Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2084: Lich’s Laboratory

The soft and bright light fills every corner of the room under the guidance of magic power, detecting the slightest change in magic power during the operation of the magic circle, and presenting it in the form of a numerical curve on the light curtain suspended in the air.

The lich in a black robe lingers around with the glow of undead magic to block all the breath, manipulates the hand of the wizard to carefully conduct experiments, and observes and records the results obtained.

【The *** (invisible text) experiment record

Experiment content: Analyze the specific ingredients of "Wangyou Fruit Wine" sold in Hearthstone Pub. According to the current information, it has a permanent energy affinity enhancement effect, and the principle is unknown.

Experimental materials: Wangyou fruit wine, Austrian mathematics spirit body...


The hand of the mage controlled the transparent Wangyou fruit wine, slowly unscrewing it, blocked by the magical odor barrier.

Of course, even if it is not blocked.

As far as Elizabeth is concerned, she has lost the ability to perceive smells as long as she has transformed into her current life form.

Not only that, but there are still many lost at the same time, taste, touch, perception of temperature, need for sleep...

Only by maintaining her current life can she not forget that she was once a human being.

The dark blue soul fire fluttered slightly, staring at the arcane spirit body on the test bench. This slime-like low-energy creature did not move at all, still absorbing magic power as always.

Elizabeth's complexion did not if she did not have the concept of complexion either...

Under the control of the wizard's hand, the crystal bottle containing the pale pink wine floated into the air, and a drop of wine slowly floated out and landed on the surface of the arcane spirit body.

If it is an ordinary liquid, there will be no reaction at all, and it will only slide on the table, but what appears to Elizabeth is a result that she has never expected.

As if rain fell on the desert, the sparkling pale pink wine melted into the body of the arcane spirit body in an instant.

Vaguely, the light blue translucent body seemed to have a little more light pink brilliance, and a certain kind of special mental fluctuations passed out, subtle but tangible.

The soul fire beat a few times, indicating Elizabeth's state of mind.

She looked at the light curtain floating beside her, and the energy data presented on it had shown extremely significant changes.

Corresponding detection magic is inscribed in the arcane spirit body. As the first energy life body, it is naturally compatible with various magics. This is also an important reason why it is used as the main material for countless experiments.

For example, it is almost equivalent to an experimental mouse on the earth.

But relatively speaking, it is more convenient.

After all, the mice still need to breed and have higher requirements for the living environment. Arcane spirits can be captured directly from the natural world, and it is easy to create them. Masters who are a little introductory will arrange the corresponding magic focus according to the textbook. It can be created directly by transferring the magic circle of communication.

"The absorption rate of magic power has been directly increased by ten percentage points, and the stability of life forms has also been greatly improved, in addition to various changes that have never occurred before..."

Elizabeth's voice contained a hint of excitement. It was very interesting for the lich to observe the changes in life, especially such unknown changes.

The hoarse laughter reverberated, and new words were added to the experimental record.


The first stage of the experiment:

The test body is in contact with the substance.

Dosage: one drop.

Experimental results: The experimental body is significantly affected, the absorption rate of magic power is increased, the life form changes (*), and the craving spirit fluctuates (addiction factors have been excluded, the specific reason is unknown, specific data may be obtained in the next experiment), maybe Evolve...


As the most primitive energy life form, the arcane spirit body is prone to various types of mutations, which is also an important feature that highlights the experimental data.

The experiment is still going on. Elizabeth still needs to verify a lot of the information she wants to know. What she is doing is just the first step.

"Hey, when do you think Lord Duke will show up again?"

"I don't know, but last time Lord Duke stayed in the laboratory for a whole season, this time it should be at least dozens of days, right?"

"Boring, boring, go to sleep..."

The undead in the castle are noisy, discussing daily topics. The maid named Wakaba assigns each member's work, and she is responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the castle when Elizabeth is away.


City of Steel, Hearthstone Tavern.

The dwarves are still talking loudly, but the topic has changed from wrist-wapping, where the tavern has new wine, to the specific gameplay of Hearthstone Legend, who has opened the legendary card and the like, and was successfully overwhelmed by Hearthstone Tavern. .

The air was filled with a strong but not pungent scent of wine, which was just the right kind. People would know that it was a tavern when they smelled it, but they would not feel disgusting psychologically.

"Legend, legend, legend..."

"Ahahaha, I didn't expect it, but I have the mystery of magic countermeasures, and your spells are not valid at all!"

"Welcome to the fury of Deathwing..."

When Luo Chuan walked into the Hearthstone Tavern, he heard such a sound. The dwarf’s unique loud voice is very penetrating. If it weren’t for the existence of a soundproofing circle, I’m afraid it could be heard clearly on the street. Chu.

To be honest, when he came to the tavern, he even had the feeling of walking into the game hall when he was a child. The words of Zhong Er almost never stopped, making people seem to have traveled to another dimension.


It seems a bit inaccurate to use such words here.

After all, these dwarves really know how to use magic, and Hearthstone is also not a pure card game, and their words can be used as an explanation of facts.

...... Sure enough, there are still a lot of slots!

Yao Ziyan peeked from behind Luochuan and looked at the scene in the tavern curiously. The purple eyes were shining brightly with the lights: "It's still the same as when we left. I really don't know where they have such sufficient vitality. "

"Maybe this is the racial trait." Luo Chuan thought for a while, and gave his own inference, "It's almost like the sea monster who is keen to die. It is a very happy thing for them to find a novel way to die. , And even invite my good friends to try it together."

Yao Ziyan was silent for a moment: "Um... Although what you said Luochuan is indeed correct, don't you think it's a bit strange?"

"Don't care about these details." Luo Chuan waved a big hand, he has always been an informal person.

"Yes, yes." Yao Ziyan replied with a smile, she had long been accustomed to Luochuan's usual appearance.

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