Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2107: The same race I’ve never met

Bai gently hummed an unknown tune, lying on the bed and flipping through the books in front of him, his legs lifted comfortably and swayed slightly.

In the previous collection of information, she did not expect that there are so many stories about Origin Mall full of slots, such as "Ordinary Thongluo Boss", "Unsmiling Dream Venerable", "Agreeable Boss Yuan" and so on. There are mentions, but I can't understand them in vain.

Mention is mentioned, but there is no detailed explanation.

The above words even specifically give instructions.

[Hello, dear readers, certain things can only be fun when you verify them yourself. If everything is explained, it is too meaningless.

I wish you a pleasant journey in the Star Empire, a pleasant journey in Jiuyao City, and a pleasant journey in the Origin Mall. I believe the things here will certainly not disappoint you.

love you. 】

When he saw the last sentence, Bai couldn't help but laughed, very happy.

It seems that the author of this book is also an interesting guy.

How did you come up with the Q version of the little fox than love? It looks so cute.


The room reverberated with beautiful and melodious singing, but it was a pity that no one had the chance to listen.

After the eldest sister left that year, she had traveled in Tianlan Continent for a long time, and things that were dismissed by ordinary cultivators and extraordinary powerhouses, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etc. were all involved.

I firmly believe in a word, do not overwhelm you with more skills.

There is no need to abandon these arts for the sake of so-called face. The eldest sister once said that art can cultivate sentiment. Being a monster does not necessarily have to like disputes and drink blood.

All in all, she likes it enough.

I opened my mouth and yawned. I saw the time on the wall from the corner of my vision, and opened the curtains to look outside.

The sky was gleaming with stars, the bright white moon hung high in the night sky, and the deep black darkness enveloped the entire earth. In the distance, scattered lights could be seen vaguely, and I wanted to come to some people who lived here.

Draw the curtains, close the books and put them aside.

Bai stretched out deeply, lay on the bed and covered the quilt, raised his arm to turn off the light switch, the light gradually dimmed and was eroded by the darkness of the night.

The eyes also fell into darkness, slowly adapting to the changes over time, and what they saw gradually became clear.

"good night…"

Bai whispered to himself, and slowly closed his eyes.

[The Qichuan station has arrived, please get off as soon as possible for passengers who need to get off the bus, thank you for this ride, and wish you a pleasant journey; the Qichuan station has arrived...]

[Welcome to take this rail train, the terminal station of Jiuyao City, is expected to arrive the next night...]

(Luochuan and the others went to Anvia for a straight flight, naturally the rail train cannot do that)

The extremely penetrating broadcast sound echoes in the corridors of the entire rail train, and even the sound-proof array is completely unstoppable. I think it is specially set up in this way to prevent passengers from passing the station.

The curtains shook slightly, and the fragments of golden sunlight fell through the gaps into the room, and the fragments of light and shadow illuminated the scenery in the room.

In the center of the room is a big white bed, and pure white bedding is piled up in a mess, with a slight bulge in the middle, as if something is buried under it.

Xu Ye heard the sound, the unknown object squirmed a few times, and the white snow-like arms came out of it, completely opening the soundproof formation.

The broadcast sound disappeared.

After doing all this, the arm retracted the quilt, and it seemed that its owner had once again entered a deep dream.

Time also fell into silence here.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, or maybe a few hours. The quilt trembled a few times, and then it was slowly lifted. The girl with scattered hair was sitting there, stretching out her hand to rub her wistful eyes.

The clothes were messy, revealing a piece of white fragrant shoulders, but he didn't even notice it.

Anyway, she is the only one in the room, so she doesn't need to care about the image. Naturally, she is free and comfortable.

Stretching deeply, she moved to the window and opened the curtains. The bright golden sunlight instantly filled her sight. The girl couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly. The vertical pupils also shrank suddenly, and then slowly changed into a human appearance.

"It's still early..."

Bai murmured, but he did not pull the curtains up again, and started looking for clothes in the storage equipment. According to the introduction in the booklet, he should be able to reach Jiuyao City in a few days.

I slept soundly at night, and I had a dream of living with my eldest sister a long time ago.

Get your clothes ready, get up and go to the bathroom to wash, and prepare everything today to avoid unexpected situations.

The rising sun shone pale golden glow, the blue sky was as clear as washing, and the gentle breeze was blowing, mixed with the elegant fragrance of flowers that came from nowhere, and there was a curl of smoke rising from the distant streets. I thought it was. Some early shop was making food.


"Morning, do you want breakfast? I'll go to Yuangui's shop to buy it."


"Bring me a copy too, thank you."


Yao Ziyue waved her hand, left the Origin Mall, and walked towards Yuangui's shop outside the alley.

This is basically the normal state of the early morning during this period of time.

Come to the Origin Mall early, or simply not leave at night.

Yao Ziyue and Yao Ziyan talked about this, and Yao Ziyan also gave an accurate answer. You can spend the night in the store. Anyway, there are many rooms on the second floor that are vacant. It will be no problem to stay here temporarily.

"It's another new day." Qing Yuan stretched out and sighed softly.

"Yeah." Xie Mengwu responded in a perfunctory manner. She was playing Go with Bingshuang, and the situation fell into a stalemate.

Frost basically followed An Weiya on weekdays, but I didn't know what happened yesterday, An Weiya suddenly said that she had something, and then threw the matter to Xie Mengwu.

Xie Mengwu was naturally very happy about this. After a very happy night, she came to Origin Mall with Frost early.

It seems that since the boss left, this place has become a gathering place for their old customers. If you have anything to do, just think about it. Anyway, idle is idle.

"Speaking of it, did An Weiya encounter something?" After thinking about it for a long time, Xie Mengwu fell asleep, and asked Qing Yuan casually while thinking about Frost.

After getting along for so long, she has long regarded the dragon girl as a friend.

"How to put it, it's a bit complicated." Qing Yuan held a cup of coffee and drank, "In short, An Weiya is about to meet her fellow villager."

Xie Mengwu was stunned for a while to understand what Qing Yuan meant by "hometown", which made her feel a little confused: "Isn't this a good thing?"

She clearly remembered An Weiya's state last night, and she couldn't match it at all.

"That's the problem." Qing Yuan shrugged. "She didn't even know that she still had such a ‘hometown’, just like she had come out inexplicably."

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