Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2212: What is the nature of the world

In the corner of the tavern, a figure dressed in a black robe sat quietly, holding a glass of amber wine in his hand.

His face was concealed by shadow energy, completely hidden in the darkness, all the limbs exposed outside of the black robe were also wrapped in white bandages, and the whole body carried a weird aura.

When Luo Chuan saw this figure, he almost guessed her identity.

A member of the Council of the Elders, the owner of the Deadwood, a powerful lich-Elizabeth.

"Boss, Elizabeth seems to have something to do with you." The giant axe patted Luo Chuan's arm as he passed by, "I think you should go over and take a look. She has a bad temper."

In the entire Council of the Elderly, Elizabeth's character is the most irritable, not one of them.

Coupled with her great strength, basically no one will provoke her leisurely, after all, behind Elizabeth, there are the undead of the entire dead woodland.

Not to mention that when the natural disaster happened a few years ago, it injected a lot of new power into the dead woodland.

"Well, Xiaoyan told me." Luo Chuan nodded and walked in the direction where Elizabeth was.

Because of Xu's knowledge of Elizabeth's identity, coupled with the coldness that Elizabeth exudes, the surrounding area has become a forbidden zone in a sense.

Luo Chuan naturally didn't care about it, and sat down opposite Elizabeth.


Elizabeth raised the cup to Luo Chuan, and then brought it to her lips.

The veil that the shadow energy turned into disappeared, revealing the lower face, the white skeleton is quite eye-catching, and the blue soul fire is burning in the eye socket.

How should I put it, Luo Chuan just felt a little curious.

He had only seen a creature like a lich in the game, so it was the first time to see it in reality, and it brought a much greater sense of oppression than in the game.

Of course, it didn't work for him.

"Luo Chuan." Luo Chuan also briefly introduced himself, he smiled, "Of course, you can just call me the boss just like them."

In Origin Mall, many customers may not even know Luochuan's name, but only know that he is the boss.

The Hearthstone Tavern seemed to do the same, and almost none of those dwarven customers called him by name.

Speaking of it, it seemed that Yao Ziyan was the only one who called his name directly.

Well, forget it, don't want that much.

Luo Chuan quickly left these thoughts behind.

"Boss..." Elizabeth nodded slightly after hesitating, "I see."

Luo Chuan took out a bottle of fruit wine and took a sip after opening it.

Originally, he wanted to drink Coke, but considering that Hearthstone Tavern has not yet sold this kind of merchandise, he can only exchange for fruit wine for the time being.

The joyous soul fire in Elizabeth's eyes stared at the bottle in Luo Chuan's hand. She had no idea where Luo Chuan took it out, and there was no place to put the clothes on the other party's body.

This can only explain one truth, either that the opponent's strength is far beyond what she can explore, or that...

[Ah, by the way, according to the information I got, if nothing else, the true identity of the owner of the Hearthstone Tavern should be an outsider]

The words of King Gulas appeared in Elizabeth's ears.


Elizabeth is no stranger to this name, and when she first knew it, she deliberately contacted it.

Specifically, waiting for them in the forest to hunt warcraft, or perform other dangerous missions, death and injury are common in the process, when she will take the body back and turn it into an undead, many doubts will naturally be answered.

Even if the soul dissipates, the memory remaining in the body is enough to support it.


What Elizabeth couldn't understand was that even if these outsiders died, they would not leave any corpses.

Whenever night falls, it will disappear like a phantom.

In other words, it's like... doesn't exist in this world, but is the product of confusion between illusion and reality!

"So, boss, why did you open a tavern here?" Elizabeth asked the question that has been in her heart since she first knew the Hearthstone Tavern.

"Why open a tavern?" Luo Chuan took a sip of fruit wine, "Does this need a reason? If you insist, it's just pure interest."


"Yes, just like you liches always like to study all kinds of lost knowledge, dwarves like to dig into the ground, and mages like all kinds of death behaviors. My hobby is to open a shop and become a boss." Luochuan continued. The summary, "An ordinary boss who is interested in."

"It's because of interest... Ordinary boss?"

Elizabeth whispered softly, and paused slightly in the middle, obviously because she didn't quite understand the term "ordinary".

But she didn't ask much.

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded, he always called himself that way.

Just like when An Weiya asked this before, he also said the same.

Elizabeth sighed slightly (she didn’t need to breathe after becoming a lich, so it was just a formality), she decided not to entangle this obviously strange topic, her eyes fell on the wine glass in her hand, compared to other This is what she cares about most.

"There is one last question." Elizabeth drank the last liquor in the glass, and even the last drop was wrapped in magic and sent to the mouth. Only after she could not taste the taste of the food, she would understand how precious the delicious food is. Gift, "Why can the things in the owner's shop be eaten by the undead?"

Why can she taste the taste of Wangyou wine?

This is the question Elizabeth most wants to figure out.

The undead cannot eat food, and they will not digest it in the normal way. Of course, a very small number of undead still have this ability, but that is a special case.

Obviously, the wine in Hearthstone Tavern can be consumed by a lich with a skeleton body is obviously beyond the ordinary concept.

Luo Chuan was not surprised by Elizabeth's problem, Yao Ziyan had already told him about it.

"How do you say it?" Luo Chuan touched his chin, then stretched out a finger and shook it, "Do you know the nature of the world?"

"The nature of the world?"

The soul fire in Elizabeth's eyes beat a few times. Luo Chuan's extremely jumping topic made her unable to keep up for a while, but the lich lord still answered the question seriously.

"In the old days, I felt that the world was made of energy, and the most obvious manifestation was that magic power was filled everywhere in the world."

Elizabeth's words reminded Luo Chuan of the answer he gave when he asked King Gulas before, and he also gave this answer-the essence of the world is energy.

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