Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 228: Nuclear Strike & Conspiracies

A massive mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

It was as bright as the sun itself, and the intense heat wave that followed seemed capable of melting everything.

In moments, a vast and powerful shockwave swept the city that had already been declared dead.

There were no cries, no wails.

There was nothing but an eerie silence.

Nuclear weapons, that had been playing a huge role in maintaining peace throughout the world, had finally been unleashed tonight.

In some secret location in America, a woman with blonde hair reported with a pale face, “80 percent of Sioux’s population has already been confirmed to have been wiped out by the Mutant Beasts…”

“80 percent!?”

A sigh escaped the lips of an elderly man with white hair, a hint of helplessness on his.

A city, even if it was small and remote, had vanished from America’s territory just like this.

Be that as it may, they had no choice.

Through surveillance, they had already confirmed that the entire population of Sioux, the tens of thousands of people, had been trampled by the Beast Tide.

The images transmitted by their remote surveillance had shocked the entire America.

The piercing roars of beasts, the blood-red ground…

Severed limbs, mutilated corpses…

There was no Human alive, only a myriad of Mutant Beasts remained, feasting upon the corpses.

It was intolerable, utterly intolerable.

The pride of America could not be trampled upon by Mutant Beasts.

In almost no time at all, the Congress of America had approved the request to launch nuclear weapons. At the same time, across the entire America, as many as dozens of nuclear warheads were launched, all targeting the dead cities near the heart of the forests.

However, one had to admit, this situation was quite ironic.

Cosmopolitan cities of America and even China were either situated along the coast or surrounded by other cosmopolitan cities, and they faced the least impact from the Beast Tide.

At most, they had to contend with the waves of Mutant Birds and the Rat Tides hidden deep within the cities. Compared to the overwhelming Beast Tide faced by those remote cities, the threats they faced were negligible.

Yet, even so, according to the comprehensive data collected by America, the population of the entire America was expected to fall by over forty percent after this Beast Tide. Such a terrifying and shocking number had shaken the whole of America.

And also, truly angered this dominant superpower.

“Launch, launch, launch…” Shouting in a hoarse voice, the personnel responsible for firing the missiles repeatedly pressed the red button to launch with bloodshot eyes.

*Boom, boom, boom…* As the nuclear warheads fell, the night turned into day, lighting up the skies of America.

One major city after another, where the population had not been invaded by the Beast Tide, saw people spontaneously pouring out onto the streets, gazing at the mushroom clouds rising in the distance, offering silent prayers.

Meanwhile, in China, another dominant nation that was no less powerful than America, everyone was hesitating.

“Do we really have to launch nuclear weapons?” In a rare moment, when the highest authority asked everyone’s opinion, the high-ranking individuals exchanged glances.

Thanks to the tall defensive wall, China was spared from witnessing a dead city. Most of them were struggling to resist. While their forces were gradually dwindling due to continuous and extended battles, at least, a significant number of Humans have survived.

“The nuclear warheads will target the center of the Beast Tides, outside the city walls. This will significantly alleviate the pressure on the major cities.”

After a brief discussion, the President of China decided to launch nuclear missiles.

However, at this moment, as if remembering something important, the Deputy Director of the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau suddenly stood up and reported, “Sir, the data regarding the towering giant tree that appeared in Misty Mountains has now been analyzed. If the assessment is correct, its Spiritual Energy should be as high as a million, making it a truly terrifying entity of Catastrophe Class. Moreover, it has been hiding itself until the second round of Spiritual Energy Tide began and only revealed itself then. It definitely harbors malicious intentions. What’s more important is that fifteen days ago, it was responsible for sniping our Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellites…”

Listening to her reports one after another, the entire conference room fell into a heavy atmosphere.

Spiritual Energy as high as a million, Catastrophe Class, concealing itself…

These words made everyone feel as if they were facing a terrifying existence lurking behind the shadow of China, watching and scheming.

*Haaa…* Taking a deep breath, the President of China, who had been preparing to leave, unexpectedly returned to his seat and leaned back in his chair.

After a moment, as if having recalled something, the President of China suddenly asked, “General Li went missing in Misty Mountains, right?”

“Yes,” nodded the Deputy Director of the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau before adding, “Also, our Genomarines have also disappeared in Misty Mountains. And not that long ago, the Superhumans who went to Misty Mountains have not returned.”

“That freaking Tree Monster!” An extremely old general with a withered face shouted thunderously as he turned livid.

“This is more than just a Tree Monster. It has taken countless lives and is born with a thirst for blood. If this tree is not eliminated, our China will never have peace…”

“Really? Is it that serious?” a young man muttered, doubtful of the claim.

“Hmph!” With a snort, the weathered old general retorted, “What do you even understand? Nowadays, most Transcendent Creatures possess intelligence. And the fact that this tree has been hiding and even destroyed our Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellite from afar shows its malevolence and extreme prudence. Now, it has revealed itself, probably feeling confident and unafraid of us…”

At this point, the old general looked at the President of China and suggested, “I think we should strike first and let it know the might of our China.”

“What do you mean?” questioned the President of China, narrowing his eyes.

“While the Beast Tide is ravaging, we can launch multiple nuclear warheads directly to target this Tree Monster.” 

When he stated the last part, the corners of his lips involuntarily rose into a cold smile.

“Although this Tree Monster may possess intelligence, it surely doesn’t know the horror of nuclear weapons. More importantly, the real horror of nuclear weapons is the high temperature during the explosion, reaching even the surface temperature of the sun. Furthermore, its range is even broader than the explosion itself. Such terrifying heat should be able to annihilate this Tree Monster.”

After listening to the old general’s suggestion, everyone exchanged glances.

After a moment, a voice suddenly echoed in the conference room, “General Zhao, do you realize that if what you’re saying is true, the nuclear warheads we would have to deploy may not be as simple as small-scale nuclear weapons, but rather large-scale or even super-large-scale nuclear weapons, which could even consume the cities around Misty Mountains?”

“And what of it?”

Waving his hand, General Zhao’s expression turned slightly cold as he continued, “Compared to the pros, the rest is insignificant. You must understand what a Catastrophe Class means for China. Moreover, the Beast Tide is sweeping across the entire world tonight. If we launch nuclear weapons, we will have the full support of the people. But once tonight is over, if we attempt to launch a large-scale nuclear strike, the public skepticism alone would be enough to bury us with curses. Instead of dealing with that, it’s better to act decisively and launch nuclear weapons to destroy this Tree Monster using tonight as cover! As for the cities nearby, most of its residents are already dead or injured, with fewer than tens of thousands remaining.”

At this point, General Zhao’s expression became serious. Sighing, he stated, “I believe if they knew, they would also rest in peace, knowing that their sacrifices was not in vain”

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