Huge and Strong! It was the legend of the Chimpanzee Race.

At the beginning of the Spiritual Energy surge, thanks to its body being able to adapt to the Spiritual Energy, it began to mutate early on.

Its body underwent changes daily.

In just a short half year, it had grown to a height of 5-6 meters, comparable to a small building.

Its former enemies, such as Leopards, were now weak and feeble before it.

With just a swing of its arm, it could pulverize a Leopard. 

With a stomp of its foot, its massive weight would crack the ground, and more terrifyingly, its speed would instantly skyrocket using the rebound force from the ground. It would ferociously pounce on its enemies, leaving a streak of blurry black afterimages.

No Mutant Beast could stop its charge, and none could withstand a single punch from it.

It was the ruler of this region, and the undisputed overlord of this corner of the Misty Mountains.

However… At this moment, the giant Chimpanzee was sitting cross-legged, calmly gazing toward the depths of the Misty Mountains.

There, a long time ago… It should be said that shortly after its mutation began and it gained sentience, it sensed a terrifying life form lurking there. 

It brought fear, apprehension, and a hint of excitement.

It yearned to encounter that extremely fearsome life form, yet every time it stepped out of this region, a freezing cold that could freeze its very Soul would cause it to withdraw its raised foot.

Not enough, it knew it was not strong enough.

Currently, it was far from a match for that formidable life form.

With this in mind, the massive Chimpanzee stood up once more, thumped its chest and roared in defiance.

*Boom, boom, boom…* Its thumping sounded like peals of thunder, and caused even the air to uncontrollably tremble. Consequently, the entire forest lay low under its imposing aura. Even its fellow clansmen chose to lie on the ground and bow their heads in respect.

This was respect for the king, as well as the greatest awe toward the strong.

However, at this moment, a melodious laughter as clear as tinkles of bells resounded through the air.

“What a domineering Chimpanzee.” As the voice echoed, a massive boulder rose in the air, as if lifted by an invisible hand.

The giant Chimpanzee’s pupils contracted as the massive boulder came hurtling toward it.

However, a hint of disdain flashed across its face.

With a swing of its enormous arm that extended to its knees, it struck out fiercely.

*Boom…* With a terrifying rumble, the boulder was smashed to smithereens, reduced into a cloud of dust.

Right afterward, the giant Chimpanzee leaped toward a certain corner.

Mutation had granted it a formidable perception and intuition. Through its senses, it detected an unknown enemy right in this corner.

*Boom!* It bent its leg and leaped, soaring over a small hill, crossing a distance of nearly 50-60 meters.

*Skrrrr…* As it landed on the ground, its momentum carried it along the ground, digging a half-meter-deep trench, and snapping trees along the way.

The next moment, as if sensing something, the massive Chimpanzee’s lips curled into a malevolent grin, as it clenched its fist hard.

*Boom!* It seemed as if the very air exploded as its fearsome fist hurtled toward a towering tree.

But in the blink of an eye, a resounding ‘thud’ echoed through the air, and the colossal Chimpanzee’s movements abruptly came to a halt.

As it raised its gaze, it found its immense fist remained suspended in mid-air, baffling the creature’s deep eyes.

Yet undeterred, the giant ape unleashed another punch.


Once more, its fist came to an abrupt stop in the air, as though an intangible barrier thwarted its every effort, blocking all its strength.

“Do you only possess such meager tactics?” a voice laced with a hint of amusement rang followed by a wisp of red smoke appearing out of nowhere before materializing into Qing Er’s graceful figure on a tree branch.

Her delicate foot lightly landed on the branch as she adjusted a strand of her hair with a playful expression on her face.

However, in the eyes of the giant Chimpanzee, her actions were nothing short of the most audacious provocation.

*Roar, Roar, Roar…* Roaring, the giant Chimpanzee pounded its chest that was as hard as the forged steel with ferocity.

Then, much to Qing Er’s surprise, it grabbed a nearby tree.

*Boom!* With a fierce pull, it uprooted the tree and charged toward Qing Er, hugging the huge tree.

“This guy seems quite adept with using weapons.” Qing Er was a little astonished, though she paid little mind to it.

On one side stood a true Transcendent, while on the other, a mere Tier-0 Level 8 Mutant Beast. They were no longer in the same league. And Qing Er, she was far from an ordinary Tier-1.

A faint smirk played on her lips as she raised her right hand.

“Can you withstand this?”

The next moment, her psychic power suddenly coalesced into a singular focal point.

In an instant, the air seemed to twist and distort, forming a funnel-like shape. Before the giant Chimpanzee could react, an overwhelming surge of power sent its colossal frame hurtling through the air.

*Boom, boom, boom…”

One tree after another crumbled under the impact as the giant Chimpanzee was sent flying by the unstoppable force.

Yet, surprisingly, even after withstanding such a powerful air cannon, the giant Chimpanzee rose undeterred, as if the attack had barely fazed it.

Without hesitation, it picked up a broken tree and charged once more, closing in on the elusive crimson figure in the distance.

With every thundering step, the ground trembled beneath its colossal form.

It was quite an awe-inspiring sight.

In stark contrast, Qing Er remained poised and serene, her demeanor unfaltering. The entire clash did not even manage to move a single strand of her lustrous hair.

She gently shook her head and a smile flashed on her lips as she extended her hand in a symbolic gesture.

*Boom* As the air condensed around her, an invisible titan’s hand reached out for the giant Chimpanzee.

The Chimpanzee failed to dodge it. In the face of Qing Er’s enigmatic and bewildering power, the giant Chimpanzee could do nothing but surrender, allowing the unseen hand to lift it slowly into the air.

It tried to struggle, but it was met with an even stronger grip.

It tried to break free, but it found the air as hard as steel.

“Little one, it seems you have yet to grasp the true meaning of terror,” Qing Er coldly remarked, a mocking smile dancing on her lips as she suddenly waved her hand.


A silver-colored whip cut through the air, and within moments, an entire mountain peak vanished before the dumbfounded eyes of the giant Chimpanzee.

All that remained was a flawless, mirror-like incision, an eerie testament to the unfathomable power she possessed.

Silver Light – An attack channeled through the Silver Centipede attached to her body, utilizing its robust exoskeleton and scale armor to cut through anything like a razor-sharp blade.

This was Qing Er’s most formidable technique.

It came at a high cost of Spiritual Energy and required careful restraint.

But once unleashed, it unleashed true terror.

In a way, it rivaled the legendary secret move of Yu Zi Yu – the Flying Willow Leaf Blade.

Yet, unlike Yu Zi Yu Zi Yu’s technique, Qing Er’s Silver Light had a more confined attack range, limited to a mere kilometer.

Nevertheless, the sheer devastation it inflicted was enough to render one breathless.

Subtly, it bore the potential to ascend into the realm of myth and legend, akin to an ancient divine art.

At this very moment, the giant Chimpanzee stood utterly stupefied, its eyes dull, as if it had lost its senses.

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