Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 101: Imperfection Revealed

Deep within the heart of North Canyon…

A trail of crimson smoke rose beneath the towering canopy of a majestic Willow Tree, coiling and assuming the shape of a slender silhouette.

“Master, is this the new marvel you wanted to show me?” Qing Er’s playful voice rang as she observed a palm-sized mist Fox with nine tails, frolicking in the air nearby. She could not but curl her lips.

As a formidable Psychic Expert, Qing Er effortlessly saw through the extraordinary nature of the mist surrounding her. Yet, despite its peculiarity, it was merely an intricate dance of psychic energies.

Thinking so, Qing Er casually beckoned, waving her hand.

In the blink of an eye, much to Yu Zi Yu’s astonishment, the palm-sized mist Fox he had crafted for Qing Er gracefully floated into her palm.

Sensing Yu Zi Yu’s surprise, Qing Er’s lips curled into a smile as she offered an explanation, “Master, judging by the lifelike manifestation of the Fox, your mastery over the mist must have reached a new level. But Master, you should not forget that the reason the mist takes the form of a Fox is because you have infused it with your spirit. As long as your spirit is not dispersed, its form will naturally be difficult to disperse, as you’ve once mentioned.” 

Saying so, Qing Er gently squeezed her right hand.

*Crack* As if shattering something, the palm-sized mist Fox dispersed into the dense fog but did not reform, even after a long time.

“Well…” Yu Zi Yu’s face froze in disbelief at the sight of mist creatures not reforming even after a prolonged time.

[Is this a joke?] He had painstakingly crafted the Mist Beast, only for it to be easily dispersed. [Wasn’t it supposed to be indestructible?] 

Before Yu Zi Yu could fully comprehend the situation, Qing Er gracefully approached him, while a subtle smile graced her lips.

“Master, for ordinary beings and even some Transcendents, these mist creatures might be an enigma. After all, they are impervious to physical attacks and resistant to destruction. However, for someone like me, a Soul adept in psychic abilities, it’s not much of a challenge.”

Qing Er’s mischievous smile deepened as she added, “After all, my Innate Talent allows me to completely ignore physical attacks.”

Listening to Qing Er’s explanation, Yu Zi Yu could not help but nod in agreement.

“I guess, that sounds reasonable.” However, after a brief moment, Yu Zi Yu’s tone changed, “But Qing Er, is it really necessary for you to spoil my plans like this? I poured my heart and soul into devising this masterful plan, and now, you’ve unraveled the very core of my strategy–the Mist Beasts.”

“I’m just better at analyzing than anyone else.” Qing Er chuckled, lightly caressing the rough bark of Yu Zi Yu’s tree body and continued, “Master, you’re just one person, so it’s natural to have imperfections in your plans. However, now that I’m here, I’ll naturally not allow mistakes in your plans.”

Saying so, Qing Er’s eyes gleamed with an intelligent gleam.

Over the past few months, she had not idled away in the Human world. In order to assist her Master and compensate for her own shortcomings, Qing Er had absorbed knowledge from the Human world like a sponge.

Now, she could finally put that knowledge to use.

Qing Er looked at the Mist Beasts wandering around in the dense fog one after another, sorted out what she had learned in her mind, and analyzed, “The reason the Mist Beasts created by Master don’t dissipate after so long is because, while shaping them, you have in imbued them with a trace of your spirit, using your formidable psychic power. Your spirit as a tether, allowing the Mist Beasts to gradually reform even if they disperse.”

Speaking of this, Qing Er let out a sigh and continued, “The trace of your spirit imbued in the Mist Beast may go unnoticed by others, but for someone like me who had awakened Psychic Talent, it shines as brightly as a candle in the night.”

“So, what you mean to say…”

Listening to Qing Er, Yu Zi Yu caught the implications.

“So, we must find a way to conceal your spiritual traces. Otherwise, if you encounter someone with Psychic Talent, they will see through the true nature of the Mist Beast. If they were to investigate further, they might trace it back to its source, which is you, Master.”

“So, the biggest flaw of my Mist Beasts is that all of their secrets will be revealed if they encounter a Psychic expert…”

Qing Er nodded in agreement and frankly added, “Although the Psychic Talent is a top talent and individuals with awakened Psychic Talent are rare, this still poses a considerable risk. We should take precautions, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“You’re right about that.” Yu Zi Yu sighed as a helpless look took over his face.

His goal was to deceive all of Humanity and create a terrifying Forbidden Zone.

