Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 463: The Might of the Elephant

A city not far from Shanghai, more than half of the city was submerged in the sea, with water levels reaching 3 to 4 meters.

Mutant Sea Creatures roamed its countless flooded streets, roaring and vying with each other for food.

However, more terrifying than these low-level Mutant Sea Creatures was the massive hundreds of meters tall waves swirling over in the distance.

And in the depths of these waves…

*Roar, roar, roar…* Roars after roared reverberated through the sky as one colossal creature after another emerged from the waves.

They were ‘Sea Beasts’! They happened to be the most brutal and violent of all seven deep-sea clans. However, due to devolution, they generally possessed low intelligence, to the point that they were hardly able to communicate.

With their crimson eyes and menacing spikes covering their bodies, they looked nothing short of monsters.

No, they were monsters inside and out, true monsters who were born only for destruction. If not for their incredible combat prowess, even the Sea Clans wouldn’t tolerate their existence..

It could be imagined how brutal these creatures were.

And right at this moment…

Loud and resonant rattles of chains suddenly filled the air.

Looking towards the source, countless Humans saw a horrid monster resembling a Spider riding along the waves, much to their horror. It was covered in sharp spikes, like an enraged Porcupine, but it had eight menacing claws. Furthermore, there happened to be a thick iron chain tied around its neck.

“The King of the Sea Beasts…” muttering, a figure with shiny black hair slowly appeared at the top of a high-rise. She was Owl, and also the first person to discover the invasion of Sea Creatures.

In fact, in the face of such a massive onslaught of Sea Creatures, even Shanghai could hardly withstand it.

However, with the tacit approval of some high-ranking officials in Shanghai, Owl, the young lady who also went by the name of Lin Zi Yi, led the main force of the Sea Creatures invasion to the wilderness, preserving a glimmer of hope for Shanghai.

Thanks to her Spatial Innate Talent, Owl perfectly completed her mission.

However, looking at this remote town, now painted with the blood, a hint of regret flashed in her eyes.

“I’m sorry…” Owl apologized in a low voice, burdened with guilt. However, she had no choice. There were nothing but cities all around Shanghai. No matter where she led the Sea Beast King, there would be casualties.

What she could do was to sacrifice a few to save the many. Although these few were innocent, compared to the total destruction and deaths of the many, it was worth it.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Owl gritted her teeth and, forming a sword with her fingers, slashed once again.

*Crack…* The next moment, a black hairline crack continuously spread through space, growing into a black crack tens of meters long by the time it reached the Sea Beast King.

Space Rend, her most powerful attack in her arsenal, capable of defeating opponents of the same tier.

Even though Owl was a Tier-2 Superhuman, this attack still attracted the attention of the Sea Beast King.

*Roar…* Suddenly, a deafening roar reverberated through the sky, raising towering waves. Immediately afterward, sound waves, visible to the naked eyes, spread from the Sea Beast King’s mouth, shattering countless buildings in their wake.

This powerful roar seemed capable of shattering everything. Even Owl, who was far away, felt her ears ringing, as if she had gone deaf.

However, at this moment, Owl’s face suddenly changed drastically, as she noticed a black shadow blanketing the sky.

Upon closer inspection, she realized that another monstrous creature had emerged from the sea.

The creature resembled a Gigantic Turtle.

However, compared to a regular turtle, it was covered in spikes all over, and its eyes were as red as blood.

[I guess, spikes covering the body is the symbol of the Sea Beast Clan. No, to be more accurate, brutality and ugliness must be the true hallmarks of the Sea Beasts.]

*Haaaa…* Owl exhaled a long, deep breath. Noticing the hideous Turtle approaching, her figure slowly disappeared into thin air.

The next moment, when she reappeared, Owl was a kilometer away.

And right at that very moment…

*Boom…* A deafening explosion suddenly shook the sky as the high-rise on which Owl was standing, along with the surrounding area, were reduced to rubble, leaving behind a crater reminiscent of a nuclear blast.

At the same time, the terrifying shockwave swept up the surrounding buildings, knocking them down.

The dreadful aftermath even caused Owl to feel unsteady.

“Brutality, ugliness, and then, I feel there’s a need to add another adjective—terrifyingly powerful,” Owl muttered to herself, and a solemn look blanketed her face, witnessing the horrid creature ravaging the entire city.

However, just as she was thinking this, Owl’s eyes suddenly narrowed as if she had noticed something.

Looking up, she spotted a Little Elephant nearby, as white as jade. This Little Elephant was only the size of a calf and looked adorable. However, for some reason, it was surrounded by clouds and mist.

What surprised Owl even more was that this Little Elephant was actually hovering in the sky.

Right at that moment…

*Pffffteee…* Suddenly, a long and resounding trumpeting echoed as the Little Elephant, white as jade, began to swell in size.

In just a few breaths, it grew tens of meters tall.

In terms of size alone, it was not the least bit inferior to the smallest of the four Tier-3s.

*Pffffteee…* With another trumpeting, the Elephant, now a giant, grew in size once again.

However, what was even more alarming was that Owl could discern a warning from its long and resounding trumpets. It seemed to be a warning, trying to drive Sea Beasts away.

However, looking at this strange Mutant Beast, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, the Sea Beasts’ eyes flickered with excitement, as if spotting a prey.

Moments later…

*Roar, roar…* Riding the towering waves, the Sea Beasts charged towards the humongous Elephant.

*Boom…* Suddenly, a deafening boom drowned all the sounds in the city. Looking up, Owl saw a Tier-3 Sea Beast being fiercely knocked away by the Giant Elephant’s trunk.

However, this was just the beginning. 

Apparently, the Sea Beasts’ actions had completely infuriated the Giant Elephant.

*Crackle, crackle…* Suddenly, intermittent electric arcs streaked across the air as terrifying Spiritual Energy fluctuations surged from the Giant Elephant. Much to everyone’s surprise, the mysterious Giant Elephant actually started inhaling the clouds with its trunk.

The clouds over the entire city continuously surged towards the Elephant’s trunk, forming a vortex around it. At the same time, powerful fluctuations started to spread into the surroundings.

When Owl realized what was happening, her heart skipped a beat. This was because the Giant Elephant wasn’t just inhaling clouds, but also a massive amount of Spiritual Energy in the air.

With this, the surviving Humans, and even Mutant Beasts, saw a faint ethereal glow surging all over the Giant Elephant’s body.

Originally pure white like jade, it now appeared even more sacred under the embellishment of this ethereal glow.

However, along with this sanctity, a suffocating power also surged through it.

“This can’t be real!” subconsciously murmuring, Owl instinctively used Space Escape.

The instant Owl’s figure disappeared into the air…

*Boom!* A monstrous storm swept through the entire city.

At that moment…

Everything in front of the Giant Elephant dissipated into nothingness, and even half of the towering waves were evaporated

As for the so-called ‘city’, it crumbled like paper, instantly reduced into dust, sweeping towards the countless Sea Creatures.

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