Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 227: Dark Day! Night of Bloodshed!

Yu Zi Yu stopped paying attention to it. Compared to Human cities, Yu Zi Yu cared more about himself.

*Howl…* He greedily absorbed the colorful energy, which caused his Spiritual Energy to soar at a visible pace.

Since the second wave of Spiritual Energy Tide was an opportunity for Humans and Mutant Beasts, how could it not be for him as well?

Only, while Humans and Mutant Beasts were experiencing qualitative breakthroughs, he, as a Tier-3 Transcendent, was accumulating quantitatively.

Every bit of quantitative change made Yu Zi Yu’s foundation stronger and more robust. It could be said that Yu Zi Yu’s cultivation tonight was worth several months of effort for ordinary Mutant Beasts, or possibly even more.

Furthermore, the speed at which Yu Zi Yu was absorbing Spiritual Energy was several times, if not tens of times, faster than the Mutant Beasts here.

Among the Mutant Beasts at his level, he held a significant advantage in absorbing Spiritual Energy, primarily due to his natural affinity with Spiritual Energy because of him being a Spirit Tree.

Moreover, Yu Zi Yu’s tree body was incredibly massive now. When all his pores had opened, his speed of Spiritual Energy absorption was rather terrifying.

At the thought of this, a smirk tugged the corner of Yu Zi Yu’s lips before he put his entire focus on his body, eagerly absorbing the limitless colorful Spiritual Energy.

Opportunities like this were rare and far between.

Meanwhile, on the defensive walls of several cities…

“Defend the walls at all costs!”

Under the pitch-black night, military officers’ shouts, resembling high-pitched horns, pierced the night sky.

In moments, numerous machine guns extended from openings in the defensive walls, and on top of the walls, mortars were set up one after another.

Immediately afterward…

“Open fire!” a thunderous roar shook the night sky.


*Bang, bang, bang…”

Muzzle flashes illuminated the night sky, while mortar shells whistled through the air.

*Boom, boom, boom…*

Accompanied by continuous gunshots and explosions, bullets and mortar shells rain down on the dark tide of Mutant Beasts.

In mere moments, painful and miserable wails of countless Mutant Beasts filled the air, while the ground was painted completely red.

Faced with the well-prepared China, the fearsome Beast Tide suffered heavy casualties during the first assault.

However, so what!?

The Beast Tide stretched out like an endless sea, inexhaustible. Whereas fist-sized Mutant Insects and Mutant Birds had swarmed through the air as far as one could see.


A pitiful cry rang out as a tiny Mutant Horney, having managed to evade numerous bullets and artillery rounds, mercilessly stabbed into the neck of a fully-armed soldier with its venomous stinger. 

Clutching his neck, the soldier dropped his machine gun, his body convulsing uncontrollably.

The next moment…

*Buzz, buzz…*

The buzzing intensified as the Mutant Wasp came right out from the other side of the neck, leaving a streak of red behind.

And at that moment, the sky grew dim.


Amidst the endless, pitiful cries of Mutant Birds as they plummeted from the sky, more Mutant Birds managed to fly over the tall defensive walls and rushed into the city.

“Dammit!” Clenching his fists, a military officer could not help but roar out in frustration at the sight of a significant portion of the city engulfed by Mutant Birds.

At the end of the day, all their preparations had been in vain. In the face of this massive Beast Tide, their arrangements had turned out to be frail.

“We can’t escape, we can’t escape; we can only fight.”

With a furious shout, a young man from a university clenched his fist and struck at a nearby Mutant Sparrow coming at him.

The next moment, a deafening boom resounded before blood splashed everywhere, much to the young man’s surprise.


The young man broke into a laugh before stating loudly with an excited look on his face, “Don’t worry, they aren’t strong, at most, they’re at Intermediate Level. We can easily handle them.”

Stating this, the young man turned around.

Immediately afterward, he caught sight of familiar figures falling down one after another, much to his horror and dismay.

“No, no…” Staring blankly at the scene, the young man was a bit dumbfounded.

[How is this possible!? How is this possible!? They are supposed to be Mutant Birds I can easily punch to death! How do they have much greater Spiritual Energy than my classmates?]

And right at that moment…

*Screech, screech, screech…* Sharp screeches pulled the young man out of his thoughts. When he turned around, he saw a huge flock of Mutant Birds attacking him.

“No…” Before the young man could react, his entire body was submerged in the flock.

“The Beast Tide not only tests a person’s combat ability but also their adaptability. And, as I mentioned before, don’t get even a drop of blood falling on yourself, otherwise, more Mutant Beasts will target you!” A teacher instructed, sorrowfully and regretfully.

Such scenes were common not only in this city but throughout the areas occupied by the Humans. In order to survive, one needed not only strength but also remarkable combat ability and a keen mastery of the finer details. Otherwise, all they could do was leave everything to fate.

After all, in the entire Beast Tide, apart from those Superhumans, even High Level warriors were unable to protect themselves.

Of course, the possibility of Superhumans being overwhelmed by the Beast Tide due to some carelessness on their part could not be ruled out either..

In a real battlefield, no one could guarantee that no accidents would happen.

On this dark and dreary night, with stars and moon hidden, countless Mutant Beasts stampede toward the cities, sweeping through the major cities of China.

No, not only China, but it was happening throughout the world.

It was worth mentioning that China had already erected tall defensive walls, which allowed them to ward off most of the Beast Tide’s first wave of attacks. Only the Mutant Birds managed to fly over the walls and enter the cities.

However, other nations were not as fortunate.

In almost an instant, the immense beast tide flooded their cities, painting them red with blood, and filled them with wails of despair.

In just half an hour, several cities had been razed to the ground, reduced into dead cities.

Not every city had a population as large as those in China.

In other countries, a population of tens of thousands was considered substantial.

With such a smaller base, there was a lack of combatants they could deploy.

Thus, when faced with the onslaught of the Beast Tide, they were unable to hold on.

One could easily imagine the despairing scene.

In other words, the fact that China was home to a quarter of the world’s population ironically played in the favor of China on this disastrous day.

The sheer number of people ensured an ample fighting force.

Occasional appearances of prodigies also greatly compensated for the inadequacies of the military.

This dark and dreary night was filled with blood, and howls and growls of the beasts.

This night would be forever etched in the annals of Human history.

Humans, the dominant species on this planet, was ultimately shaken by the rampage of other species.

Until… a moment when a light as bright as sun lit up the dark sky.

Countless powerful Mutant Beasts hidden in the depths could not help but have their pupils shrink at the sight of this.

However, it was only able to shake, not overthrow.

After all, the power of nuclear weapons was not to be taken lightly.

At least, for the Beast Tide formed by these Low-Level beasts, it was a true force of destruction that could devastate mountains and shatter the earth.

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