Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2087: Happiness in a bottle

"What does this book tell?"

Yao Ziyan was sitting on the bed, with the opened book on her lap, and the white-haired **** the title page flew towards the sun. The brilliant solar corona was shining with dazzling brilliance, and she was coated with a layer of golden brilliance. Light.

"The story of the witch." Anno was teasing Chimera with a piece of dried meat. "What the witch saw and heard during her journey to the world of Koror."

"Witch's journey..."

Yao Ziyan nodded, flipping through the books at will.

Unlike the story-type books of Tianlan Continent, there are not only texts, but also a large number of colorful illustrations, which seem to be more attractive than simple texts.

"Chimera, right, come to me, I have something for you to eat."

Anno was still persevering in tempting Chimera with jerky, but the latter was so indifferent, curled up into a ball on the carpet, yawned, buried his head, and began to sleep.

Anno looked at Chimera, and at the jerky in her hand, her pointed ears slowly dropped, indicating her state of mind.

"If you don't eat, I will eat..."

The elf girl murmured a little, and delivered the jerky to her mouth. It's not a good habit to waste food.


"Well, what's the matter?"

An Nuo stood up and sat down beside Yao Ziyan.

"Which story did you read just now?" Yao Ziyan pointed to the book on his lap.

I have to say that the books in this world are also full of magical styles. It takes a lot of effort to hold a large package with one hand. You can only put it down and read it slowly. This is another difference from the Tianlan Continent books.

"Well, I'm looking for it... as if the title is a story of happiness..."

Anno took the book over, light and fluttering without the slightest effort. In this respect, he can't look at it with ordinary people's eyes.

Yao Ziyan waited quietly.

"Ah, I found it, that's it." Anno quickly turned to the story he had seen before.

Yao Ziyan looked in the direction she was pointing, and the white-haired girl in the picture should have come to a grassland full of flowers, and dropped slightly to the ground.

In front of her was a glamorously dressed teenager, holding a transparent bottle in his hand, which contained some brilliant brilliance.

"What's in it?" Yao Ziyan asked, pointing his finger at the bottle.

An Nuo was silent for a while, then said softly: "Happiness."


Yao Ziyan looked puzzled, "Is happiness in this bottle?"

In her cognition, happiness should be an intangible concept, just like the current life is very happy in her opinion, and Anno's words are a bit incomprehensible to her.

Perhaps this is a different worldview?

Yao Ziyan thought about it seriously, and felt that this should be the only possibility.

Just like the siren who treats death as a commonplace meal, there are often great differences in worldviews of different races, and they cannot be viewed with the same eyes. This is unfair to everyone.

Seeing Yao Ziyan's slightly weird expression, Anno naturally guessed what she might have misunderstood, and explained with a smile: "It can be used as a special type of magic, which can transform the special concept of'happiness' into storage. Specific things."

"Oh, I understand." Yao Ziyan nodded gently.

She looked at the illustration, and the boy holding the bottle had a smile on his face. She was very happy to come to him to do this.

This may also be a kind of happiness.

"So, this is a story of finding happiness?"


"It still sounds great, how great."

Yao Ziyan said casually, continuing to read the books. She likes to read the illustrations in the books, which are more interesting than the simple words.

Anno was silent for a while and said softly: "Perhaps for some people, knowing the happiness of others is not a good thing."

"What are you talking about?" Yao Ziyan looked up, she didn't hear Anno's words clearly.

"It's okay." Anno smiled and shook his head, and got up from the bed, "Do you want to drink something, I'll pour it for you."

"Boiled water." Yao Ziyan said casually, turning another page, "Others are fine."


"Using magic to put happiness in a bottle? It's amazing. I have never heard of such magic."

The white-haired girl was sitting on the magic broom, swaying her calf lightly. She felt that she might be able to stay here for a while during her journey.

"This is the magic passed down from my family." The boy showed a proud expression.

"Can you open your bottle? I'm very curious about what happiness is like." The girl pointed to the bottle in the boy's arms and made her request.

"No, no." The boy shook his head and refused, "It took me a lot of effort to collect this. If I open it, all my previous efforts will be wasted."

"That's it..." The white-haired girl nodded slightly, jumped off the magic broom lightly, and stretched out to face the rising sun. "Should it be for a very important person, right?"

"Well, a very important person." The young man nodded his head and looked up in a certain direction. "A girl I like."

"Good." The white-haired girl smiled.


Yao Ziyan's gaze swept across the text. According to Anno, each story can be regarded as an independent existence, even if you don't know the previous ones, it will not affect the reading.

According to the beginning of what I just read, this is indeed a very beautiful story.

A teenager looking for happiness for his beloved girl does not look like a fake when mentioning it. After all, the protagonist is a real witch, and it is easy to tell whether he is lying.

Of course, Yao Ziyan does not directly believe that this is the case in the story.

According to Anno's previous reaction, there is a high probability that a knife will be issued later, and she doesn't know what type of knife it is.

According to her guess, the probability is related to the girl that the teenager likes.

Want to collect happiness for her... Why not let her feel happiness directly? Obviously a little unnecessary, maybe because you can't move freely so you can only stay at home? Or is it that the blind cannot see all kinds of scenes? Or do you mean that you can't go out because of social fear?

Moving closer to the magical aspect, that is, being cursed and unable to go out, or some kind of undead creature similar to human being unable to touch the light...

Yao Ziyan shook his head and withdrew his increasingly outrageous thoughts.

She decided that she didn't want that much and just kept watching, and she would naturally know the final outcome in the end.

As an author, Yao Ziyan's psychological endurance is naturally much better than that of Anno. After all, the elf girl seems to be very sentimental. Of course, she is still very active and cheerful on weekdays.

The "Glory" written by Yao Ziyan is a group portrait story. Each story has a different protagonist. Naturally, it is impossible for every character to have a perfect ending. She is actually very familiar with making knives.

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