Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2213: This is the power of outsiders

What is the nature of the world?

To this question, King Gulas and Elizabeth gave the same answer—the world is made of energy.

I believe this is also the perception of the world by most transcendents.

The main proof is the magic power filled in various places.

Flowers bloom and fall, sun rises and rises, birth, old age, sickness and death, battles and stars shift, and perhaps even the most subtle rules of operation have magical participation.

Magic power has long been the cornerstone of the entire universe.

From another perspective, magic is the essence of the world, and this is the understanding of the relationship between the world and magic by the vast majority of erudite transcendents.

However, according to Luo Chuan's experience, from Elizabeth's way of speaking, there should be a turning point.

"But as I learned more and more knowledge, and also studied the gods believed by various churches, the cognition that I developed when I was a human gradually changed."

Luo Chuan drank the fruit wine and listened quietly.

Indeed, as he thought, there was a turning point.

But then again...

Luo Chuan looked at Elizabeth. The lich lord had even deliberately studied the gods the church believed in. Doesn't she have any fear?

…Well, many undead and humans have very different personalities, and Elizabeth is a very significant example.

"This world may not be as simple as what we have seen."

Elizabeth stretched out her bandage-wrapped palm, as if trying to grasp something, but in vain.

"I can feel that a certain special force is trying to cover up all of this. It is preventing us from exploring the truth of the world. Even the related history is still erased in the long river of time." Elizabeth's eyes were dark. The blue soul fire swayed, "The nature of the world is definitely not as simple as energy."

Luo Chuan blinked.

Elizabeth's words are a little bit ridiculous, but the meaning is not difficult to understand.

As a lich who didn't know how many years she had lived, she had learned countless knowledge in this long life and also touched on some unknown... truth.

Luo Chuan has a special feeling. The truth in Elizabeth's mouth may have something to do with the answer he has been seeking.

But this is not the time to discuss this, and the discussion does not make much sense.

"Information." Luo Chuan put down the bottle and shook it with a finger.

"Information?" Elizabeth pondered, "Boss, do you mean that the essence of the world is information?"

She doesn't quite understand this way of describing it.

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded, and picked up the bottle that had just been placed on the table. "Take it as an example. What do you think it is?"

"Wangyou fruit wine?" Elizabeth's voice sounded a little uncertain.

Luochuan’s problem is a bit strange.

It's just like in normal times, some people suddenly ask you what one plus one is equal to. I am afraid that most people will not answer directly, but think about why they ask themselves this question and whether the other party has other purposes.

"Well, you are right." Luo Chuan nodded, "But have you ever thought about the deeper meaning of this bottle of fruit wine, its essence?"

Elizabeth stared at the bottle of fruit wine without speaking.

She was thinking about Luochuan's problem.

"First of all, this bottle of Wangyou fruit wine occupies a certain space. It has a volume. You can smell the taste it emits. It has a smell and tastes cold. It has a temperature. In addition, there are Color, speed, weight, density, location, history, cause and effect, gravitation and many other characteristics, these characteristics together make up this bottle of fruit wine in my hand.

These characteristics can also be called information. "

The speed of the soul fire jumping in Elizabeth's eyes increased a lot.

According to Luo Chuan's speculation, her expression is almost equivalent to widening her eyes now, and it is really difficult to see the expression from the skull's face.

Elizabeth's heart is also filled with surprises. If Luo Chuan said that the essence of the world is the concept of information, then these words do have extremely high credibility.

She couldn't find any objection to this.

"Everything is just a collection system of information, even the world itself, in a nutshell, is equivalent to a self-consistent and closed information system." Luochuan made a final summary, "As for you can taste from Wangyou fruit wine The taste, drink it like a human, and the reason is very simple..."

Luochuan stopped here for a while.

"You can understand that Wangyou fruit wine has an informational effect, and part of the information it carries is that it can let all users taste the taste, whether it is an undead or another creature."

Elizabeth looked at Luo Chuan quietly, she couldn't really see her inner thoughts from her face.

"Is this the power of outsiders?"

After a long time, she spoke softly.

Luo Chuan was taken aback, he really didn't know how Elizabeth thought of this direction.

"No." Luo Chuan shook his head, "You can think of it as... my strength."

The power of the system is his power, and the logic is impeccable.

That's right, that's it.

"So...I understand." Elizabeth nodded slightly, and the shadow energy turned into a veil again to completely cover her face.

Elizabeth didn't ask how Luo Chuan did it. She had a hunch that even if she asked, she couldn't grasp it at all, so she didn't waste this time.

"Boss, there will be other products after the tavern?" Elizabeth got up and prepared to leave. Suddenly remembering something, she stopped and asked again, "It's not the kind that is outside, the products that are unique to Hearthstone Tavern."

"Well, there will be." Luochuan felt as if he had met the customers of Origin Mall who urged him to put on new products, "not only drinks, but also other food."

"I'm looking forward to it." Elizabeth laughed.

Different from the harsh and weird sounds in ordinary days, the laughter was crisp and sweet, as if to be able to experience the joy in the girl's heart.

Elizabeth's figure disappeared at the door of the store, Luo Chuan was still sitting in the original position, drinking the unfinished fruit wine.

"Elizabeth is very happy. This is the second time I have heard her smile like this." The giant axe came to Luochuan's side at some unknown time, and looked at the direction of the store door with emotion in her words.

The elder of the dwarf tribe may seem crude, but his character is far from being as reckless as it seems on the surface.

"Before she became like this, she was actually just an ordinary little girl, with a heavy burden on her shoulders that ordinary people can't imagine..." The giant axe shook his head and sighed, then laughed because Luo Chuan was sitting. So patted him on the shoulder, "Forget it, don't talk about this, I am also looking forward to the new food the boss said."

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