Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 276: Hiding Killing Intent and Ambush

However, just at this moment… 

*Squeak, Squeak, Squeak…*

A cacophony of sharp squeaks suddenly erupted from the sinking earth.

“What’s that!?” 

Gawking with widened eyes, the members of the ASEAN delegation turned pale at the sight of black waves surging up from the sinking ground.

However, just at this moment, these black waves suddenly changed direction and surged toward them, as if walking on the ground.

Then, sharp white claws gleaming with cold light, and razor-sharp teeth that could tear everything apart, entered their sight, accompanied by sharp squeaks piercing their eardrums.

“It’s a Mutant Rat Tide! A Mutant Rat Tide!” A monk of no lesser standing than Killer Monk, Po Shu, cried in despair as his face went pale.

But before he could say anything more, the fearsome Rat Tide completely drowned him.

Then, a heart-rending scream suddenly stopped as tattered, blood-stained pieces of clothing—the only remains of the monk—came into view for countless onlookers.

“Is this for real?”

“Are you kidding me?”

Voices of disbelief and even horror filled the air as those who failed to take to the air sank with the earth, expressions of despair on their faces, at the sight of this horrific scene.

From their perspective, the advancing black tide resembled a relentless flood repeatedly assaulting them.

“No, no…” Screaming, a Chinese young man erupted with Spiritual Energy as he rushed toward the outside area like a madman. 

However, every time his foot landed, it had no support, and he found himself slipping even faster.

Right at that very moment, an excruciating pain suddenly shot from his thigh.

When the young man looked toward the source, much to his terror, he found a large Black Rat with crimson eyes had bitten viciously into his thigh.

“Die!” Roaring, the young man channeled his Spiritual Energy, and fiercely whipped his leg to fling away the Mutant Black Rat.

Just then, a searing pain surged.

Looking up, he found that his right leg was bleeding profusely, and it was missing a large chunk of flesh.

This was a Rat Tide. One of the most feared tides of beasts by the Humans.

The reason being that the Rat Tide was not only terrifying in numbers, but because these Mutant Rats behaved as if they had no regard for their own lives, frenziedly devouring everything in their path.

They were like the starving gluttons, leaving devastation wherever they went.

They did not just eat what could be eaten; even buildings disappeared without a trace because of them. This was why the Rat Tide was one of the most horrifying tides of beasts.

Except, this black Rat Tide that had suddenly emerged from the earth was not as horrifying as rumored.

However, the problem came in their numbers. For the Humans, there were only a hundred people in their group.

Even more terrifying was the fact that no one could tell why the ground kept sinking.

Because the continuously sinking land, which seemed to have turned completely into fine sand, had brought both delegations to the brink of desperation.

At this point, even escaping seemed impossible, let alone resisting.

Yet, just at this moment…

“Die!” A furious roar filled with murderous intent reverberated through the sky.

The next moment, everyone saw Po Shu treading on the quicksand, as if he was on solid ground, charging into the depths of the Black Rat Tide on his own. He raised hand as a faint Spiritual Energy enveloped his arm before he fiercely swung his arm down, sending forth a Wind Wolf several meters high.

*Squeak, Squeak…*

Accompanied by sharp, mournful squeaks of Mutant Black Rat, the nauseating scent of blood filled the air.

On another side, a middle-aged man with a long sword revealed a fierce expression before fiercely swinging his sword toward the Mutant Rat Tide.

*Swoosh…* Accompanied by the sound of something cutting through the air, a several-meter-long white Sword Qi instantly slashed through the Rat Tide.

*Squeak, Squeak…* Another cacophony of mournful cries filled the air as several Mutant Black Rat were cleaved in half, their lives extinguished.

Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the sinking sand…

“As expected, there are powerful people among the Humans.” Noticing the changes on the battlefield, Qing Gang’s face darkened. While he did not pin his hopes on his ultimate move, Quicksand to wipe out both the delegation, it was going worse than he had expected. 

A concerned look flashed on his face once he sensed the sudden and powerful fluctuations. While he could handle one, two or three would put him in a tight spot.

Yet now, ten Transcendent-level fluctuations erupted across the battlefield, and three of them posed a mild threat to him.

What did it imply?

The Humans never lacked strong individuals.

While there were no God-like figures as almighty as his Master, Yu Zi Yu, there were experts as strong as Qing Gang himself. Now, three such powerful experts had emerged at once.

One was a skinny and withered monk in a deep red robe.

Another was a middle-aged man in a green shirt, wielding a longsword.

Faintly, Qing Gang saw a faint resemblance to General Li, the silver-haired middle-aged man, in him.

Just like General Li, this middle-aged man was wielding a sword, wearing a green shirt, and his features seemed vaguely familiar.

He was General Li’s Second Disciple, his only direct disciple on the surface.

Apart from them, there was a tall young woman wearing a purple veil.

With graceful steps, she was moving like a Black Mamba Snake, her stunning figure twisting left and right in an enchanting manner. She was like a rose, a beautiful flower with thorns. Her every move was deadly. In just a few breaths, she had taken the lives of dozens of Mutant Black Rats.

*Squeak, Squeak…* As if suppressing something, an extremely agitated and terrifying squeak rang from the depths of the vortex of quicksand.

Looking up, Qing Gang noticed that the eyes of the Rat Emperor, concealed within the black mist, were bloodshot.

His kin were being ruthlessly slaughtered, so how could he not be angry?

If it were not for Qing Gang’s warning, he would have already attacked!

“Wait, wait…” Qing Gang appeased in a soft voice, while a trace of coldness flickered in his eyes when he looked at the group on the battlefield.

He explained to Shadie, “Our Master says we can’t reveal our identities, so if these people discover us, they must die. Do you understand?”

Qing Gang’s cold voice filled with murderous intent caused Shadie to be bewildered for a moment, but he soon responded with excitement.

*Squeak, Squeak…* His terrifying squeaks seemed to say, “Kill, kill, kill…”

“Great.” Nodding slightly, Qing Gang exhaled a long breath in relief.

Then, he shifted his gaze toward the battlefield.

“The middle-aged man in the green shirt is your target. You’ll infiltrate the Rat Tide, and strike when they’re most guard is at its lowest, and deliver a lethal blow.”

Instructing this, Qing Gang cautioned him again, “Remember, these strong individuals are formidable. You only have one chance. If you fail, we’ll face a tough fight, and more of our kin will die because of them.”

*Squeak, Squeak…* Shadie let out a few more squeaks in response, indicating his understanding.

At this moment, Qing Gang also looked at the monk in the deep red robe.

Among all those present, he was the most fearsome and exuded the strongest killing intent.

Such a formidable individual, if not eliminated, would undoubtedly cause heavy losses for Qing Gang and Shadie.

This was something Qing Gang could not tolerate.

Since he had borrowed the Rat Tide from Leng Feng, he intended to bring them back in good condition.

While he could not bring all of them back, he planned on losing no more than 10-20%, that was the extent of his tolerance. Otherwise, he would not be able to face Leng Feng, let alone his Master.

With this in mind, Qing Gang’s figure gradually merged into the earth.

Faintly, a hidden and fearsome killing intent closed in on the monk.

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