After Luochuan changed his clothes, Yao Ziyan also cleaned the room almost.

Luochuan doesn't have the habit of tidying up the room at any time. This work was done by Yao Ziyan a long time ago.

In fact, at the beginning, Luo Chuan refused this.

After all, the relationship between the two of them at that time was only the boss and the clerk. No matter how you looked at this kind of thing, it was beyond the scope of the clerk's responsibilities.

However, under Yao Ziyan's insistence, he could only temporarily agree.

Later...Facts have proved that the true incense law is applicable in many cases.

"I'm in a good mood today?" Luo Chuan asked while brushing his teeth, his voice sounding a little vague.

Yao Ziyan sat at the desk in front of the window, flipping through the books, and softly humming the fairy ballads she learned from Anno. Anno said before that it should be a poem to praise the goddess.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan glanced at Luo Chuan and replied with a smile, "I am in a good mood every day."

The sky is still gloomy, and the clouds are like ink.

The flood of rain water spilled from the sky, flowed freely on the eaves, streets, and alleys of the city, and finally gathered at the water inlet and discharged into the river.


Luo Chuan raised his head and rinsed his mouth.

Then spit out the water.

He grinned in front of the mirror, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Brushing your teeth in the morning and evening can keep your mouth clean, protect your teeth, and avoid tooth decay...Although he has no such setting as tooth decay now.

"Luochuan, today "Five Centimeters Per Second" shot by Xinhai Chengzi is released in Origin Mall." Yao Ziyan closed the book, put his hands on his lap and turned his head to talk to Luo Chuan.

"Released in five seconds?" Luo Chuan wiped his mouth casually, "So fast."

"Yeah, I feel that time flies so fast." Yao Ziyan sighed with emotion, "Should we go back?"

"Watching the premiere?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded.

In her opinion, the release of "Five Centimeters Per Second" is undoubtedly a very important thing.

Luo Chuan also played a very important role in this movie, and many of the plots in it were modified under his suggestion.

Xin Hai Chengzi seems not very good at telling a complete story.

This is the conclusion that Yao Ziyan came to after reading the original script of Xinhai Chengzi.

What she is good at is to show her thoughts and emotions through stories, not the story itself.

I believe Luo Chuan has also discovered this.

And Xinhai Chengzi also understood this.

Therefore, most of Luo Chuan's suggestions for amendments were adopted, which made the story more three-dimensional and harmonious, and the illusory characters were also enriched.

Luochuan is so concerned about the Second Five Movies, so Yao Ziyan feels that the premiere cannot be missed.

"When will the show start?" Luo Chuan looked out the window, the rain was still falling, and it seemed that it would not stop for a while.

It is also raining in Jiuyao City.

Perhaps this is also the similarity between two different cities in different worlds.

"Two more hours." Yao Ziyan clearly remembered the time of the first screening.

"It's not too early." Luo Chuan yawned, "Is that why you woke me up?"

"Yes, this reason is enough." Yao Ziyan said naturally.

"Good, good," Luo Chuan said perfunctorily, "I am a little hungry for what I ate this morning."

"Morning tea and soup..."

After breakfast, came downstairs.

"Haha, feel the fear of being dominated by the Flame Demon King!"

"The Holy Light will impose sanctions on you!"

"Orcs will never be slaves!"

"I don't have time to play games with you..."

The noisy words rang in his ears instantly, and Luo Chuan almost felt that he had come to the settlement of patients with secondary disease at this moment.

I don't know if it is a habit or some other reason, most dwarves always like to shout the lines of the card before using the card.

Maybe this can make you look more powerful?

Luo Chuan thinks the possibility is great.

Because of the opening of the ladder mode yesterday, the entire Hearthstone Tavern has been full of customers since yesterday, even at night. Those dwarves seem to have lost the concept of sleeping and resting.

Luo Chuan was not surprised by this.

After all, the same is true when Origin Mall just launched new products, and the popularity will gradually decline over time.

"Look at it, I must be in the legend within three days!"

"What a joke, it's just your deck, it's impossible."


"Gamble, gamble..."

Well, the dwarf is a very stubborn creature, and Luo Chuan feels that it is normal for the heat to continue.

"The boss is up?" The familiar loud voice came from behind him.

Luo Chuan looked back—he saw nothing. He lowered his head and noticed that it was the giant axe standing there.

"Well, you haven't left?" Luo Chuan was a little curious about how long the giant axe stayed in the Hearthstone Tavern.

"Leave?" The giant axe touched his beard, "I won't leave until the legend."

Luo Chuan felt that Giant Axe had completely forgotten his identity as a member of the Council of Elders and dwarven elders, and the game error was not just a matter of talking.

"What level are you now?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Haha, it's just level ten." Juaxe's mood was obviously very good when he mentioned this matter.

The ladder mode of Hearthstone Legend is divided into fifty levels, fifty to one level, and the final legend rank.

Each level requires a certain number of stars to improve. Winning a game will get stars, and losing stars will be rewarded with more stars for winning streaks.

Fifty levels, each of which is divided into a small rank.

To put it simply, it means that it will be upgraded to level 10. Even if it fails many times, it will not be transferred to level eleven, but it will not be transferred to level five, and it will not fall to level six even if it fails many times.

And so on.

"Yes." Luo Chuan opened his eyes slightly in surprise.

You know that the ladder mode was just launched yesterday, and it was from level 50 to level 10 in such a short day. Luochuan felt that the giant axe might not even have time to eat, and it was all spent in the Hearthstone game. Among.

This should be the case if you are addicted to games.

Of course, this also shows the great axe's talent in this regard.

It should be understood that most of the customers in the tavern today are dwarves, and the dwarves love Hearthstone games are self-evident. There are very few technical comparison dishes, and the ladder matching is basically carried out in accordance with equal opponents.

In this short day, the giant axe has achieved such an achievement, and it should not be so difficult for him to obtain the legendary achievement.

"Haha, good luck, good luck." The giant axe smiled and waved his hand. In this respect, he was very humble. He suddenly remembered something and asked casually, "By the way, the boss didn't say that it would launch before. Is it a new deck? When will it be?"

"Don't hurry, I'm painting now..."

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