“Chimpanzee…” muttering again, a glimmer of excitement flickered in the depths of Yu Zi Yu’s eyes.

After a moment, his tree roots suddenly curled around Qing Gang. And before Qing Gang could react, he found himself back on the surface already.

Only one sentence echoed in the underground cave for a long time, “Qing Gang, you have made great contributions this time.”

Back on the surface, Yu Zi Yu glanced at the sky and the empty surroundings. However, he did not mind at all.

No matter who went out on a mission, someone would always stay by his side.

Thinking like this, one of Yu Zi Yu’s tree roots trembled slightly.

Immediately, a wisp of red smoke rose from the ground and swirled, eventually materializing into a graceful figure.

“Master… Why did you wake me up at this time of the night? What’s going on?” Feeling a bit drowsy, Qing Er lazily yawned. For Transcendents like her, it was normal for her to go days without sleeping. However, she could not escape the fact that she was remote controlling Ling Er’s body.

And it was not like controlling a puppet in a stiff manner; it was as if she was controlling her own body, meticulously manipulating it even during cultivation. Such a mentally exhausting task could only be managed by someone with Qing Er’s psychic abilities.

Even Yu Zi Yu himself would probably find it overwhelming.

But now, Yu Zi Yu was too excited to hold back his thoughts, so he had to wake up Qing Er.

“Qing Er, I woke you up this time because there’s an important matter to discuss.” Saying this, Yu Zi Yu briefly explained the ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ situation to Qing Er.

Initially, Qing Er did not pay too much attention, but as she heard more, her expression changed slightly. When Yu Zi Yu finished speaking, her eyes began to flicker.

“Master, what you’re doing is very dangerous,” taking a deep breath, Qing Er stated in a solemn voice.

“Dangerous!?” Yu Zi Yu just chuckled, and did not mind it at all.

It had always been a gamble. If his plan succeeded, the construction of the North Canyon would accelerate significantly. If it failed…

The consequences were clear to Yu Zi Yu.

As a species most similar to Humans and also being social animals– the Chimpanzee would evolve at an unimaginable speed if guided by Human influence. However, this evolution would not be a physical one, but rather the other way around, it would be an evolution on an intellectual scale like Humans.

In other words, they could quickly assimilate Human culture and knowledge and evolve into a species completely similar to Humans.

What Humans could do, they could do.

What Humans could not do, they might be able to do with their powerful physique.

This way, a powerful race that could possibly surpass Humans would be born.

And Qing Er’s concern was exactly this point.

If the Chimpanzees, under the guidance of Yu Zi Yu and the others, acquired true wisdom, it would inevitably mean that Yu Zi Yu and the others might face a second race very similar to the Humans.

The single Human Race was already a problem, but having another race that was quite familiar, it might cause an even bigger problem to Yu Zi Yu and the others.

*Ha…* Exhaling a long, deep breath, Yu Zi Yu looked at Qing Er and spoke, “Qing Er, if we truly subjugate the Chimpanzees and even train them, we must pay attention to two things. First, their population must be controlled. Second, I won’t let these Chimpanzees leave the underground area unless they can win our trust; otherwise, their days are destined to be like prisoners, forever confined underground.”

Upon hearing Yu Zi Yu’s addition, Qing Er nodded slightly and stated, “Master, I’m not worried that the Chimpanzees will pose a threat to us. This is a long-term process after all. What I’m really concerned about is the Humans. If they find out that there is a race imitating them, or even attempting to replace them, I’m afraid they will go completely crazy… When Humans perceive a potential threat to their status, they do things that are far beyond ordinary imagination.”

Saying this, Qing Er shook her head and suppressed her inner thoughts, confessing, “I might be overthinking it, but recently, some Humans have started worrying about the potential dangers posed by Chimpanzees, Monkeys, and other primates. There are even research institutes studying ‘Genocidal Weapons’ just to stifle these potential threats in the cradle.”

“Huh?.” Yu Zi Yu’s face turned slightly stiff. He was really shocked  by this revelation.

[How cruel! They started researching ‘Genocidal Weapons’ at this stage?]

But after thinking about it, from the perspective of Humans, it was true that these primates were the most likely to threaten the status of Humans.

They have developed brains, possessed four limps, and had a tendency to mimic. If they evolved, they might indeed start learning Human knowledge. And what came after that was not hard to imagine.

Although the movie ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ only presented one perspective, it reflected an undeniable fact. There was no right or wrong between races; there’s only endless competition.

They fight for survival, they fight for status.

At this moment, Qing Er, who had been observing Yu Zi Yu’s contemplation, could not help but smile wryly and said, “Master, let’s not think too much about it for now. This era is already chaotic enough, and we shouldn’t worry about the rise of one more race…”

Saying this, Qing Er also murmured, “Perhaps, the rise of the apes is a good thing for us.”

*Tsk…* Yu Zi Yu just clucked his tongue and did not say anything. Rather he changed the topic, “Then, Qing Er, I’ll trouble you to take a trip tonight.”

“No problem.“ Nodding, Qing Er’s gaze turned to a corner of the Misty Mountains, where a community of Chimpanzees lived.

Moreover, their leader had caught Yu Zi Yu’s attention in the past. It was just that there were too many things going on, and he had forgotten about this guy.

However, it was not too late now.

Thinking of this, Qing Er transformed into a wisp of red smoke and instantly pierced through the air, heading straight for a corner of the Misty Mountains.


Meanwhile, in a corner of the Misty Mountains…

*Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh…* Accompanied by the sound of something cutting through the air, a Chimpanzee after another swung on tree branches through branches.

However, their gazes rarely diverted from a figure.

Their gazes were transfixed on the top of a distant cliff, where a massive figure happened to be sitting cross-legged.

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