Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 233: Arrival! Sea of Trees

“Attack!” Roaring, a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard, wielding a large cleaver, charged toward the approaching Beast Tide.

With a swift motion, he swung his cleaver, sending out a several-meter-long energy blade.

The next moment, with a crisp ‘squish’ sound, dozens of Mutant Beasts were cleaved in half, blood splattering through the air.

Old Li, originally named Li Ming, was one of the few Tier 1 Superhumans of Maple Leaf City, whose swordsmanship happened to be quite formidable.

“These freaking beasts may not be very powerful individually, but their number is really overwhelming.” Spitting in disdain, Old Li surveyed the seemingly endless tide of beasts in the distance. He could not help but feel his scalp tingle. He had already killed hundreds of Mutant Beasts. Even his arm had started to feel numb, and his remaining Spiritual Energy was dwindling. Yet there was no end of the Beast Tide in sight.

What was even more terrifying was that these Mutant Beasts had been driven mad by the scent of blood, their eyes were bloodshot with even greater savagery. 

At a glance, one could see red blood vessels streaking in their crimson eyes, suppressing madness and cruelty. 

Just at that moment, on top of a tall building not far from Old Li.

“Fire! Keep firing!” 

Accompanied by shouts, a team of artillerymen had finished loading the shells in the mortar, and got ready to fire.

*Boom Boom Boom…*

Countless artillery shells exploded in the midst of the Beast Tide, wreaking a carnage of blood again and again.

Artillery had always been one of the most powerful weapons in mankind’s arsenal.

In just one volley, hundreds of Mutant Beasts were killed. However, it should be noted that these Mutant Beasts were just Low Level Mutant Beasts. As such, their bodies were not strong enough to resist the shells. Moreover, they had been driven mad by the smell of blood.

Otherwise, Human artillery might not have achieved such brilliant results.

After all, truly powerful Mutant Beasts were far more terrifying than the threat posed by these cannons.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, the commander of this artillery team lit a cigarette and gazed down at Old Li not far away before shouting loudly, “Old Li, do you think we can hold them back this time?”

“Do you even need to ask?” Old Li broke into a hearty laugh, and tightened his grip on the large cleaver in his hand.

After a moment, his feet kicked the ground as he charged toward the Beast Tide once again.

At this moment, having taken a puff of his cigarette and watching Old Li desperately fighting in the Beast Tide below, the artillery commander shouted, grinning, “Get ready to support Old Li.”

In unison, the artillerymen began loading shells once more.

This was the best battle plan Maple Leaf City devised for dealing with the Beast Tide. Superhumans took the front, while artillery provided support from behind.

With this combination, they managed to keep the countless creatures at bay.

Just at this moment, as if sensing something, Old Li’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

He raised his gaze, and much to his dismay, he beheld a colossal wave of mist advancing ominously from the north of Maple Leaf City.

“What’s that?” Old Li heightened his guard, looking in that direction.

However, just at that moment…

*Roar, Roar, Roar…* Menacing roars and howls that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly echoed from within the thick fog. Simultaneously, a terrifying sight unfolded before the eyes of countless people.

They witnessed whirlpools carried by the advancing mist, and within these swirling vortexes, faint silhouettes of lifelike Mutant Beasts came into view.

“Mist…Beasts…” A Human exclaimed in disbelief as he witnessed the mist-formed Mutant Beasts devouring a large swathe of the Beast Tide. 

*Crunch, crunch…*

Sounds of crunching echoed as entire sections of the Beast Tide disappeared into thin air, leaving only an even denser crimson hue lingering in the air. 

“This can’t be real?” A look of pallor crossed Old Li’s face, who saw the Mist Beasts in action. He was naturally not unfamiliar to the Mist Beasts. After all, Maple Leaf City was not far from Misty Mountains. He knew a thing or two about the horrors these creatures could unleash.

They were indestructible, massive, and could easily unleash storms from their mouths. They were creepy creatures that were scary as Hell.

[But the Mist Beasts had never ventured beyond the Misty Mountain. So how had they arrived here?]

Suddenly, as if realizing something, Old Li’s pupils constricted.

[If I remember correctly, a nuclear strike had been launched in the northern region just moments ago.]

“Could it be…” Before Old Li could finish his thought…

“No, no, please no!”

“Please, please, please, leave me alone…”

Piercing screams echoed through the sky as the approaching mist devoured not only vast swaths of the Beast Tide but also countless Humans…

Upon closer inspection, one could even see Mist Beast after Mist Beasts opening their gaping maws.

“These damn beasts,”a thunderous roar sounded like a clap of thunder.

Seeing these man-eating Mist Beasts, Old Li was consumed by rage and swung his blade hard horizontally.

However, just at that moment…

*Boom, boom, boom…*

Tremors continuously coursed through the ground. 

What was even more terrifying was that from the numerous ground fissures left by the previous earthquake, a hint of green emerged…

“Advent of the Tree World,” a murmur filled with a cold killing intent, seemingly resonating within everyone’s mind.

In the very instant these words fell, the tremors intensified.

Countless large trees emerged from the cracks. Branches intertwined with each other, and vibrant green leaves sprouted.

Yet, the true horror lay elsewhere.

What was truly horrifying was that these gigantic trees covered the entire city…

In other words, the entire city had transformed into a vast forest.

Branches entwined around skyscrapers, and leaves sprouted from windows. The hustle and bustle of the urban landscape merged with the greenery of the forest, creating an eerie juxtaposition.

However, within this eerie scene, the countless Humans and even Mutant Beasts showed no reaction. They were already being hung high in the air, ensnared by branches, including the small team of artillerymen who had been conversing with Old Li moments ago.


Or perhaps 200,000…

Or even 500,000…

No one knew the exact number.

But at this moment, the entire city fell into a deathly silence.

Even some of the Mutant Beasts that had not been ensnared by the branches cowered on the ground, trembling in fear, as if they had sensed something horrifying.

All because, in the next moment, at the center of the city…

*Boom!* With an even more terrifying tremor, a lush, towering entity ascended.

And then, it rose higher and higher…

Until it reached towering heights.

At this moment, a towering giant tree truly came into view, capturing the gaze of countless onlookers.

Its branches and leaves glistened like green jade, emitting a soft, gentle radiance. Moreover, there were branches resembling green ethereal chains, enveloped in a luminous veil.

It was both divine and extraordinary.

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