Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 102: Humans and Monsters’ have Different Paths

The night grew deeper…

Having resolved some issues regarding the Mist Beasts, Qing Er suddenly appeared to have recalled something important and spoke up, “Master, the Humans have detected unusual fluctuations in the Misty Mountains in these past two days.”

“Unusual fluctuations!?”

“That’s right.” Qing Er nodded and explained, “According to the information I’ve gathered, the Spiritual Energy in the Misty Mountains suddenly started intensely fluctuating two days ago. Although the Spiritual Energy didn’t show any signs of rising, it drew the attention of vigilant individuals.”

“Is that so!?” 

After a moment of contemplation, realization dawned upon Yu Zi Yu.

The cause of these fluctuations became apparent to him, and it was when he had upgraded his ability, the Shroud of Mist. It would have triggered some fluctuations, which had caught the notice of Humans.

However, there was nothing he could do about it. Although the mist had the ability to suppress the Spiritual Energy, it could not completely conceal them like the Spirit Stones; some leakage was inevitable.

Understanding the situation was one thing, but responding to it was another matter entirely.

At this moment…

A realization seemed to have flashed across Yu Ziyu’s mind, prompting him to raise his eyes.

*Roar, Roar, Roar…* A series of primal roars reverberated through the air as two colossal Mist Beasts emerged from the thick mist.

The first Mist Beast was modeled after White Tiger, the Cloud Winged Tiger, with a body length exceeding twenty meters, and it possessed vast wings that shrouded the sky.

A mere glance at the creature instilled a suffocating sense of awe.

The second creature was an enormous Bull, carrying a mountain on its back. Every step it took sent back the mist swirling, as if the very ground struggled to support its mass.

These were the two most formidable Mist Beasts Yu Zi Yu had managed to create. Even without utilizing the Hallucinogen and roots, they possessed raw strength to rival High Level Mutant Beasts.

These two Mist Beasts were enough to hold their ground.

In other words, it was time to put certain plans in motion.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, a mischievous smile curled upon Yu Zi Yu’s lips as he stated, “If those with ill intentions are truly unwilling to relinquish their pursuits, then let them come.”

Hearing Yu Zi Yu’s statement, perplexity took over Qing Er’s face.

“Master, what do you mean?”

Without explaining anything, Yu Zi Yu’s branch suddenly shot forth like a released arrow, piercing a colossal border situation tens of meters away.

And as it shot forth, the branch continued to grow without ceasing, thanks to Yu Zi Yu’s Innate Talent – Super Regeneration.


*Bang!* With a resounding bang, the boulder shattered into fragments, thoroughly penetrated by the slender branch.

“Humans and Monsters ultimately have different paths,” Yu Zi Yu proclaimed in a chilling tone, devoid of any warmth; his words seemed to cast an even colder shadow in the already dark night.

“Humans and Monsters’ paths are different!?” Qing Er murmured softly, her slender fingers playing with a strand of her hair. With a tinge of resignation, she shook her head and added, “Humans and Monsters’ parts are forever different!”

Thinking about the cruel experiments she had witnessed in Human laboratories, and recalling her professors, who despite their different ideologies had shown a united stance against Mutant Beasts. Qing Er could not help but suppress the softened corner of her heart.

No one was at fault here!

They could only lament the fact that everyone had their own positions, and everyone was fighting for their survival.

Right at this moment, Qing Er suddenly looked toward the vast ocean, a faint smile playing on her lips, as if struck by a thought.

“China should have little time to worry about the mainland now.”

Yes, there really was little time to spare for the mainland. In the coastal regions, the concentration of Spiritual Energy has reached its historical peak in recent days. And it had remained that way for several days until now.

Such stability, coupled with the unprecedented Peak Spiritual Energy, was cause for concern if nothing significant occurred.

Just yesterday, Qing Er had gleaned some information from a conversation between the professors that the island nation surrounded by the sea, known as Japan, was fully mobilized for war.

Moreover, numerous cities along the coast had fortified their defenses to the utmost level.

However, even so, the island nation, Japan, was on the brink of peril.

Tsunamis and earthquakes had plagued this country for centuries, and now they were faced with an even more dreadful catastrophe—the onslaught of sea creatures. In the face of an overwhelming number of Mutant Sea Beasts, could a nation like Japan truly withstand such an assault?

Qing Er, who possessed some knowledge about this country, could not help but feel curious. After all, even the superpower on the other side of the ocean – America, had suffered heavy losses due to a beast tide.

Now, how would Japan, who only had military forces that were less than one percent of America, and was surrounded by the sea, would manage?

Meanwhile, in a country where cherry blossoms bloomed profusely…

With a loud bang, the entire office desk shook violently.

Looking up, everyone was startled to find a middle-aged man with two pointed mustaches standing up and slamming the table fiercely with an angry expression.

“How many days, I’m asking you? How many days has it been?“

“What about the resources promised by America? How much do we give them every year? But now, when our nation is facing an unprecedented crisis…”

While speaking, the middle-aged man could not help but self-deprecatingly say, “Until now, our nation has only a little over a thousand tanks, 980 armored vehicles, and only 511 fighter jets of various types, not counting the damaged ones. As for the remaining artillery, how many do we have?”

“You, yes, you, stand up and answer me loudly.”

Under the middle-aged man’s roar, a panicked-looking young man stood up, trembling, and looked around at the crowd before answering in a hesitant manner, “Approximately 12,000, and that’s just recently, due to countless factories being immediately used for military production day and night.”

“Good, that’s great.”

Hearing this shocking figure, the middle-aged man’s face twisted into a grimace. He pointed his fingers one after another at everyone and fiercely stated, “One round, two rounds, three rounds… if after the third round of the beast tide, our best ally still hasn’t provided support, do you understand what would happen?”

“We’ll run out of food and ammunition, our nation will be destroyed…”

“Tell me…”

However, in the face of the middle-aged man’s questioning, no one dared to speak up. It was a question of life and death, and no one dared to speak.

And at that moment, a voice tinged with a crying tone suddenly broke the deathly silence.

“Sir, can America really be able to provide support in time? Nowadays, the sea route is lade with countless Mutant Sea Creatures, making it nearly impossible to travel, and the airspace is fraught with unknown Mutant Birds waiting for an opportunity…”

Before he could finish the sentence, the entire office fell into a deathly silence.

But this time, no one dared to even breathe.

After all, even if America wanted to, could they be able to even provide support?

It was already no longer a question of whether they would or not…

*Ha…* The middle-aged man exhaled a long, deep breath.

He had been trying his best to avoid this question, but now, someone had to just bring this up at this moment.

[Well, our last hope is about to be shattered.] A bitter smile appeared on his face. The middle-aged man clutched his head, feeling a sense of despair.

However, after a long time, as if making a certain decision, the middle-aged man raised his head, cast a look at the crowd before heaving a deep sigh and ordering bitterly, “Submit, submit to that ‘lion’…”

“In the end, distant water cannot extinguish a nearby fire. Instead of relying on that vampire, it’s better to…” At this point, the middle-aged man’s voice became even lower.

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