Li Haitang opened the car window, and saw a fire in the distance.

It was clearly a big sun in the morning, but now it was dark, with thick black clouds rolling in the sky, which made people feel more dull and depressing.

Villagers light torches, and a woman is tied to a wooden stake with a swaddling baby in her arms.

Despite this, the woman still looked at the baby in her arms lovingly, her gaze full of the tenderness of a mother's love.

"???? Burn the monster to death, otherwise it will harm our Lin Family Village!"

"???? Yes, the scholar surnamed Lin is a broom star, marrying a centipede, we will have a hard time!"

In the sky in the distance, there is only a light in the clouds and the gaps in the clouds. The villagers hold torches in their hands, as if they are performing some kind of ceremony.

The open space was covered with thick white snow, and because the torch was lit, the surrounding snow melted, the soil was soft and smelly, and the surrounding area was surrounded by cold wind.

Xiao Lingchuan put a shirt on Li Haitang, and asked Li Jinhu to sit in the carriage and wait. You should not watch some scenes, for fear of leaving a shadow in the future.

Fortunately??? Fortunately, there was enough time and no tragedy was caused.

Lin???? Wanjiu pushed away the crowd and walked forward quickly, trying to untie his wife's rope.

He and his wife, Mo Lan, are engaged baby relatives. Because his family lost money in the business, the other party's parents repented of the marriage and wanted to give their daughter to a chubby member to fill in the house.

Mo Lan didn't want to, so she ran away before marriage and came to Lin Wanjiu. The two ignored the secular etiquette and got married by themselves.

I still remember worshiping the high hall that day, and there were only two empty chairs on the high hall.

Mo???? Lan has a gentle but steadfast temperament. The couple have never blushed, and their lives are plain but warm.

After marriage, under Mo Lan's persuasion, Lin Wanjiu gradually picked up books. If he hadn't kept filial piety for his parents for three years, he would at least be a scholar now.

The two ???? once thought about their future life. When he was selected as a scholar, they would move to the city, away from the herd of animals in Linjiacun.

Lin Wanjiu finds a school to enlighten the little baby, and Mo Lan does needlework for the embroidery workshop. Life can't be said to be rich and expensive.

All this??? was shattered at the moment of her daughter's birth. The mother-in-law was holding the baby, wanting to fall to her death, and shouted "Monster!"

Because the child was born with six fingers on the left hand, according to folklore, a child with six fingers is a disaster, and the ominous sign will bring disaster to the whole village.

Not only that, but there was also a birthmark on Xiaowa's right leg, which looked like a crawling centipede. Granny Wen turned pale with fright, and everyone in the village knew about it.

Soon, Lin Wanjiu's daughter was transformed into a goblin. Rumors spread rapidly, and the village chief decided to burn Mo Lan and Hai'er to death when someone provoked her.

Only when there are monsters can evil seeds be born.

People in the village have been plotting, but a woman went back to her natal home and told her parents that it just so happened that the old couple had been favored by the Lin family.

In the middle of the night, he secretly reported to the Lin family. Lin Wanjiu was startled, angry and frightened, so he decided to sell books during the day in exchange for the expense of leaving this place.

Who would have thought that after he left, the villagers would act ahead of time and arrest her wife and child.

"??? What do you want to do!"

Lin Wanjiu was pushed to the ground by the villagers. During the struggle, he ate a lot of dirt and looked embarrassed.

"??? Be honest, your daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law are all monsters, you're good if you didn't burn to death!"

The villager sneered, plausibly saying, "It's because of your monster that the luck of the village has been ruined! Look at the cold weather this year, it's not normal. It snowed a few days ago, and two houses in the village collapsed!"

The two collapsed houses were formerly occupied by extinct households in the village. After the people left, the houses were taken back by the village to store some farm tools.

The people in the village just like to think about it. Now that anyone's family has bad luck, it all depends on Lin Wanjiu.

"???? Yes, burn the monsters to death! Otherwise, this year will be difficult!"

The villagers held torches and spoke with one voice, loudly.

The cold wind raged, and Mo Lan's hair was blown away. Her hair was flying around in a strange way, and she looked at everything with cold eyes.

After seeing her husband being pinned down, Mo Lan's eyes glistened with tears, and the light of the torch shone on her face. She firmly said, "You will definitely suffer retribution, and I will curse you for generations to come!"

"Bitch, you will go to **** if you are burned to death!"

Someone stepped forward and gave Mo Lan two slaps. In an instant, Mo Lan's cheek was swollen, showing a clear five-fingerprint, and the corner of her mouth was bleeding.

"The time has come, burn!"

The villager waved his hand and ignored it at all. Lin Wanjiu's eyes were bloodshot, and he knelt down on the ground and shouted heart-piercingly, "No!"

Bai Wuyi is a scholar, he really felt the despair, seeing the tragedy in front of him, but he was helpless.

"...slow down!"

Li???? Haitang cleared her throat. It was the first time she saw a farce, and her heart felt a little uncomfortable. This scene had never appeared in TV dramas before, so she met it.

"?? Go, bring the baby girl and show me."

Li?? Haitang leaned on Xiao Lingchuan's body, commanding the villagers watching from a high position.

The villagers of Lin Family Village heard the sound and all looked over. They were very annoyed at the intruder and wanted to curse a few words, but they saw that the legs of the man next to her were trembling, and they dared not continue to be rampant.

Li Haitang coughed twice, showing a calm and prestige, and glanced around. The villagers shrank their necks and fell silent.

"? Who are you? This is about the Lin family village, and has nothing to do with outsiders!"

Before the Chinese New Year, the monster must be eliminated to let the villagers have a good year. The village chief is very upset about the intruders.

"???? People in the world manage the affairs of the world."

Li Haitang spoke absent-mindedly, she glared at the village chief, and said angrily, "I'm blinding you, I'm the famous doctor Li!"

Someone should say this line for her, so that she can show her majesty, it is best to have a dog leg.

Li Haitang looked around, the younger brother was sitting in the carriage, and the savage husband had a cold face, he would definitely not cooperate.

It seems that when she becomes rich in the future, she needs to find a maid who understands winks and has a sharp mouth, as her spokesperson.

Seeing this, Xiao Lingchuan knew that the lady was out to meddle in her own business. He went to the front, took the little bun from the woman's arms, frowned and said, "My lady, she is indeed born with six fingers."

The baby girl was very small, almost weightless in her arms, her cry was weak, like a kitten, she was tired from crying, panting with her mouth open.

This kind of disease is not very rare. It is caused by chromosomal abnormalities. At most it is a deformity. It will not affect the future life at all, and it cannot cause other complications. As for the monsters and ominous omens, it can only show ignorance Idiots think too much. There is no pollution in this era, the chance of birthing deformed children is low, the villagers are ignorant, and everyone is afraid of "monsters". Li Haitang understands that at most people will be driven out of the village, but mother and daughter are burned to death, which is too much!

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