountain. The caravans in the past paid a toll to buy the road, but they didn't hurt their lives.

"Brother Xiao, Mrs. Sister-in-law is not bad!"

Liang Bo praised Li Haitang a few words, and the name of Li Miracle Doctor was widely known around the Northland. When he heard that Xiao Lingchuan was going to the Northwest, he frowned disapprovingly, "It seems that the Chinese New Year is almost here. Fengshuang, can you go on the road at this time?"

"It's okay, I'll figure it out."

With Song Qingyang around, Xiao Lingchuan couldn't speak deeply, the corners of his mouth twitched when he thought of the method his wife was going to use.

Song Qingyang didn't go down the mountain alone this time, he also brought his two younger brothers with him casually. Those two were flattering.

Taking advantage of the interval between the three people's shopping, Xiao Lingchuan briefly talked about Song Qingyang's fear of women, but did not mention his previous experience.

"Didn't you say he has a habit of cutting off sleeves?"

Liang Bo rubbed his chin, or he couldn't come. In short, some rumors were groundless.

Mrs. sister-in-law is a genius doctor, so there should be a solution.

This fear of women sounds unbelievable, but it didn't develop overnight. How could it take half a day to solve it?

There is a saying that a heart disease requires heart medicine, but unfortunately, there is no place to sell heart medicine.

Just like Liang Bo, he had an older brother who died for him back then. After a few years, his self-blame has not diminished at all, but has accumulated and deepened. He owes his elder brother his life!

Up to now, he doesn't have the face to go back to the village to see his parents. He only sends someone back every month to send some food and money.

Parents don't blame him, but he can't feel at ease. It's obviously his fault, but let his relatives bear it.

"It's useless for you to think too much about the past. Hurry up and have a son. In the future, a son will be adopted under your elder brother's name. After a hundred years, the incense will not be broken."

As brothers, Xiao Lingchuan saw through Liang Bo's mind at a glance. In the past, he would be sullen, silent, drinking with Liang Bo.

Liang Bo opened his mouth in surprise, and then closed it again. He really didn't expect that a taciturn person would comfort others, and he said it clearly. Brother Xiao, I'm afraid he was influenced by his wife.


There was no change on Xiao Lingchuan's face, but there was a smile in the depths of his eyes, it was indeed his wife who changed him little by little.

He was just talking to his familiar brothers.

"By the way, where is the largest flower house in the county? It needs more girls."

Xiao Lingchuan glanced at the sky and thought of the lady's explanation, which must be completed as soon as possible.

Liang Bo's complexion immediately changed. It's okay for the elders to go to the flower building to have a good time. The problem is, the sister-in-law is a genius doctor, and she is such a nice person. Will Brother Xiao hurt her if he goes to have fun?

"Brother Xiao, why don't you just guard yourself like a jade, those girls in Hualou..."

Seeing the man jumping up without shame, Liang Bo mustered up his courage and persuaded him.

"Well, I won't go, you go."

Xiao Lingchuan was worried that he couldn't find someone to run errands, so he immediately pushed the matter to Liang Bo.


Liang Bo pointed at himself, as if to make sure that there was something wrong with his ears, seeing Xiao Lingchuan nodding, he couldn't laugh or cry, he was having fun, he hadn't heard of anyone who could replace it!

"You go find a dozen girls in one room, and then I catch Song Qingyang and throw them in."

Xiao Lingchuan held back his laughter, and when the time came, he would send someone to guard the door, and there was no need for anything to happen, just let the girls come to his side to make do.

Then, slowly observe his reaction.

Anyway, Song Qingyang's goal was to not be afraid of women and to be able to contact them, so Li Haitang made a bad move, an extreme method.

Other little ladies want to be famous, but after much deliberation, they can only send people to Hualou.

"So, are you here to do this?"

Liang Bo trembled, and thought to himself, he would not dare to offend his wife if he offended anyone. Seeing that he made the Gu family angry yesterday, now he is going to punish the bandit boss.

Unexpectedly, others are particularly convinced of her.

"Yes, the girl should look for more. Your sister-in-law told me that it is best to have fat, thin, tall and short."

After Xiao Lingchuan finished speaking, he pushed Liang Bo away, and waited for the news at the same place, and when the other side was confirmed, he would arrest people there.

Actually, why bother? It's not good to chatter on the street. For convenience, the lady gave him drug powder.


Liang Bo smacked his lips, really didn't know how to comment, but he suddenly felt the joy of watching the excitement, thinking about Song Qingyang's future reaction. Just now, Song Qingyang went to the grocery store and almost passed an old lady, but he quickly avoided, his face turned blue.

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