"My magic will tear you to pieces!"

"Feel sorry."

"My magic will tear you to pieces!"

"Feel sorry."


The giant axe and the opponent on the other side kept making voices, and they should have used it as a special way of greeting.

Well, it should be like this.

When Luo Chuan noticed, what he saw was such a scene.

For one of the elders of the dwarf race, a member of the Council of Elders, and the first customer of Hearthstone Tavern, Luo Chuan was still quite impressed.

However, compared with the first time, some changes have taken place on the body of the giant axe, and his eyes are slightly darkened.

Simply put, there are dark circles under the eyes.

... God knows how long he hasn't slept since, and you must know that even a legendary powerhouse needs a rest.

It's like Luochuan, who stays up late at night will not be able to get up the next day, but he can easily modify the reality, life habits are difficult to change, the same reason.

"Oh, the boss is back." Giant Axe greeted after seeing Luo Chuan.

Sitting across from the giant axe is a human, with a little gray hair and wearing a gray-white common mage robe, which seems to belong to the ranks of extraordinary people.

It seems that they often deal with the dwarves, and I guess they knew about the existence of the Hearthstone Tavern through them.

After hearing the words of the giant axe, he couldn't help but look up and his eyes could not hide the surprise. It seemed that he didn't expect the owner of the tavern to be so young.

The dwarves don’t care about the specific principles of Hearthstone. It is enough for them to be interesting and fun. Whether it can be used in reality is secondary, but they don’t care doesn’t mean that other races also don’t care. The human mage in front of them is obviously More understanding of the deeper meaning of Hearthstone legend.

In a sense, this is a super-large summoning type of forbidden spell magic, and it can even involve countless creatures. Perhaps the data in it is changing all the time...

All in all, even if he is a senior mage, he can't understand at all, the knowledge contained in it may reach the level of horror, and even build a complete system or system from this.

In addition, the Wangyou series of drinks in the tavern also belong to an incomprehensible category.

As a mage, you can't find the specific principle of its function at all, as if it is the case in itself, it is a "fact" in a certain sense, and there is no need to explore the reason.

"Something went out." Luo Chuan nodded. He looked at the dark circles of the giant axe for a moment and couldn't help but ask, "By the way, how long have you not slept with the giant axe?"

"You have been there for a while." Giant Axe replied subconsciously, and quickly reacted, haha ??smiled and patted his chest, making muffled noises, "Boss, are you worried about me? I'm a legendary powerhouse, even one It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep in the month, let’s not talk about it, my Hearthstone game begins."

Speaking of the giant axe, he placed his note on the table.

Luo Chuan feels that the transcendents have unique talents in Hearthstone Legends, because they don't need to sleep at all, and it is not an exaggeration to describe their physical fitness as being full of liver.

Luo Chuan was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped by the giant axe.

"Oh right, boss, didn't you say which ranking mode you want to open before? When will it be?" Juaxe thought of something.

The surrounding dwarves also raised their heads to look at Luochuan, and they were very concerned about topics related to Hearthstone Legend.

"Well, wait two days, don't worry." Luo Chuan had his own plan.

The giant axe uttered, and didn't think too much, just nodded and said casually: "Okay, remember to hurry up, don't let us wait too long."

Yao Ziyan laughed dumbly. Even if she tried to keep herself from laughing, she couldn't help showing a slight smile in her eyes, so she could only rub Chimera's small head in her arms to divert her attention.

That's right, Yao Ziyan brought Chimera over.

Anyway, it is the world of Koror, it is very easy to bring it from Sania to the City of Steel.

Chimera’s opinions don’t need to be considered. As a pet, it’s completely negligible. Moreover, as far as it is concerned, it only needs to take care of its food and shelter. It doesn’t matter where it lives.

"Huh, what is this?" The giant axe noticed the Chimera in Yao Ziyan's arms. He had never seen such a creature before.

"Chimera." Yao Ziyan answered with a smile.

"The name of this creature?" The giant axe looked curious.

"No, it's its name." Yao Ziyan shook his head and explained, "As for the specific species, I don't know, it should belong to the monster."

The giant axe nodded, but it was the human mage who frowned slightly and stared at Chimera closely, obviously there was something in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Yao Ziyan asked casually upon seeing this.

"I... seem to have seen this kind of beast somewhere." The old human mage said with some uncertainty.

Luochuan also showed interest.

Chimera met him when he was strolling along the beach with Yao Ziyan that night. He looked at the pitiful and brought him back. Luochuan felt that it was nothing for Yao Ziyan to keep a pet, and it was completely acceptable.

When he was on earth before, he wanted to raise a cat or a dog, but unfortunately he never had a chance... well, he was just lazy.

Yao Ziyan had this idea and Luochuan would naturally not refuse.

"Do you know?" Yao Ziyan's eyes lit up slightly. She was actually very curious about Chimera's specific race. She has been a pet for so long, and she still doesn't know anything about it.

"Uh, I don't know it, it just feels a bit familiar." The mage old man looked quite embarrassed.

He felt that he had indeed seen relevant information somewhere, but he suddenly couldn't remember what it was.

Yao Ziyan: "...Well, then forget it."

Luo Chuan glanced twice, but did not see the figure of the elf girl. The counter was empty. The dwarves would consciously put the gold coins in a paper box on the counter if they wanted to buy drinks, and there was a paper on it. White paper.

『Please put the gold coins here when buying drinks →

I’m too sleepy. I’ll go upstairs to sleep for a while. Thank you for your cooperation (fold your hands together.jpg

Luo Chuan watched for a while: "Um... I didn't expect Anno to have a talent for painting."

At the end of the white paper is a cartoon character with folded hands. It is soft and cute. It belongs to the style that people can't help but want to bully when they see it. He didn't know that the elf girl is still this skill.

"Um...Luochuan, how about letting Anno and I learn to draw cards?" Yao Ziyan rubbed Chimera's head and suggested, and said the words of squeezing the labor force of employees, but the smile remained unchanged, there was no such thing at all. Aspect of self-perception.

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