"It will be updated later." Luo Chuan said.

The three sighed and began their daily purchases in the Origin Mall.

Today is a little bit more special, it is the day when Qiongyelu is on the shelves.

As before several times, Wen Tianji, Yao Huichen, Ji Wuhui and others successively came to Origin Mall.

It seemed that there had been an unwritten agreement between them, and there was no first-come, first-served scene.

It hasn’t been too long since it opened, but because of this, many customers have gathered in the shop early.

Every time, customers above these realm venerables competed for the right to purchase Qiongjianglu, and the rest of the customers did not show the slightest dissatisfaction.

Not to mention whether they can afford it, even if they can afford it, they won't get involved.

All in all, this is the mentality of these practitioners.

Bu Lige posted a post called "Boss Quotations" before, and there is still a lot of popularity.

Those two sentences had a lot of impact on the customers, but that was all.

Deep-rooted thinking cannot be changed with just a few words.

"Old rules?" Yao Huichen said with a smile looking at the people around him.

He bought the jelly lotus last time, and he was shocked after drinking it.

Compared with the Jie Qianshou that I brewed, it is completely dross!

"Of course it's the old rules." Wen Tianji smiled.

"I hope you will show mercy to your seniors for a while." Ji Wuhui also said.

"It's impossible to be merciful." Fan Chengtian shook his head, "I haven't bought it once, this time I must grab it!"

Ji Wuhui smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In these few competitions for the right to purchase Qiongyelu, there have also been questions about the participation of practitioners.

It is still borrowing the arena to decide the outcome, and the strength is limited to the first grade of the question.

Although it is a bit unfair, there is no absolute fairness in this world.

Can't rely on this strange way of rock-paper-scissors?

Maybe after a while, Qiongyelu will be the same as mineral water without the limitation of selling inventory.

"Qingyelu is really as good as you said?" The Demon Emperor raised his eyebrows.

"Of course!" Hu Kuang nodded repeatedly, then pointed at the demon ape, "This guy's monkey wine can't even match the root hair!"

"You guy." The demon monkey gritted his teeth, but didn't refute it because it was a fact.

"Then I am looking forward to it." The Demon Emperor smiled.

Hearing their conversation, the expressions of Yao Huichen and others became a little helpless.

They felt that there seemed to be no accidents in this competition.

It is true that the arena can set everyone's strength to be exactly the same, but the combat awareness and moves depend on the players themselves.

The Demon Emperor's strength in this area, as long as he watched the previous live broadcast, he must be impressed.

But it's impossible to admit defeat directly, right?

Although the demon emperor's strength is strong, there will be some unexpected situations if the security is not complete.

And the final judgment standard is the points system used, and they may not have no chance.

The rest of the customers are also full of interest.

"Pay attention, the gambling game has started!" Hu Kuang yelled.

Hu Kuang seems to have fallen in love with it since he had a gambling game during the last live broadcast.

Of course, he also asked Luochuan.

Luochuan doesn't matter.

The emergence of gambling has added a lot of vitality to the store environment.

And for now, it is very popular with customers.

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