"Su Nan, why have I never heard of you?" Qingyuan looked at Su Nan who was sitting across from her curiously. No matter what, she was also the creator of the shadow kill list. As an organization of assassinations, she is concerned about information collection. Naturally, it pays great attention to business.

Qingyuan's previous hobby was to read information that was secret to ordinary cultivators, and most of them were gossip. She clearly remembered that she had never seen information related to Su Nan.

Qingyuan is still very confident in her memory—except for Jilu.

"The Tianlan Continent is so big, how many things can you collect?" Yao Ziyan said with a smile, "Just like the voiceless, the cultivation base of the Venerable Peak, have you heard of it before?"

"Um, it seems so." Qing Yuan thought about it again, "I think the main reason is that the power I created before is too small. The highest cultivation base is the two of us. The others are too weak, but it was originally. It's boring to play casually, it's really meaningless now."

"Sister Su Nan, how did you live in Tianlan Continent before?" the demon Ziyue who was sitting next to Su Nan asked in a low voice.

Su Nan's age seemed to be about the same as Yao Ziyan, both seventeen or eighteen years old (forever seventeen years old), slightly older than Yao Ziyue, plus the realm of cultivation, the cry of Sister Su Nan was reasonable.

"It's the life of ordinary people." Su Nan smiled softly. "Usually living in a city for more than ten years will change places, sometimes in the unpopulated forest, but you need to go outside from time to time to buy various daily routines. Supplies are relatively troublesome."

Yao Ziyue let out a cry, her purple eyes rolled, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

"That's it." Qing Yuan nodded, she doesn't appear in front of the world at all on weekdays, and it's normal that no news spreads, just like those mysterious dragons, and then she has new questions, "Yes. Now, what is your true age?"

Su Nan was stunned. It seemed that Qing Yuan would ask such a straightforward question, but Yao Ziyan and her also talked about this matter on the magic phone last night, and there was a way to deal with it.

"Seventeen years old." Su Nan answered seriously.

Qing Yuan: "..."

He glanced at Yao Ziyan, who was holding back his smile, and it seemed that she taught him in all likelihood.

"Forget it, just assume I didn't say anything." Qing Yuan sighed and continued to look at Su Nan, her eyebrows frowned slightly, "It's strange, I think I have seen you somewhere."

After speaking, he took out the magic phone and looked through it subconsciously.

"Found it!" With the help of the magic phone, Qingyuan quickly found the source of familiarity. It was a picture, to be precise, the cover of a novel.

The woman on the cover is dressed in white clothes and a hat. Her face is covered by a veil. It seems that a breeze blows by, just blowing a corner of the veil, and you can vaguely see the hidden face behind.

Compared with Su Nan, I can't say that it is a bit similar, I can only say that it is exactly the same.

Especially that special temperament is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to imitate.

"This is the cover of a novel. I have read this novel." Yao Ziyue took a closer look. "I still know that there is a novel without a name until I read the novel recommended by someone in the discussion to heal and relax everyday. It’s very popular, and the content is so healing."

The words contained special power. Judging from the look of Yao Ziyue, she was indeed cured.

"This is indeed me." Su Nan smiled lightly, "I wrote this book."

Qing Yuan & Yao Ziyue: "?!"

It feels like I just met a friend, and then I talked to her about a novel I like, and the other person smiled and said, "That's what I wrote." The mood is really complicated.

Yao Ziyan was very calm because she knew it in advance.

"Are you the author?" Qing Yuan stared at Su Nan with wide eyes. "That'Changsheng'?"

Changsheng is the pseudonym of the author of the unknown novel, and she occasionally appears on weekdays to let customers know that she is still alive.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded.

"Have you saved the manuscript?" Qing Yuan asked.

"Um...what do you ask this for?" Su Nan remained vigilant, faintly feeling that Qingyuan was a little bit ill-intentioned.

"Just ask it casually." Qing Yuan said with a smile, her expression quickly became mysterious and mysterious, and at the same time she lowered her own voice, "Hey, you said in the message that it was your own personal experience. Is it true? Are you kidding? Did you really live for millions of years?"

"What do you think?" Su Nan asked back.

"Ha, for millions of years, how can human beings live for that long? This is totally unreasonable. Maybe those mysterious dragons and sea monsters can live for so long. After all, their life forms exist with humans. It's a huge difference...you wouldn't be serious, would you?"

Speaking of the latter, Qing Yuan noticed that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong. The silence of Su Nan and Yao Ziyan seemed to explain something, and Yao Ziyue ignored it for the time being.

"Didn't you already know it?" Su Nan asked back.

Qing Yuan rubbed her eyebrows: "Don't talk, let me slowly... Longevity, Longevity... I feel that everything I experienced after coming to Origin Mall is challenging my worldview..."

Yao Ziyue was relatively calmer, eating potato chips, quietly eating melons.

Seeing Qingyuan's life in doubt, she approached Su Nan curiously, and asked in a low voice: "Sister Su Nan, have you really lived for so long as it is written in the book?"

Su Nan touched Demon Ziyue's head and nodded, "Yeah."

"Then it's true that you came from another world? And the original...gender?" Yao Ziyue's eyes were shining, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

Su Nan: "..."

She couldn't help but look at the Yao Ziyan next to her. She could only say that she was indeed a sister, and her focus was exactly the same.

"The former one is true, the latter one is fake." Su Nan explained.

"Ah, why?" Yao Ziyue looked a little confused, and even a little disappointed.

What are you disappointed?

Su Nan was completely helpless, and lightly patted the demon Ziyue’s head: "Don’t you think this is interesting? I saw on the magic phone that many readers have it because of this special beginning. Interest in reading."

Curiosity is common to everyone, and so is the novel.

"Well, that's what I said." Yao Ziyue thought for a while, feeling that Su Nan said it was reasonable, and then took out the magic phone from his pocket, "Then Sister Su Nan, you sign me."

"Okay, but you know what about me." Su Nan reminded that for others, the stories in the novel are after all just stories, so that's enough.

"Don't worry, I won't tell other people." Yao Ziyue nodded repeatedly with a serious expression.

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