Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2106: Say good night before going to bed


There was a busy tone after the communication was disconnected from the scales.

An Weiya looked at the scales in her hand quietly, this space also fell into a long silence, time here seemed to be stuck in stagnation, only the gray-white fog on the boundary of the distant space still surging tirelessly.

"why is it like this…"

An Weiya finally couldn't help complaining and threw away the scales, hugging the pillow and started rolling around on the bed.

After a full few minutes, he sat up and scratched his messy long hair.

Thinking of the speaker's words just now, she sighed slightly. To be honest, she still didn't understand what the speaker meant, and what was the situation of that unknown "comrade".

Thinking of this, Anvia felt a little pain in her head.

"Hey, the unknown'kind', the speaker didn't tell me what the situation was... It would be good if Origin Mall opened a branch there, and I could ask everyone directly with the magic phone... I don't know where the boss is going. , So long has passed without a message..."

It may be that a dragon is boring, An Weiya whispered to herself.

As for the origin mall, it is also a good choice. You can play mahjong and chat, but she hasn't slept for several days. An Weiya thinks she should rest early.


Opening her mouth and yawning, and couldn't help but stretch her waist, An Weiya was already feeling sleepy.

"Good night~"

She pulled the quilt that was about to fall off the bed and covered her body, An Weiya closed her eyes and whispered to herself.

The special light in the space gradually dimmed, but it did not completely disappear. The pure dark environment was actually uncomfortable, even for dragons.


There are constantly blisters coming out of the water, white water mist wafting like a light gauze, the air is filled with a faint fragrance, soft and bright light fills the room, rendering everything like a dream.

The girl fell asleep through the water with slight waves, her long black hair swayed lightly by her side with the water, which had an unreal and dreamlike meaning.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, but the strange thing was that the pupils showed a vertical shape that was absolutely not human, and then slowly sat up from the water, and a little water drop fell into the water along the white skin.

Stretch and yawn.

After a nap in the water, I just felt refreshed.

I developed this habit when I was a child, and I felt relieved to be wrapped in water. Perhaps it was because of the nature of the species? However, Bai didn't seem to have seen many people like her among other people.

But fortunately, there are enough strange things about herself, and she has already looked away.

Gently beckon your hand, the bath towel pajamas will automatically float to your side and wear them on your own. The gentle and soothing breeze blows through every strand of hair, taking away the moisture contaminated on it.

If it is white on weekdays, it may let her hair dry gradually, but now she doesn't have the thoughts. It is necessary to finish things early and sleep and rest.

Before leaving the bathroom, I did not forget to brush my teeth. Even when I had only two teeth in my mouth, I insisted on cleaning my teeth every day, because the older sister once told her about the concept of tooth decay. If that happens, the teeth will gradually become black until It is horrible to rot and fall.

As a monster born in the endless primitive jungle, he has a deep understanding of this.

After many powerful animals reach old age, in addition to encountering natural enemies and fighting among the same race, they starve to death the most.

Because at that time, they basically lost their ability to feed, and there was no way to hunt them. They could only pick up some leftovers and cold rice, which were eventually eliminated and turned into nutrients for the growth of a new generation.

He walked out of the bathroom and closed the door smoothly, and threw himself directly on the bed, burying his face in the pillow.

There is a nice smell of sunshine.

There are corresponding services at the corresponding price. Since it is the highest standard ticket, it will naturally have the highest standard experience. The rest items in the room are all brand new, so there is no need to worry about any hygiene problems.

Bai knelt and sat on the bed, with a large manual on his lap.

She got it from the service station.

It talked about the various issues of rail trains, in every aspect, including the reason and history of construction, many problems encountered and solutions, and so on.

The room was quiet and quiet, even if the train was fast, there was no sound coming from it. I think it was because the soundproofing was done well, only the rustling of pages turning from time to time.

"Hey—Is it because of the owner of Origin Mall that the rail train was built..."

Xu was feeling uncomfortable like that. Bai was already lying on the bed, with pillows under his chest, and elbows supporting his body. The white and slender calves were lifted up and shook slightly, and he was surprised when he saw a certain page in the book.

The image of a certain boss in my mind is getting bigger and bigger, and I feel that the rumors that I heard say that the boss is salted fish should be nonsense.

How could it be possible.

It's totally impossible.

"Origin Mall... Hmph, after seeing the eldest sister, you must ask her why she left suddenly. After such a long time, she hasn't looked for me once..."

Bai was muttering about his plan, but he fell silent suddenly after speaking.

The eldest sister actually told her that there weren't many things in the past.

Bai knows that the eldest sister has lived for a long, long time, maybe in this world, there is no deceased person,

Endless lifespan may not be a good thing. Watching the deceased gradually leave, but always staying alone, it's hard to endure loneliness here.

This should be the reason why the eldest sister always lives alone.

I don't want to endure the pain of parting again. I can only feel the time passing by myself. Maybe one day, the long life will come to an end and die quietly in no one's corner.

It’s like I’ve never been in this world...

Perhaps for the eldest sister, she is also just a passer-by in her life, and she will leave one day after all.

Bai propped his chin and looked forward quietly.

Suddenly laughed slightly.

Attention was again placed on the booklet in front of him, and he turned to the next page.

"I want to do so much..."

She whispered to herself.

Nothing is set in stone, even if the world will eventually come to an end, all beings can do is to be themselves, and that's enough.

Besides, Bai's character is not so sentimental.

Compared to thinking about things that don't know how many years later, Bai still prefers to look at the present, after all, she can live a long, long life, and a long life.

I started to plan what I would do after meeting my eldest sister. Should I have to prepare some gifts? What to give has become a very important question...

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