“Huh!?” As if sensing something, a woman rushing from afar, resembling an embodiment of flames, suddenly had a change in her expression.

Looking up, Ling Er witnessed the vaguely discernible outlines of a distant city slowly dissipating into the air like paper.

Faintly, Ling Er could see a towering Giant Elephant, holding its trunk high towards the sky and trumpeting.

It seemed excited, yet agitated.

“A Tier-3 White Elephant?” softly gasping, Ling Er quickened her pace. However, just then, Ling Er keenly sensed quite a few powerful auras in the vicinity of the city, one of which she found quite familiar.

“Is that you?” Ling Er momentarily paused before turning towards a direction.

In a moment, a figure riding a huge Panda, rushing at a high speed, caught her eyes.

It was none other than China’s Strongest Knight, also one of the few Apex Superhumans in China.

“You’re here too.” Sighing, the Strongest Knight’s eyes flickered with genuine astonishment, deeply glancing at the distant remote city.

Even at such a far distance, he could faintly feel the terrifying fluctuations, searing his face like knives.

In the face of such power, let alone a remote town, even they, the strongest standing at the pinnacle of Humanity, the Apex Superhumans, appeared extremely insignificant.

But he had no choice but to come. If they failed to take care of the few Tier-3 Transcendents leading the Sea Creatures onslaught, they would not be able to stop the invasion of the Sea Clan.

Up to now, twenty-seven coastal cities were facing the invasion of Mutant Sea Creatures.

Out of these, five cities had already been reduced to rubble, forever buried under the sea, more than a dozen cities had been heavily damaged, and they were still relentlessly fighting against the endless wave of Sea Creatures.

Judging by this, one could tell how dire China’s situation was this time.

And this time, not only him, but every renowned Superhuman in China was deployed.

However, as they looked at the distant towering waves, everyone froze.

In the face of such power, they were as tiny as ants. Let alone going to confront those most powerful Mutant Sea Creatures, even those Tier-2 Deep Sea Creatures would pose trouble for them.

However, just then, as if discovering something, the Strongest Knight suddenly exclaimed, “Where are you going?”

“To stop them.” Dropping these words, Ling Er lightly kicked the air as the purple flames under her feet lifted her up, propelling her towards the city on the horizon.

“Don’t go…” With a trace of anxiety, the Strongest Knight glanced at Ling Er’s momentarily paused figure and hurriedly added, “Going there with our strength is tantamount to throwing our lives away. It’s better to conserve our strength and wait for the higher ups’ final decision.”

At this point, the Strongest Knight heaved a long, deep sigh before continuing with a solemn look on his face, “We’re prepping the Spiritual Energy Railgun…if we manage to successfully fire it, this disaster will be completely resolved…”

“Spiritual Energy Railgun…” Ling Er muttered softly, raising her brows.

The Spiritual Energy Railgun had only existed on papers. Nonetheless, it was the epitome of Human technological prowess that combined Spiritual Energy with technology. Rumor had it that the beams it fires could destroy everything in its path. Even if it was fired at a Tier-3 Mutant Beast, its power was enough to have a certain possibility of killing them.

However, this powerful weapon had never appeared before the public. Even Ling Er had only heard of it.

However, now, after listening to the Strongest Knight, it became apparent that China has developed this fearsome weapon, though it was just a prototype.

Be that as it may, China had no other choice but to use it. Even if there was just one in a million chance, they must give it a try, otherwise, the entire China, even half of the continent, would be destroyed under the onslaught of Sea Creatures.

Ling Er understood why China’s plans to do this. After all, it was the last straw, and they must grab it no matter the price or outcome!

[But…]  As if thinking of something, Ling Er cast a long, deep in the direction of Misty Mountains, her eyes flickering uncontrollably.

[If my senses are right, Master seems to have woken up and is rushing in this direction.] Thinking of this, Ling Er looked at the tide of Sea Creatures sweeping the city, a touch of sympathy flashing in her eyes. Although she didn’t know why her Master was coming, she knew that it would definitely not bode well for these Sea Creatures.

Meanwhile, watching the red figure still rushing towards the city, the Strongest Knight couldn’t help but roar in anger, “The higher-ups in the government have issued orders that no Tier-2 Superhuman is allowed near the battlefield. Those Tier-3 monsters are far beyond what we can handle. Why are you being so stubborn?”

Listening to the Strongest Knight’s angry and anxious shouts, Ling Er failed to stifle her laughter and a chuckle escaped her lips.

She hadn’t expected the usually indifferent Strongest Knight to lose his composure like this.

Unfortunately, she wanted to see her Master. More importantly, she was not a Tier-2 Superhuman now.

Thinking this, Ling Er suddenly heaved a long, deep breath.

*Haaa…* And as she exhaled, a pair of wings formed from purple flames suddenly spread from Ling Er’s back, much to the shock and disbelief of the Strongest Knight.

The pair of wings grew to the length of ten metres, enveloping Ling Er’s entire body within themselves, before flapping hard.

*Boom…* With a deafening roar, Ling Er’s figure shot ahead, turning into a purple meteor and disappearing in the blink of an eye from the sight of the Strongest Knight.

Only the gradually disappearing purple light spots at the horizon seemed to silently convey something.

Just as Ling Er’s figure completely disappeared, a belated voice suddenly echoed in the Strongest Knight’s mind, “I never said I’m a Tier-2 Superhuman…”

Ling Er’s playful voice rendered the Strongest Knight’s face to remain stiff for a long time. Even the Panda under him had his mouth agape, staring dumbfoundedly in the direction of Ling Er’s disappearance.

“Boss… Wings of Spiritual Energy… this can only be achieved at Tier-3,” the Panda under the Strongest Knight stuttered, a bewildered look on his face.

“No need to remind me.” With twitching corners of his mouth, the gaze of the Strongest Knight also seemed dazed.

[The Empress–Ling Er… To think mystery girl actually silently broke through to Tier-3. This… just how is this possible?]

Even now, he still found it hard to digest.

However, looking towards the city at the horizon, witnessing the sea of purple flames suddenly sweeping through the sky, he finally came to accept the fact that Ling Er had really broken through.

That terrifying aura that did not belong to either the Sea Beasts or the Giant Elephant.

“Scorching rivers, boiling seas…” A sweet cry reverberated for thousands of kilometres, It resounded for thousands of kilometres, shocking the countless Superhumans hidden around the city.

All the Superhumans promptly looked towards the source, and surprisingly saw a beautiful girl with gorgeous purple wings attached to her back calmly hovering in the sky, and a purple sea of flames brewing behind her.

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