No one is born to know everything, listen more, learn more, Li Haitang feels that Li Duanleg and Wang Ermazi can be cultivated, and they will definitely be able to be independent in the future.

Although the two of them were engaged in the business of robbing houses and houses, it was rare that they were pure and kind-hearted, and they were very loyal and had a steelyard in their hearts. Therefore, Li Haitang was willing to entrust them with important tasks and trust them.

Taking a step back, if it doesn't work, it will only be a little financial loss to her, and she can afford it.

"Miraculous doctor Li, since you think highly of our brothers, let's try."

Li Kuangji agreed without delay, and the two of them tidied up and planned to rush to the capital in the next two days.

It's just that in this way, I'm afraid I'm going to celebrate the New Year on the road.

"It's nothing, it's all about drinking and eating meat, it's the same wherever you celebrate the New Year."

Wang Ermazi saw that Li Kuangji agreed without hesitation, so he didn't shirk anymore. The two brothers went on the road, and there was always a discussion.

Here, Li Haitang briefly talked about the local conditions and customs of Kyoto. Although she has never been there, she has read a lot of travel notes. In addition, Miss Zhang and her cousin Ruan Pingzhi didn't mention it, so she generally knows something about it.

"Once you encounter difficulties, go to the Ruan Mansion and find the young master Ruan Pingzhi."

After reading that letter, Li Haitang wanted to contact his cousin. There was an inside story in the middle, and the handwriting was scribbled, and it was written in a hurry.

Ruan Pingzhi also thought of the possibility of the letter being opened, so the wording in the letter was ambiguous.

"He goes to the Imperial College to study every day, so..."

Looking for a chance, cousin should have two trustworthy people by his side, but you must not go to the Ruan Mansion to find someone, as it is easy to be targeted.

"Master Li, don't worry, I know this."

Li short legs clenched his fists, and after finding someone, he made a hint first, and decided on the next step after seeing the other person's attitude.

Going northwest on this trip, the sky is full of yellow sand. It is said that when the wind blows, the yellow sand can fascinate people's eyes.

The robbers on the mountain had never seen the big world, and they could chat with the robbed occasionally to inquire about the local customs and customs outside. Li Haitang also admired this way of getting along.

"Also, what, it's called a desert!"

The two knew very little. In short, the northwest was barren and poor. The caravan transported some dried camel meat. When those people saw pork, their eyes lit up.

In the end, Li Shortlegs and the others couldn't bear to do something and didn't say anything. Instead, they took a pig thigh weighing more than ten catties.

"Oh, I've never eaten pork, how dare I rob it!"

In their eyes, if they have never eaten pork, they must be poor enough.

The people live in hardship, and the local water is short of water. They can only hope that more water will be stored when it rains all year round, and there are also businessmen who dump the soil.

But the weather there is not good, and if I want to grow some green vegetable leaves, I can only prepare the house alone.

Just like the Northland Greenhouse, a large square grid is made of wooden boards, filled with soil, watered and planted.

Li Haitang rubbed his chin, he could bear everything else, not taking a bath. The yellow sand hits the face all day long, and there is no water to wash, so when you come back, you will not be a clay figurine?

However, since there is no possibility of changing the decision, let's be firm!

At noon, before Xiao Lingchuan and his party returned, Li Haitang had an extra meal, and then went to Wu Qi's house.

Although Wu Shusheng is a scholar, he is recovering very quickly. The wound from yesterday is slowly healing. He is sitting on the kang, holding a comic book in his hand.

Wufu was sitting beside him, and the two got along in a surprisingly harmonious way.

Li Haitang stood at the door, thought for a while, and took a step back. Anyway, there is no rush to change the medicine, so she should not bother her!

"Miraculous Doctor Li!"

She was just about to turn her head to leave when Wu Qi spotted her, and hurriedly shouted, "Master Li, thank you for your kindness!"

Li Haitang was embarrassed, and the next sentence was Shi En Mo Tu repaying, so why did she want to cure diseases and save lives? Could it be that she really has such noble moral sentiments?

She didn't want to talk to this scholar, she was more troublesome than Lu Er's idiot.

Ever since she came into contact with two nerds with some brain problems, Li Haitang's impression of scholars has shown an overall downward trend. This is why she didn't need to think about it and readily agreed to her younger brother Li Jinhu.

"Master Li, I heard that Gu Dajiao was arrested by the yamen?"

Wu Qi started to move his body, with a heavy breath in his heart, he couldn't get up or down.

The most poisonous woman's heart, this is absolutely true, Gu Dajiao must have a grudge against him, that's why he is so entangled with him!

"It's good that you can think that way."

Li Haitang didn't refute, but nodded. The best way to treat a fool is to agree with his point of view and train him to be a big fool.

"But, Gu Dajiao said something inexplicable to me."

Wu Fu is a real person, and she resented Wu Qi for using her to block the gun, but seeing that he was pitiful and almost died, she didn't ask him to settle the score.

"What nonsense did she tell you?"

Yesterday, when Wu got up, Wu Fu was in the kitchen, so he didn't hear their conversation.

"He said that you should promise me with your body, and told me not to promise."

Wufu nodded seriously.

Li Haitang covered his face, although the general meaning was correct, but why did it sound so weird?


Wu Qi was stunned, dizzy.

"I said you are a scholar, don't you understand Daqi's words?"

Wu Fu stood up and shook his arms, "That means you lost your innocence and are relying on me..."

Wu Qi: ...

What is his innocence? Being entangled by Gu Dazuo will soon become the biggest shame in his life!

Li Haitang had nothing to say, she hadn't had a good rest these two days, and she was a little bit frightened, but fortunately, the bean bun didn't respond, and every meal time, the little bun started to kick her in the stomach.

"Madam, I see that your clothes are a little too small."

The inner garment was okay, but the outer garment was made into a waist-pinching style. During Li Haitang's pregnancy, she only had a long belly, but no flesh, so she only needed to let out a section at the waist.

"Yeah. I haven't slept well these days, and I don't dare to turn over at night."

In an unfamiliar environment, Li Haitang took the bed and felt no sense of security. Fortunately, she was in the arms of the savage husband every night, and she was familiar with his breath, so she could fall asleep.

Sometimes, I have to go to the cleaning room in the middle of the night, and after a while, I can't fall asleep.

"The old slave will change it for you."

Nanny Yu followed Li Haitang back to the room and took out her needle and thread. She used to be a nanny in a wealthy family, and she was good at cooking and embroidery, and she was dexterous.

As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any, Li Haitang sighed, if he is a servant, if he is not good at it, he will not be able to get the master's reuse.

"Nurse Yu, you are so skillful!"

It took only half a cup of tea, Mammy Yu put away the needle and thread, Li Haitang took it, and put it on her body, it was just a little bigger, and she was wearing it loosely.

"Old slave, I'm just used to being a servant, and I love to worry about everything." Nanny Yu wanted to take care of herself for the elderly, but there was no one in her hometown, only her nephew was not a parent, and she couldn't count on it.

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