A small bet is happy, a big bet hurts the body.

Tiger Kuang understands this. The bets used in the gambling are all products of Origin Mall.

Now that the boss agreed, the customers naturally participated in it.

Well, they are also very interested.

"It's time to bet! Everyone has their own handicap, everyone must look carefully!" Hu Kuang yelled.

"You can't miss the opportunity and don't come again, everyone choose the person you want to bet on." Yao Ziyue was also mixed in it.

Many demon beast royal families participated in it.

The gambling is very popular.

"Demon Emperor! I choose Demon Emperor! A bottle of Coke!" a customer shouted.

"I also choose Demon Emperor! A bottle of Coke and a bottle of Sprite"

"I have a hunch that the Demon Emperor must win, so I choose the voiceless senior, an ice cream."

"I choose the Buddha..."

With the opening of the gambling game, Origin Mall became lively.

The yelling kept ringing.

In this regard, Yao Huichen and others, like Luochuan, did not care.

This should be regarded as a special cultural atmosphere of Origin Mall.

Basically, every customer who participates in the competition for Qiongyelu places has someone bet, but the number is different.

Ji Wuhui, Chu Jingtian and many other customers who asked the realm of Dao, the bettors were basically some of their subordinates.

After all, it doesn't look great if no one has placed a bet.

Demon Emperor and Buddha Lord are the most popular.

The second is Qingyin, Yaohuichen, Wen Tianji and others.

This matter also greatly diverted the attention of customers.

Originally, they were all urging Luochuan for more...

Before long, the battle for Qiongyelu ended perfectly.

The final winner is unvoiced.

She withdrew from the game and stood up, her cold face couldn't help but a smile appeared: "Accepted."

There was a sigh among the customers.

There are also a small group of people excitedly and come to the gaming table to pick up their things.

"Boss, have you updated?" Yao Ziyue happily came to the counter and asked happily.

She is in a good mood.

As one of the shareholders of the game, she got a lot of good things.

"Updated." Luo Chuan nodded.

Not only the demon Ziyue, the rest have been paying attention to the expressions of the customers here becoming excited, and then they took out their magical phones.

After paying for Lingjing, start browsing new chapters.

Under the "immersive experience", every reader is immersed in it.

For a time, the hustle and bustle of Origin Mall disappeared.

"Boss, I'll buy the jelly lotion." Qingyin came to the counter, holding the jelly lotion in his hand.

Pass the space ring to Yao Ziyan.

Yao Ziyan took it and collected one hundred thousand spiritual crystals from it.

Luo Chuan stopped her when he took back the space ring and was about to leave.


"Huh?" The voiceless expression was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

"How are your accomplishments in temperament?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Tianlan Continent is top." Qingyin replied.

Practicing to the current state with rhythm as the core, she is qualified to say such things.

I don't know what the boss is asking this for.

"I have something I want to ask you." Luo Chuan said.

"The boss is straightforward." Qingyin said.

Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan curiously, even she didn't know what the latter wanted to do.

"Rongguang still lacks a piece of music. I wonder if you have the time and interest?" Luo Chuan asked.


The voiceless voice was stunned.

I thought of watching the second test scene before.

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