Qing Yuan is still in a state of skepticism about his life. Yao Ziyue looked at the signature on the magic phone with delight, Yao Ziyan and Su Nan talked and laughed in a low voice. The previous conversation cut off the path of transmission, so there is no need to worry about other customers. Heard it by accident.

The story of Changsheng is just a story, and even if someone mentions it, it will only be heard as a story.

When Qing Yuan returned to her senses, her gaze at Su Nan became wrong.

The journey of life for millions of years, to be honest, she can't imagine what kind of experience this is. Now in Qingyuan’s eyes, Su Nan’s whole person is shrouded in a mist, wondering where she came from. Curious about the reason for her longevity...

"Changsheng... have you really lived for a few million years?" Qing Yuan couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded, without showing any impatient expression.

"Are you a human?" Qing Yuan looked up and down Su Nan, "Can human beings really have such a long lifespan?"

For millions of years, that group of immortal sea monsters can live for so long. Dragon Clan Qingyuan doesn’t know much about it. An Weiya herself is not an adult, but according to the words she occasionally leaks, she wants to come and talk to the sea monsters. It's not much worse than that.

"I don't know." Su Nan shook his head, "That's it after I woke up, and nothing changed."

"I know, this is the golden finger of the traveler!" Yao Ziyue said confidently, and handed the potato chips to Su Nan, "Sister Su Nan, do you eat potato chips?"

Su Nan smiled, picked up a piece and sent it to the mouth.

The taste is indeed very good, crispy and burnt, and there is a slight spicy. The ultimate taste is also an important reason for the popularity of many customers. Fengxianlou has also tried to make similar foods. Although there is not much difference in taste, there are two Compared with the other, it can still be clearly distinguished.

After so long, Su Nan didn't care about these things anymore.

"It has been raining recently, and I don't know when it will be sunny."

"What are you doing so looking forward to sunny days?"

"Baking in the sun can keep the scales shiny, you don't even know that?"

"...Should I know this?"

Xie Mengwu and An Weiya came to the shop while talking. Frost followed silently, taking a small bite of the food in her hands, her silver-white hair hanging down like silk and satin, her small faces indifferent without any expression, quite a strange thing. The meaning of progress.

Xie Mengwu has almost completely forgotten her identity as the agent of the city, what a chaotic city, and now she is just an ordinary Origin Mall customer, and it has nothing to do with it.

The relationship between her and An Weiya is pretty good, and she will have a meal together from time to time, which is regarded as a friend.

It was that An Weiya often said some weird words that made her unable to continue. Thinking about it, it seemed reasonable, and it felt even more uncomfortable. The words were stuck in her throat and could not be said.

The two murmured, Frost walked towards the counter.

"Fingshuang came a bit late today." Yao Ziyan said with a smile, and took a fruit from the fruit plate and handed it to her.

"I went to bed late yesterday." Frost whispered. She still doesn't like talking, but it's much better than when she first came here. At least she can have a simple conversation with someone she knows, but ignore everything she doesn't know. , I don't even need to speak.

Su Nan was slightly stunned after seeing Frost.

Her reaction was noticed by Yao Ziyue, and the girl couldn't help poking her arm curiously, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Su Nan knows Frost?"

She naturally knew about Frost’s experience. The former City Lord of Chaos was very powerful, but for some reason she lost her memories of the past. With the help of the boss, she seemed to have returned to normal. God knows Frost is wandering in Tianlan Continent. For a long time, according to the news disclosed by Xie Mengwu, her memory loss would happen every once in a while.

Seeing Su Nan's appearance, she seemed to know Frost.

"I seem to have seen it, but I don't remember it clearly." Su Nan frowned slightly, as if trying to remember something.

Yao Ziyue couldn't help but feel a little curious. Could it be that Su Nan has memory problems like Frost, but she still prefers Su Nan to live too long, so she blurs those long-term memories, millions of years of life, how? May remember everything clearly.

Even those memorable "past lives", for Su Nan, only a few broken pictures remain.

Su Nan vaguely remembered that at that time, she seemed to be living in a city, and disaster suddenly struck. The monstrous blood energy swept from the sky like a wave, covering the sun and the moon, and everything that was blocking the front was completely eroded.

Several countries that were originally prosperous have completely turned into places of death.

Su Nan also tried to stop. The blood-colored energy ocean center was a girl with long silver-white hair. She couldn't remember what happened later, and then fell into a deep sleep, only to wake up again after thousands of years.

Just like the empire that was destroyed by the natural disaster, she could only watch and could not do anything.

Perhaps compared to before, it's just a bit more relieved.

She has tried her best.

Every time Su Nan wakes up, the world will change a lot. Hundreds of thousands of years are a long time for ordinary people. Sometimes they will develop all kinds of creations that are particularly magical to Su Nan. But when She returned to her homeland after a long time, usually leaving only ruins, or a new kingdom was established.

It seemed like an endless cycle, but some things never changed. After all, human beings are just one of the many intelligent races in Tianlan Continent.

After a long time, maybe tens of thousands of years later, she met the white-haired little girl again, but unlike the last time, the second encounter was in a deserted cave with no people around. She was preparing her own At dinner, I did not know when I appeared at the entrance of the cave, staring at the food blankly.

Su Nan could feel that her condition was a bit wrong.

During the next conversation, she also learned something. The other party didn't seem to have any memories before. She just woke up and came here when she noticed the smell of food nearby.

The white-haired girl doesn't like to talk very much, and she cherishes words when answering questions.

Su Nan felt that she was a little similar to herself, and would fall into a deep sleep, but there was a difference. She would only be like this after death. The other party didn't know, but it was definitely not the same as her, and she had that kind of posture like a demon god.

The two went together for a while. The white-haired girl had a very indifferent attitude towards things, and basically did not pay attention to insignificant things. During the time she got along, nothing commendable happened. The main reason was that Su Nan taught her to build a normal worldview. .

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