Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2179: Birth (emphasis, emphasis, emphasis)

Absolute nothingness, even the law never existed.

This is the place of origin of everything, the absolute "zero", the source of origin, the beginning of the beginning.

Contains all possible and impossible, existence and non-existence, rationality and irrationality, order and chaos...

There is another name for this place-Void.

He was born in the void.

Since the beginning of his birth, he has been wandering in the void in unconsciousness, aimlessly, only relying on instinctive activities.

In the void, almost any orderly and non-orderly things will be assimilated by the void energy that fills it.

But he is different, he was born here.

The void is a breeding ground for him, and even those void energies that can assimilate countless things are nothing but mild "air".

He just wandered in a muddle-headed manner.

Until a certain moment, he suddenly had the consciousness of "self".

He finally realized his existence.

And at this moment, how long has passed since his birth.

It may be a moment, or it may be hundreds of millions of years. There is no concept of time in the void. Time belongs to the law, and the law is a kind of "rule of operation" in the world. The universe is also conceived by the void.

Maybe I am unique—he thinks so.

He didn't know what he was going to do, he didn't know what he could do.

So he decided to continue wandering aimlessly in the void as before.

He does not have the concept of boring, because he has been like this since the beginning of his birth, just continuing his past life.

Until one day, He noticed that somewhere in the void had changed.

The void energy there is in an unstable state, and void energy is constantly gathering here from other places, just like... something is gestating.

He became curious, observing the changes there.

After a long time, the change seemed to have reached a certain critical stage, and "material" was born.

It was a product of a conceptual level, and there was no "concept" in the void. He didn't know what was going on.

What made him even more curious was that these structures were not annihilated in the void, but gathered together in a special form, forming a structure that was strong enough to resist the assimilation of the void energy.

Singular point.

He called that little structure that way, and guarded it carefully.

No longer is an absolute "zero", the singularity has the concept of existence.

From "zero" to "one".

After a long, long time, He stayed around the singularity, "watching" the things contained in it continue to grow.

He is very curious, wondering whether the "singularity" will continue to grow, and whether it is infinite.

Until a certain moment, change happened.

The singularity exploded, and the "one" instantly expanded into countless complex information.

This information is evolving and changing at a terrifying speed, but it is closed and self-consistent, and a "shell" is formed in the outermost layer to maintain its existence in the void.

The universe was born.

"Luochuan, Luochuan..."

Luochuan felt that someone was calling himself, and the voice seemed to be coming from far away.

Then, the nose seemed to be pinched, unable to breathe.


Luo Chuan opened his eyes somewhat unsatisfactorily, and then saw a pair of bright purple eyes staying in front of his eyes, almost sticking to his face.

"Luochuan, good morning."

The girl in front of her brows showed a soft and cheerful arc, saying good morning.

"Morning, early, early..."

Luochuan responded perfunctorily.

The scene in my dream originally still had some impressions in my mind, but it quickly disappeared as the wave surged like traces on the beach.

"I had a dream."

Luo Chuan sat up, grabbed some messy hair, frowned his eyebrows, and said to the demon Ziyan who was sitting on the bed.

"What dream?" Yao Ziyan blinked, curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

If it is an ordinary dream, there is no need to mention it at all.

Could it be...Dreaming of yourself?

It seems that the possibility is very high, because if it is an irrelevant dream, Luo Chuan will not tell him.

What did you do in your dream? Could it be...

Thinking of this, Yao Ziyan's heartbeat could not help speeding up slightly, and he shook his head quickly to calm himself down.

"Yawn~ Can't remember..."

Luo Chuan yawned and shook his head with half-squinted eyes.

Waking up from his sleep by Yao Ziyan, he hadn't slept enough, so naturally he hadn't noticed the change in Yao Ziyan's expression.

Demon Purple Smoke: "..."

She felt Luochuan was a little baffled.

Yao Ziyan rolled his eyes, got up to the window and opened the curtains: "Why did you tell me if you can't remember?"

"I... I don't know." Luo Chuan's eyes were a little bit dazed and confused, "It feels like it's a very important thing... How can I forget..."

He frowned and tried to think, but couldn't remember anything.

Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan's appearance, the complaint in his heart had long since disappeared, came behind him, and gently hugged him from behind.

"Don't think about it if you don't remember... I'm sorry, I shouldn't wake you up..."

Yao Ziyan's voice was apologetic. In her opinion, if she didn't wake Luo Chuan, this kind of thing shouldn't happen, and she regretted it a little.

"What can I apologize for." Luo Chuan was a bit amused. "Initially you didn't know, and there are many situations in which things like dreams are uncertain. Many dreams will be forgotten after waking up. This is because brain neurons are in the brain. What is active in the sleep state is the subconscious part. When these neurons end their active state after waking up, the related memories usually disappear..."

Yao Ziyan found that she couldn't understand Luochuan's words gradually.

But she just listened quietly, and a gentle smile gradually appeared on her face. Luo Chuan always treated her like this.

After speaking a long time, Luochuan felt that Yao Ziyan still didn't mean to leave, still holding himself behind his back, and could clearly feel the tenderness coming from behind him.

"The facial cleanser has been replaced with a brain wave pad..."

Luo Chuan whispered.

"Huh? Luochuan what did you say?" Yao Ziyan asked curiously, turning sideways without hearing what Luochuan said.

"Ah, it's nothing."

Luo Chuan coughed softly. He felt that if he explained it by himself, it would definitely make the girl into a state of embarrassment. It is better not to do this for his own personal safety.


"Really, when did I lie to you?" Luo Chuan shook his head, reminding Yao Ziyan, "What? I'm going to get up."

"Then get up." Yao Ziyan let go of his hands and sat aside, looking at Luo Chuan like this, without any intention to leave.

"I want to change clothes." Luo Chuan continued to remind.

"Then change it." Yao Ziyan's face was full of smiles, "Or...Luochuan, are you shy?"

Luo Chuan: "...Forget it, you just have to be happy."

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