Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2088: I can bear the darkness

"Here, your plain water."


Yao Ziyan took the cup that Anno had handed over, and the light fresh water mist rose and the clear white water was unpretentious.

Anno poured himself a glass of juice, which was quite bright orange, and it seemed to be quite viscous. It looked like it had just been made with fresh fruit.

It only needs to use the hand of the mage and a few other simple magics to achieve it, something that is easy for the transcendent.

"Do you want to drink juice? There is still some left." Anno held the cup in both hands, and after taking a sip, he showed a satisfied expression.

"Forget it." Yao Ziyan smiled and shook his head.

People will always change. It may be because of enough experience that they will not discover until the end that things that are otherwise ignored and looked down upon are the absolute truth.

It's like boiled water.

An ordinary glass of ordinary hot water has an effect that no other beverage has. No matter what changes occur in the body, just drinking plain water will definitely have an effect.

This was what Luo Chuan told her.

An Nuo uttered, and didn't care much. What Yao Ziyan wanted to drink was her freedom, and her gaze fell on the book again: "Where did you see?"

"Being a guest at that boy's home." Yao Ziyan turned another page.

The illustration should be drawn in a spacious and bright living room, with ample and delicious food on the dining table. The white-haired girl is enjoying it, with a happy expression on her face.

On the other two sides of the dining table sat a teenager and a middle-aged man, thinking that the latter should be the father of the former, with a hospitable smile on his face, looking at the witch sitting opposite.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Yao Ziyan, I always feel that the middle-aged man with a blessed figure smiles a little strangely.

In addition, there was a maid who was not too old standing at the dining table, who looked similar to that boy.

Hanging her head slightly, people can't see the expression on her face, but on the hands that overlapped in front of her, it can be seen that there are many scars, both old and new.

However, the young man didn't seem to see this. He was holding the jar in his arms with a look of joy, thinking that he should be thinking about when to give it to his beloved one.

As for the beloved, I think it is the maid.

"This is a not-so-good story." Anno sighed softly, "I also understand one thing. The witch is just a traveler. She will not take the initiative to intervene in anything unrelated to her. As an actor on the stage, her positioning of herself is actually more like an audience under the stage."

"The actors on the stage and the audience under the stage..."

Yao Ziyan whispered to herself, she suddenly thought of Luochuan.

It seems that Luo Chuan is not the same as the witch in the book. To be precise, he belongs to the kind of freewheeling type. Simply put, he does what he wants without much psychological burden. seems to be no different in this way.

"Don't be spoiled, I haven't finished it yet." Yao Ziyan poked Anno's arm to remind.

"Oh." Anno looked at Yao Ziyan again immersed in the story, and soon turned his attention to Chimera.

It may be that I came to the new environment, and I was full of curiosity about the surrounding things, but it was not as sleepy as I was just now.

Now I'm dangling around in Anno's room, and from time to time I get close and smell it, as if it is patrolling its own territory. Fortunately, it does not have the habit of leaving its own mark on the territory, otherwise it may be thrown out by Yao Ziyan the next day. NS.

"Chimera, look here, there is food to eat..."

Anno was still the same as before, holding the jerky to continue to seduce Chimera, wanting to let it come to him in this way, but the effect does not seem to be very good.

The dusk is getting thicker.

Time flows quietly, and it is always quiet in the middle of the night. Everything in the city falls into silence. There are occasional lights flowing on the distant roads, and the distant buildings stand quietly like silent giants.

The night sky is shining with thousands of stars, and the number of stars is unknown to even the most knowledgeable Magister. The beautiful and mysterious starry sky can always attract countless people to follow and let mortals devote their lives to it.

Two bright moons, one big and one small, hang quietly above the night sky, and the light blue moonlight forms a slightly fuzzy halo around it, and you can vaguely see the hazy wood grain on the surface, which remains in the magnificent background of the starry sky. The long silence, the hazy moonlight of pale blue like gauze.

The moon hangs high, and the night sky is silent.

The endless sea of ??stars hangs above mortals as always, time here seems to be caught in a long cycle, day after day, year after year, only the birth and death of the mortal civilization on the ground changes, there is continuous revival of civilization, and continuous and civilized Annihilation, relative to the entire universe, is just a small corner.

The bright and soft light expelled the dark twilight, and the faint sound of unknown insects came from outside the window, but it made the night seem more and more quiet, even the rustling of the pages of the book appeared quite eye-catching.

An Nuo sits at the desk by the window, with one hand propped on his chin, and quietly looking at the dark blue night sky, the stars and the bright moon are reflected in his ice blue eyes, not knowing what he is thinking, and the other hand is stroking Chimera, lying on the table, finally paid off after the unremitting efforts of the elf girl.

Yao Ziyan was sitting on the bed with a pillow behind her back, and reading the big book with a black cover on her lap, she was completely immersed in the world described by the text.

After a long time, Yao Ziyan put the book aside and let out a sigh of relief.

"Did you finish?" Anno looked back when he heard the movement.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded.

"How do you feel?" The elf girl asked Yao Ziyan how she felt.


Yao Ziyan looked down. The page where the book was was an illustration. The boy in the painting gave the happiness in the bottle to the maid as a gift. The happiness of various colors wrapped the girl, making her unconscious. The look of surprise.

The window of the room was open, and the cool wind happened to blow late at night, turning the next page.

The girl in the maid costume was covered by shadows, biting her lip, her palms were quietly clenched, but the happiness in the bottle had disappeared. The teenager who gave the gift smiled happily. Perhaps in his opinion, it must be a blessing to make the beloved girl feel the happiness of others.

"It is indeed a story about happiness." Yao Ziyan said softly.

Perhaps it was thinking of her own life. Before she was sold and sold as a maid, the girl in the story also had a perfect family, but now everything has turned into a memory, and the reality is always cold and merciless.

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