Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1055: Different audiences

The rain was torrential, and all you could hear was the noisy rain. Rainwater gathered from all directions and eventually flowed into the drainage holes on both sides of the street.

The cold air in the air slid in through the gaps in his clothes, causing Lin Fan to shiver.

The temperature has dropped really fast recently. He touched his arm, thinking in his heart.

There are two and three pedestrians on the street, and most of the shops on both sides are still closed. People's work and rest time seems to have been affected by the continuous rainy weather, which has moved backward a lot.

Lin Fan gave himself a half-day vacation today, ready to relax in Origin Mall.

Although the status is not what it used to be, there is not much change in the realm. It is still at the forging level, which is better than the ordinary human body.

Holding an umbrella in his hand, blocking the raindrops from the sky, the rain fell along the umbrella surface and turned into pearl-like water.

After such a long time, the business hours of Origin Mall have never changed, and the boss is really dedicated.

If it weren't for Origin Mall, maybe I would still be no different from ordinary people, and I would spend an ordinary life...

Thinking wildly in his mind, his steps never stopped.

I don't know when, there is a sweet smell that is difficult to detect in the air, which is faint and intoxicating.

"This smell..." Lin Fan sniffed, following the direction of the smell, speeding up his pace.

As the distance shrinks, the fascinating flavor of drifting becomes more and more intense, which makes him affirm his own inference of the position.

"But in this direction, didn't you go to Origin Mall?" Lin Fan whispered while looking at the surrounding buildings that had only been renovated.

Finally, he stopped in front of a familiar building-Fengxian Tower.

Standing in front of the shop were several chefs dressed in white clothes with the main theme. There was a table on which was placed a transparent container.

Look carefully, it is filled with a liquid with a color between milky white and light brown. Without a lid, there is a curl of mist.

The smell he smelled before radiated from here.

"What is this?" Walking forward, Lin Fan looked curiously at these "new things" made by Fengxianlou.

"Milk tea." The talented chef said.

"Milk tea? A new product from Origin Mall?" Lin Fan suddenly became interested.

Although he did not go to Origin Mall in the past two days, he is naturally aware of the new products launched in the store, and things like Rongguang's new role have also been heard.

In just two days, Fengxianlou launched milk tea, which naturally made him very interested.

"How is this sold?" Lin Fan asked.

"One cup of gold coins here and one cup of spirit crystals over there are mainly different raw materials, and there are many flavors." The talented chef introduced.

"Bring me an expensive cup." Lin Fan said.

"Okay, wait a minute." The talented chef responded.

Except for Luochuan's wishes, there seems to be nothing that can affect the normal business of Origin Mall.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Luo Chuan missed the sun that had not been seen for many days.

While Luo Chuan was feeling this, Bu Lige, Bu Poetic and Jiang Shengjun walked into the store.

Luochuan felt that if there were no surprises, the probability of Step Lige coming over on time was as high as that of Origin Mall.

Daily greetings.

"Boss, when will the new novel you talk about be released?" Bu Lige was obsessed with this incident.

Magic mobile phones have extremely terrifying speed in information transmission. Now, almost all customers already know about Luochuan's preparation of new novels, and they have great expectations for this.

"After a while." Luochuan's words were flat, and by the way, he simply revealed some news, "but unlike the current one, there will be basically not much fighting plots."

"Don't fight?" Bu Lige scratched his hair in confusion, "Is this a bit too plain?"

"Are all stories going to be killed?" Bu Lige frowned poetically, refuting Bu Lige's words, "That's just your own opinion. Different types of works have different audiences."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jiang Shengjun next to him also nodded in agreement, "Anyway, everyone has different tastes. If you don't like it, you can just look at it. Why do you have to force yourself to watch a type of work you don't like? If the writing is not good, I like to find a sense of existence for myself. This kind of person, tusk tusk..."

At the end, Jiang Shengjun shook his head and sighed, the meaning is self-evident.

Suddenly became the object of the two people's condemnation. Step Lige felt a little inexplicable, and repeatedly retorted: "Stop, stop, I didn't mean that! And I never said that I don't like the story written by the boss, I am the boss's iron rod. Fans..."

Affected by Luochuan, the way customers speak in the store has also changed slightly, such as Bu Lige.

Yao Ziyan listened to the dispute between the three, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Luo Chuan didn't have any thoughts, mainly because he was playing Fighting Landlords now, selectively filtering the noisy words.

"By the way, the boss, Fengxianlou seems to have also introduced milk tea." The little dispute between the three people did not know when it would end, and Bu Lige thought of the sights he saw on the way over.

"Zuo Wanjin told me two days ago." Luo Chuan replied without looking up.

"Oh, I thought you didn't know." Bu Lige smiled, "Just now I bought a cup of milk tea from Fengxianlou and tasted it. Although it tastes a bit similar, the gap is still quite big."

Over time, the number of customers in the store gradually increased.

Lin Fan walked into Origin Mall with the milk tea in his hands. The temperature in the store quickly dissipated the cold wind.

"Huh, the boss's shop is really warm." He whispered to himself.

Customers were already queuing in front of the equipment selling milk tea and walked over.

"Didn't you buy it? The milk tea in the owner's shop can only be bought once a day." Some customers seem to feel that Lin Fan is a new customer who has just come to Origin Mall. He doesn't understand the rules, so kindly reminded him.

"I bought this in Fengxianlou." Lin Fan explained.

"Fengxian Tower, I saw it when I came."

"There must be a big gap between the milk tea there and the owner's shop."

"That's for sure, are the things in the owner's shop so easy to make..."

After finding the topic, these customers started talking.

It was still early, and there were not many customers in the store. After a few minutes, the customers in front of the line had already bought milk tea one after another, and it was Lin Fan's turn.

Looking at the equipment selling ice cream next to him, he made the purchase according to the equipment's recommendation, and then took two cups of milk tea and sat down on the seat of the holographic equipment.

Prepare to compare the difference between the two.

First, the milk tea from Origin Mall. After a sip, the lips and teeth leave a fragrance, the perfect taste.

Then came the milk tea from Fengxianlou, and took a sip, Lin Fan frowned slightly and put it down.

Although the taste is good, the gap between the two sides is a bit obvious after comparison.

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