"Why? Judging by the year of inscription, it is indeed an ancestral thing."

Li???? Haitang hesitated for a moment. From the current point of view, transcribing is the best way. She can learn the above medical knowledge, which is not attractive to others.

"Oh, it's hard to say."

The scholar saw that Li Haitang had a kind face, while Xiao Lingchuan looked cold, but he didn't look like a bad person. He was suffering in his heart and wanted to find someone to talk to, so he unconsciously confide in his heart.

His real name is Lin Wanjiu, and his family lives in Linjia Village not far from the town. His family originally owned a small property, but later his family fell down, his parents contracted a serious disease and died, leaving him as an only seedling.

Everyone in the village said that his family had done immoral things in the past, so they were punished, and they talked behind their backs, and he would also be infected with a serious disease and die.

Lin???? Wanjiu is a scholar who doesn't listen to anything outside the window. He admits death and has been rushing for exams for many years. He is in his twenties, and he is still a child.

After he accidentally heard the rumors, he was so angry that he asked the gossip woman in the village to argue, because of this, many lawsuits broke out.

The ancients were superstitious, and what they feared most were swearing and cursing.

They all said to be forgiving and forgiving, but Lin Wanjiu was upright, and when he thought of his dead parents, he couldn't help crying, and in a rage, he ran to the Yamen to sue the officials.

As a result, it naturally aroused the hatred of everyone in the village. Those people would defecate and urinate outside Lin's house at every turn, or scribbled and painted coffins on the door with black paint. Play ghosts to scare people.

"??? Really nothing."

Li Haitang was dumbfounded. She thought of the common scene on modern TV, where someone owed a huge amount of usury, and someone wrote with red dye on the door of their house. The color was like blood, and it was creepy to watch.

The scholar is sad enough that his parents are infected with a serious disease, and the villagers still want to stab his heart with knives. Li Haitang thinks of his family's best products, which is also very sad, and he is in a state of sympathy, so he asks, "Is it your family? Owe the villagers money?"

"??? My parents used to be in business and had little savings. People in the village came to borrow food and money, and they never refused."

Lin Wanjiu swallowed bitterness. His parents were weak and kind. Later, when his family fell into poverty, he tried his best to help the villagers. Unexpectedly, he was slandered by rumors after his death, and his kindness would not be rewarded. If his parents could hear , how chilling it must be.

Dou Mien, bear Michou, Li Haitang understands that a person always gives, and if things go on like this, he will be taken for granted.

In her opinion, the Lin family village is a bunch of white-eyed wolves, so it doesn't matter if they don't stay in the village.

"So, you want to leave, where are you going?"

It is not easy for people with a family to live outside. When they leave their hometown, they have to face a new environment. Besides, the Chinese New Year is approaching. This big family can only walk on the road.

Perhaps it was because the medical books made Li Haitang such a treasure, she was more concerned about Lin Wanjiu, thinking that her family's medical clinic in Lucheng would open in the next year, and she needed a good accountant.

"The world is so big, why do you call it home?"

Lin Wanjiu was sour with a few poems, and continued, "Little lady, if you buy the book, I will leave today. I'm afraid it won't be safe if it's too late."

"? Oh, can you villagers not let you leave?"

Li Haitang was furious. The original owner's relatives also got help from her parents, but after they died, they quickly occupied her house, took over the fields and the house, and sold her to that crooked old man Qin Yuanwai.

She hates the white-eyed wolf who never repays her kindness the most in her life. She hates it so much! Li Haitang thought, if she hadn't been clever, her fate would have been quite miserable.

In the past???? In modern times, Li Haitang was a soft-tempered noodle guy with a lot of work pressure and limited contacts. Finally, a colleague offered her an olive branch. She cherished it very much and was willing to do what she could for the other party.

Li???? Haitang has been constantly giving, she thought that only giving can maintain this friendship.

Until one day, she worked overtime for 36 hours in a row and collapsed on the operating table. The other party called her and asked her to help with the night shift. She refused for the first time and received comments such as "delicate and hypocritical". .

Pay??? Pay so long, only such cruel words.

"???? Little lady, I am indeed cursed."

Lin Wanjiu's eyes were red, and he stood on the street crying bitterly, which attracted the people who passed by to stop.

Li Haitang's face turned black, so she would be misunderstood that she and her savage husband bullied the scholar, crying whenever she wanted, how miserable and miserable she looked.

"?? Lin family boy, why are you here, hurry back!"

A kind-hearted aunt wiped her sweat, was out of breath, and urged, "Hurry up, come back late, your daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law will be burned to death!"

After the mother finished speaking, she sat down on the ground, muttered to herself, her eyes lost her focus, and she patted her thigh, "What kind of crime is this?"


Almost instantly, Lin Wanjiu's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes gleamed with a cold light. He only came out for a short while, and someone was targeting his family members!

"? We have a carriage here, and I will take you for a ride."

Among the people talking around, many people from the nearby village kept yelling and cursing, "Those unscrupulous people in Linjia Village will be punished sooner or later!"

Lin Wanjiu nodded to express his gratitude, but he didn't care too much, so he entrusted the aunt who delivered the letter to help look at the bookstall.

Mother wiped her eyes, "Good boy, go back quickly, in case you go back late..."

As he spoke, he choked up, the old couple of the Lin family are good people, why are there so many cannibal villagers.

The situation was urgent, Li Haitang didn't care too much, let Lin Wanjiu sit on the other side of the frame so that he could guide the way, and hurried to Linjiacun.

"Sister, burn to death, what does burn to death mean?"

Li Jinhu said two words tremblingly, and the tragic scream of a woman with a baby in the fire echoed in her mind.

Da??? Qi has long banned lynching. People in remote areas may not know that burning people alive is too cruel.

What kind of enmity, what kind of resentment, can they achieve such a level!

Li Haitang leaned against the wall of the car, as if his body had been hollowed out, and suddenly lost all strength.

"?? Lady, everything is up to me."

Xiao??? Lingchuan poured a glass of water, opened the cakes that had been prepared in the carriage, and asked Li Haitang to eat something.

Originally, she didn't intend to be nosy, all she could do was copy the ancestral home and return it to the original owner, just in time, that's all, let's see what's going on, she is the Dr. Justice was upheld at the critical moment, Li Haitang comforted himself in this way.

The aunt said just now that Lin Wanjiu's wife and child were going to be burned to death. This is too cruel. It's unheard of and unseen. She has to thank Mrs. Li for selling her instead of killing her!

Lin??'s village was not far away, and in less than half an hour, the carriage entered the entrance of the village.

There is no one in the village, and the doors of every house are open, but no one can be seen standing in the yard. Lin Wanjiu was already on the verge of collapse, barely controlled himself, and pointed in a direction, there was an open space over there, where the village held meetings on weekdays.

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