Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 277: Fearsome Sneak Attack and Terror of Elementalization

“Kill, kill, kill…” amidst low and resonant shouts, monk Po Shu’s killing intent became increasingly terrifying.

He cultivated the Path of Killing, which emphasized on ‘killing to stop killing.’

According to the Buddhist leaders, the more precise way to describe his path was the Path of the Asura, a terrifying path of taking lives. If he could master it, he would become an Asura. Thus, Po Shu’s murderous intent was different from ordinary people; it was more icy and ruthless.

As his killing intent became more and more horrifying, his combat power visibly increased at a rapid pace.

However, just at that moment, the sinking quicksand suddenly shook.

At the same time, Po Shu sensed a deadly threat coming from under his feet.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Po Shu leaped into the air and smacked his palm fiercely toward the sand.


His majestic Spiritual Energy caused the sand to sink deeper as a fearsome wave of sand surged outward. However, the next moment, much to Po Shu astonishment, a pillar of sand abruptly rose and transformed into a giant hand dozens of meters long, grabbing at him.

“What’s going on!?” Po Shu’s expression underwent a dramatic change, which was really rare, as he sent a fierce palm strike toward the hand of sand.

With a deafening clap, the palm strike shattered the giant hand of sand, causing the entire sand pit to shake violently and generating a terrifying gale that kicked off a billowing cloud of sand.

However, just then, a cold laugh suddenly echoed in the air.

“You’re pretty good!” The laugh was cold enough to freeze one’s heart.

At the same time, to Po Shu’s disbelief, a humanoid silhouette emerged from the cloud of sand, its arm swiftly transforming into a blade..

*Squish…* The next moment, accompanied by a crisp cutting sound, the blade of sand sliced across Po Shu’s neck.

*Spurt…* As a jet of blood squirted out of his neck, Po Shu staggered and fell, clutching his neck. Not long after, he was engulfed by the quicksand and even the tide of Mutant Rats.

During the entire process, he had not uttered a single cry.

It was not because he did not want to but because he did not have the chance.

In the face of Qing Gang’s terrifying ambush in his Elemental Form, Po Shu had done the best he could.

On the other side, nun Aisha and Li Yuan Hu seemed to have also noticed the sudden disappearance of Po Shu’s aura, which caused their expression to change drastically.

They promptly looked in the direction of Po Shu’s vanished aura, and much to their horror, saw a figure transform into countless flying sand particles and gradually disappear. 

The gradually disappearing upper half of the unfamiliar figure wore a faint smirk at the corner of his mouth, seemingly mercilessly mocking them.

“Who’s that?” Li Yuan Hu, holding a longsword, shot a sharp gaze in the direction where Qing Gang had disappeared.

He seemed to be searching for the figure, vigilantly.

However, at that moment, Li Yuan Hu failed to notice the presence of an exquisitely sleek black rat in the tide of Mutant Rats advancing behind him. Its black fur was as smooth as silk, and its eyes sparkled like rubies.

*Squeak, Squeak, Squeak…* Hearing the cacophony of squeaks all around him, a hint of annoyance appeared on Li Yuan Hu’s face.

[An unknown and terrifying presence is lurking around us, and these darn Rats are coming at us as if they have gone mad.]

“Die, die you freaking bastards….” Feeling a sudden chill in his heart, Li Yuan Hu quickly raised his sword and unleashed a flurry of sword attacks toward the Black Rat Tide.

But just at that very moment…

*Squeak, Squeak, Squeak…* Suddenly, strange squeaks rang in Li Yuan Hu’s ears. However, what sent a chill down Li Yuan Hu’s spine even more was the sudden sense of fatal danger overwhelming his senses.

Instinctively, he raised his sword to block.

*Crack!* Accompanied by a sharp, crisp breaking sound, a snow-white gleaming claw snapped his sword in half and continued its attack toward his chest.

“You’re courting death!” He roared like thunder, gazing at the Transcendent Mutant Black Rat that was charging at him. A hint of amazement briefly flashed across Li Yuan Hu’s face, but it was overwhelmed by boundless anger.

With a thunderous boom, a burst of Spiritual Energy suddenly erupted from him, pushing back Shadie.

At the same time, Li Yuan Hu threw away his sword and fiercely attacked Shadie with his palm.

But much to his surprise, he noticed a trace of mockery deep in the eyes of this Transcendent Rat.

“Shit…” Li Yuan Hu’s expression drastically took a turn for the worse, as if he had thought of something.

Nonetheless, before he could react, a severe bout of pain shot from his back. He slowly lowered his head, and saw a sand knife piercing through his chest.

And right at that very moment…

Another swoosh rang in his ears as Shadie’s sharp claws instantly swept across Li Yuan Hu’s heart.

Even until death, he found the entire thing hard to believe, but no one would explain it to him. Simply because, at that moment, Qing Gang slowly turned around and silently gazed at the battlefield.

“Not a single one is to be spared…” His ice-cold voice sent the entire Mutant Rat Tide into a frenzy, making them even more terrifying as if they were injected with adrenaline.

Shortly thereafter, the gazes of Qing Gang and Shadie finally turned to the last powerful girl.

Her face was hidden behind a purple veil, but deep, sapphire-like eyes were filled with confusion and disbelief.

Although she was strong, she could not compare to Po Shu and the middle-aged man with the longsword.

But now, those two top experts have fallen one after the other.

[This… This…] With a look of disbelief blanketing her face, this exotic and beautiful girl also turned pale.

But not long after, a deep voice suddenly reverberated through the air, “Elemental Commander under the Divine Tree of the Misty Mountains, Qing Gang invites you to Misty Mountains…”

As Qing Gang’s commanding voice did not allow any refusal rang, the battlefield regained calm, and even the dust had settled. Furthermore, countless icy-cold gazes slowly focused on the girl in the center of the battlefield.

It was spine-chilling.

The only thing the girl could do was murmur helplessly, “Misty Mountains? Divine Tree?”

With a hint of incredulity, the girl stood rooted to the spot, fallen into a prolonged silence.

She had no idea about the Misty Mountains, even less so the Divine Tree!

However, there was no one to explain it to her. All there were two exceedingly mysterious beings, accompanied by a horde of terrifying Rats, approaching her without resistance.

She did not dare to resist, and she was powerless to do so as well.

The only thing she could do was stand rooted to the spot, helpless, and sink into the depths of the earth along with the black tide. Eventually, her head sank, and she fell unconscious.

Shortly thereafter, the large crater that had sunken dozens of meters deep was surrounded by a fully armed military battalion.

“Fan out and search! Find out where have all the people gone! If you can’t find them, don’t bother coming back!”

Amid the frantic shouts, the local military force of Shicheng was thrown into chaos.

Everyone knew that something big had happened.

The entire delegation of both Alliance of Southeast Asian Nations and China had disappeared, almost under their noses, and it was even possible that all of them had been wiped out.

An event of such magnitude would shake not only Shicheng but even the higher echelons of the Chinese government!

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