Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 232: Mighty and Majestic! The Great Mist Blanketing the Sky

After having heard Ling Er, Yu Zi Yu also set aside his worries.

[With such life-saving measures, it was no wonder Ling Er is so confident.] 

Just then, Ling Er’s gaze suddenly turned toward a corner of North Canyon, where a Mutant Black Eagle was huddled, trembling. It was a Tier-1 Transcendent Giant Eagle, but now, all it could do was shiver in fear.

Evidently, the recent nuclear strike and Yu Zi Yu’s furious outburst had taken a significant toll on it.

“Come here,” stated Ling Er, extending her hand. Whereupon, a tremendous suction force emanated from her palm.

In moments, to Yu Zi Yu’s astonishment, the several-meter-tall Mutant Black Eagle flew over to Ling Er as if it were a toy.

“Submit or get destroyed.” A chilling voice rang in the Mutant Black Eagle’s ear as Fire Butterflies began to appear in the air, raising the temperature of the surrounding rapidly, especially when combined with the flames gradually emanating from Ling Er, they became even more powerful and terrifying.

Without hesitation, the Mutant Black Eagle, which had already harbored a submissive heart, decisively let out low screeches.

*Screech, Screech, Screech…* Hearing these subdued cries, Ling Er gradually eased the pressure around her.

If this Mutant Black Eagle had not submitted, she would not have minded burning it to ashes; She did not have much time to spare.

Then, as if she remembered something, Ling Er raised her head and respectfully requested, looking at Yu Zi Yu, “Master, may I ask a favor?”

“What is it? Just tell me.”

Yu Zi Yu smiled, a little piqued by Ling Er’s request.

“I would like to borrow the Vampire.”

“The Vampire!?” Mumbling, Yu Zi Yu roots penetrated deep into the earth, reaching the ice cavern.

The Vampire was a member of China’s Genomarines who possessed some peculiar abilities. Moreover, his blood had some unique properties that were beneficial to Yu Zi Yu, which was why he was still alive.

However, the Vampire was not doing so well right now.

*Boom, boom, boom…* With the shaking of the ground, a nearly frozen figure with platinum blonde hair broke through the soil and emerged before the two.

“What a pitiful sight!!” Pursing her lips, Ling Er waved her hand as a tower of flame engulfed the frozen figure.

In moments, hugging his still trembling body, the Vampire finally opened his eyes. However, before he could make out anything, a cold, commanding voice sounded in his ears, 

“Mental Enslavement.” As she spoke, Ling Er pressed her palm against the Vampire’s forehead.

Immediately after, the Vampire started convulsing and twitching as if he was having a seizure.

“Wow!?” Yu Zi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly as a look of astonishment crossed his face.

After a moment, he read the information before his eyes.

[Mental Enslavement – By utilizing a terrifying psychic power, one can forcibly enslave the minds of others. This ability can enslave beings of lower rank, one level lower and can enslave multiple individuals. However, enslaving many individuals poses a greater burden on its user, and there is a higher risk of backlash.] 

“This ability is truly formidable,” Yu Zi Yu was full of praise.

The next moment, he saw the Vampire slowly raising his body and standing behind Ling Er, just like a servant.

“Master, do you still have a use for this guy?” Ling Er asked, looking at Yu Zi Yu’s tree body.

“No, I’ve almost completed what I needed from him,” replied Yu Zi Yu, shifting his gaze on his status screen.

The previously blurry ability had now become clearer. He could faintly see the word ‘Blood.’

It appeared to be related to blood.

With a smile, Yu Zi Yu raised his gaze.

The next moment, the Transcendent Black Eagle slowly unfurled its wings. 

“Alright then,” saying so, Ling Er curled her lips into a smile before continuing, “Master, I’ll take the Vampire back to Humans to stir up trouble. With him around, it will be easier to explain things.”

“Okay.” Yu Zi Yu nodded his acknowledgement, his eyes filled with anticipation.

After a moment, he sprinkled a few drops of Life Essence and stated, “Take them; they might come in handy.”

“Thank you, Master.” Accepting the Life Essence, Ling Er leaped onto the back of the Transcendent Black Eagle with the Vampire.

“Then I’ll be off, Master.” As she bid her goodbye, the Transcendent Black Eagle under Ling Er’s feet flapped its wings.

In moments, it soared into the air, kicking up a storm, before disappearing into the clouds.

“That girl.” Smiling, Yu Zi Yu watched Ling Er until she vanished on the horizon, his eyes flickering with eager anticipation.

[If things went as expected, Ling Er might bring me quite a big surprise. But before that, I can’t afford to remain idle either.] Yu Zi Yu shifted his gaze before the dense fog started swirling. The next moment, terrifying Mist Beast after Mist Beasts stepped out of the fog.

“Originally, I only planned to expand towards the deserts, the north, and other places, but now, you’ve forced me to change my mind,” Yu Zi Yu whispered with a hint of coldness in his voice.

Simultaneously, the Mist Beast, as though comprehending Yu Zi Yu’s intent, emitted profound and reverberating roars, reminiscent of ancient times, as they surged toward the direction of Human cities alongside the mist.

Before an army sets out, the supply lines must be established.

Yu Zi Yu was enacting on the same principle. Wherever the dense fog spread, it would become his territory. Naturally, wherever the thick fog was present, his minions were hidden.


At this moment, from a distance, the fog covering the entire Misty Mountains seemed like a wave, surging toward the Human cities.

Simultaneously, the ground was also surging, transforming into a mighty river.

 River of Earth – By transforming the earth into a river, Yu Zi Yu uses it to propel himself forward.

This was quite a formidable ability. Now, along the direction of the dense mist, Yu Zi Yu silently advanced toward the Human cities.

Linhai City was no longer there. This remote small town had been leveled by the nuclear strike. As such, Yu Zi Yu’s current target was another city not far from Misty Mountains.

Maple Leaf City. It was a medium-sized city of China, surrounded by towering walls. However, during the earthquake caused by Yu Zi Yu earlier, the city had suffered extensive damage. The tall walls had collapsed in several places, and the buildings appeared to be in quite a precarious state, shaking from time to time.

This city was riddled with holes, and what was even more terrifying was that, through a corner of  the collapsed walls, the Beast Tide was surging into the entire city like waves.

“Kill them! Slaughter the Mutant Beasts!”

“Tonight, Maple Leaf City will bathe in blood.”

Roaring and shouting, countless Humans, brandishing guns and blades, charged toward the Beast Tide.

This was a war between species, a true bloodbath.

Blood would be spilled until one side was completely, no mercy shown or given.

Furthermore, it was worth noting that this city had not received the support of tactical nuclear missiles because it was only about 100-200 kilometers away from Misty Mountains.

So, to avoid alerting Yu Zi Yu, the high command of China had abandoned this city.

All this city could do was fight to the death.

Fortunately, as a medium-sized city, its military strength did not disappoint the government of China. It managed to hold back the surging Beast Tide, turning the city, ravaged as it was, into a real battlefield.

However, at this moment, this city remained unaware that in the distance, a thick mist had slowly blanketed the sky.

Vaguely, one could see numerous gigantic figures, seemingly formed from mist, running on the thick mist, approaching the mountains.

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