Wait, why is there an inexplicable sense of familiarity?

Mercenary, first person, weird things...

Luo Chuan suddenly came to a sudden.

Yes, I think this is again the influence of information disturbance.

By the way, I read the comment section. Although there is only a short chapter, the popularity is pretty good.

"The crucial moment is gone? I suspect that you got the true story from your boss. 』

"Look forward to a new chapter. 』

"Update quickly, this is too short. 』


There are a lot of people who comment, and it seems that this suspenseful style of story is also quite popular.

Simply supported it, turned off the origin reading, and opened the origin of the landlord.

Be prepared to relax a little, after all, you have worked so hard just now.

When playing games, time always flies quickly inexplicably.

Luochuan felt deeply about this.

The business hours in the morning end.

have lunch.

"...Is Tianlan Continent divided into roughly five regions?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Yes. Central Plains, Southern Region, Northern Region, Western Region, Eastern Region, we are here in Central Plains." Yao Ziyan was a little curious, "Boss, what do you ask this for?"

"I just thought of this suddenly." Luochuan took a bite of food. "Now the news of Origin Mall has basically spread to the entire Tianlan Continent, right?"

The five regions constituted a complete Tianlan Continent, surrounded by seas, and he felt a bit like a super pan-continent.

"How do you say it?" Yao Ziyan thought carefully, "It's a bit inaccurate."

"Huh?" Luo Chuan motioned her to continue with his eyes.

"The Tianji Pavilion is located in the eastern region of the Tianlan Continent, and Mount Xumi echoes it in the Western Regions. Yueling's Lunar Worship is in the northern region, and the Medicine Valley is in the intersection of southern Xinjiang and the Central Plains. The four major colleges reside in the Central Plains... "The demon Ziyan counted the geographical divisions of the powers of the Origin Mall customers, "There are still a lot of power bosses that you don't know, so I didn't say."

Luo Chuan felt a little emotional.

In just a few months, Origins Mall has developed to where it is today on Tianlan Continent, perhaps just in line with the words when he met Bu Lige that day-the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

"However, except for those forces that are not too far away from the Sky Star Empire, the other four realms that can come here are basically the super forces of the Skylane Continent. Those ordinary small forces or countries have only heard the news of Origin Mall. , Most of them don't even know about this." Yao Ziyan continued.

Luo Chuan nodded, not surprised at this.

As I said before, it has only been a few months since Origins Mall opened its business. Naturally, it is impossible to reach the point where everyone knows in Tianlan Continent.

Chat time.

It was mainly Yao Ziyan who spoke, but Luo Chuan said a few words from time to time.

Business hours start in the afternoon.

It's no different from the morning.

There are many customers in the store, and milk tea is still very popular, and there are basically no vacant holographic devices.

Fengxianlou closed in the afternoon, and there was a busy scene in the kitchen.

The air was filled with the rich aroma of milk and tea, which made me feel a bit tired after smelling it for a long time.

"How is it now? It's been two full days!" Zuo Wanjin looked at the busy people, and there was a sense of anger in his words.

No one dared to speak, and only the sound of kitchen utensils colliding.

When Origin Mall just launched milk tea, Zuo Wanjin keenly seized the business opportunity.

What these chefs are doing now is to find a way to make milk tea, which has already spent two full days.

"Lord, I seem to have succeeded." A voice broke the weird silence, and the talented chef looked at the things in the pot, his face was filled with the joy of success.

"Successful?!" Zuo Wanjin came to the side of the talented chef at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with his body shape, squeezed him aside, and watched his results-between white and brown, The slowly flowing liquid exudes an elegant tea fragrance, mixed with a touch of milk.

"It doesn't seem to make any difference." Zuo Wanjin took the container handed over by the talented chef and filled it cautiously.

Take a sip, carefully savoring.

A few seconds later, he nodded in satisfaction and patted the talented chef on the shoulder again.

In the latter's grinning expression, he said: "Although it tastes almost and it has no effect, it is enough. The milk tea matters are all left to you, and the spirit crystals you need can go directly to the manager."

"Yes, the original poster." The talented chef nodded, rubbing his shoulders.

Zuo Wanjin can become the owner of Fengxianlou, and make Fengxianlou the most famous restaurant in Jiuyao City. Naturally, he has the ability to match it, and his ability to control timing is evident.

Now the reputation of Fengxianlou is faintly suppressed by Yuangui's small shop that has not been open for a long time. Zuo Wanjin has no idea about this, and even has a little idea to compete with it.

Of course, it's just reputation.

After all, Yuan Gui is the **** of cook recognized by many experts in Tianlan Continent, and Zuo Wanjin has an extremely accurate knowledge of the strength of Fengxianlou.

After winning the game of Doudizhu, Luochuan put down the magic phone.

Looking at the customers who Lu continued to leave and the completely dark sky outside, there was a little emotion in my heart for no reason.

The day is over again.

"Goodbye boss."

"Boss, Sister Ziyan, see you tomorrow..."

A customer said goodbye to the two.

The number of sea people who came to the store today is a lot less than when they first started, and the curiosity about some aspects of Origin Mall has been satisfied.

Although I still like the merchandise sold here, I have lost my fanaticism.

After dinner time is over, hang out in another world.

Luochuan felt that he liked this contrasting experience a bit.

In Tianlan Continent, he is the owner of Origin Mall who is respected by countless people. In another world, he is a hurried traveler.

No one knows his identity, just like a traveler who doesn't know the way back or the way forward, traveling through this strange world and experiencing the customs and customs of another civilization.

From time to time, there are cultists and the like to do something, which is more exciting and novel than the life in Origin Mall.

Having said that, I don't know what happened to that annihilator.

I remember that the magic power he used at that time seemed to have undergone a certain mutation, and it was not a pure collapse and infection.

Could it be that in this world, is there really an existence like an evil god?

Luochuan expressed some expectations for this.

I hope I can meet it soon enough to satisfy my curiosity.

It's also good to be a pet, you can be a companion with the little black ball.

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