However, it would be reduced to a mere joke if its secret were seen through by individuals possessing Psychic Talent, or some Superhumans gifted in psychic abilities discovered the mystery behind the Mist Beasts’ invulnerability by mistake.

At that time, let alone being designated into a Forbidden Zone, it might even attract the attention of China or even the entire Human Race.

Thinking of this, Yu Zi Yu sunk into rare contemplation.

Just at this moment, Yu Zi Yu inadvertently noticed a subtle smile playing on Qing Er’s lips. Though subtle, how could someone as strong as Yu Zi Yu fail to notice such details?

[Could it be that this girl already have a solution in mind?]

Curiosity piqued, Yu Zi Yu tentatively asked, “Qing Er, you wouldn’t happen to have a solution to this predicament?”

“Uh…” Caught off guard, Qing Er’s smile stiffened as she asked in surprise, “Master, how did you know?”

“Your expression betrayed you.”

“Um, I see.” Qing Er touched her cheek in helplessness. [Why can’t I hide my emotions in front of Master? I wanted to surprise him a little.]

“Hmph!” Qing Er pouted in dissatisfaction. After pondering for a moment, she continued, “Master, perhaps you’ve forgotten the power of Spirit Stones.”

“The power of Spirit Stones?”

Yu Zi Yu was slightly taken aback. He had not expected Qing Er to suddenly bring up Spirit Stones. But then, as if he realized what she meant, Yu Zi Yu’s face lit up with joy and excitement.

[Right, Spirit Stones! They have the ability to shield the Spiritual Energy fluctuations. And the trace of my spirit imbued into the Mist Beasts is essentially a form of Spiritual Energy.

If my guess is right…]

With these thoughts in his mind, a nearby root buried deep in the ground swiftly pushed apart the soil and emerged from the ground with a thunderous rumble, leaving a winding gully.

At its tip happened to be a diamond-shaped crystal, shimmering with a faint halo under the night sky.

An Earth-Attribute Spirit Stone – containing a significant amount of Earth-Attribute Spiritual Energy.

This Spirit Stone was obtained not long ago, when Yu Zi Yu and his companions discovered a medium-sized Spirit Stone Mine. The mined Spirit Stones were transported underground to the plaza underneath Yu Zi Yu’s physical body.

Despite its small size, no bigger than a thumb, the Spiritual Energy contained within it was enough for an average person to cultivate for several days.

At this moment, as Yu Zi Yu gazed at the Earth-Attribute Spirit Stone with a tempting expression on his face.

[If the Spirit Stone could shield the Spiritual Energy, then how should I use them to conceal it? Could it be…] A flash of inspiration suddenly struck him as he recalled the concept of Demon Beasts’ Inner Cores in the novels and movies, as well as the Crystal Cores from the Magical Creatures.

“Uh…would it really work?”” Although hesitant, Yu Zi Yu once again condensed a cluster of mist and molded it into the shape of a Fox.

Immediately after, the root coiled around the Spirit Stone inserted the Spirit Stone into the Mist Beast’s body at lightning-fast speed.

The moment he put the Spirit Stone into the Mist Beast’s body, Yu Zi Yu was astounded to observe slight changes in the Mist Beast.

It was indescribable.

Yet, Yu Zi Yu could clearly sense that the Mist Beast seemed to be more alive.

Especially at the center of its brow, which happened to be shimmering, giving it an otherworldly appearance.

“Qing Er…” Yu Zi Yu called out, his eyes filled with curiosity and questions.

“Let me see.” Saying so, Qing Er’s eyes became focused as a faint gleam flickered within them.

Soon, his face lit up with joy as she stated with excitement, “Master, I can no longer sense them. In the perception, this Mist Beast seemed to be nonexistent.”

“That’s great.” Yu Zi Yu nodded and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

[With this, my plan to create a Forbidden Zone should be foolproof. But, there is one thing that still needs to be worked on. Although my spirit is hidden by the Spirit Stones, there is still a significant flaw. If someone were to completely disperse these Mist Beasts, they’ll discover the Spirit Stone suspended within. At the time, the Humans would jump to strange conclusions. And more importantly, the Spirit Stones would undoubtedly attract many covetous gazes toward the Mist Beasts.]

“As expected, there is no true perfection in the world.” Yu Zi Yu heaved a sigh, no longer dwelling on this point.

Compared to this issue, the Mist Beasts as they were now satisfied his needs. The next step would be to simply wait.

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