Chapter 598 - I’ll Take Everything From You (2)

Zhang Wuying threw another glass to the wall with all her might. The loud crashing sound resounded inside her room as she continued to drown herself in alcohol. Everyone within the Zhang mansion agreed not to trespass her private space since they didn't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%E2%80%99ll-take-everything-from-you-(2)_52156247381699584">#%E2%80%99ll-take-everything-from-you-(2)_52156247381699584</a> for visiting.

By now, everyone was aware of her stepdaughter's marriage to Feng Tianyi. When she first heard the news, she repeatedly cursed Tang Moyu and Xing Yiyue in her heart.

No wonder Tang Moyu had the nerve to resist her control. It was because she had Feng Tianyi and the Song family as her backing. As for Xing Yiyue, Zhang Wuying wanted nothing more than to have her hands on that s.l.u.t's slender neck, strangling the stupid woman who dared to ruin all her plans for the empress.

"Xing Yiyue, you bitch!" She cursed the actress repeatedly. "You better not show your face to me or you'll be dead meat!"

She should have known better than to ignore the meek and innocent facade of a woman who was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing. Xing Yiyue had coveted something and someone she shouldn't have. She plotted against Tang Moyu, ruining the plans Zhang Wuying had laid for the young empress back then.

Even if Tang Moyu was married to the devil now, if her absolute control over her was retained, she would still be able to use the empress to her advantage. With the Song family's help, there was no doubt that her Zhang family would continue to flourish in the future.

Alas, Zhang Wuying knew it was just wishful thinking on her part. She had no idea when she started to lose her control over the empress. She couldn't pinpoint when Tang Moyu started to muster the courage to stand on her own.

It was probably during the time when her husband, Tang Lixue sent Tang Moyu overseas to pursue her studies. Little by little the fear and the shackles she instilled in the empress broke one by one, giving Tang Moyu a chance to get away from her control.

Ha! Tang Moyu was just like her father. She might have a face like Yan Qiuyu, but her coldness and ruthlessness was surely inherited from Tang Lixue. Now, Zhang Wuying knew that she couldn't influence the empress any longer and couldn't spite her in her parents' stead.

The only happiness she could get from torturing the empress had gone, as well as her chance to get her hands on the wealth of the Tang family. However, she was lucky that she had a brother that could take her in, unlike the other members of the Tang family who had lost everything when Tang Moyu turned her back on them and sold the whole Tang Enterprise to the Jiang family.

Since her pupper had gained the will to defy her, Zhang Wuying wanted nothing more than to destroy Tang Moyu completely. She had no use for her anymore, and the thought of how she would be able to infuriate Tang Lixue as well as Yan Qiuyu inthe afterlife brought so much satisfaction to her.

Her hatred towards the couple was now focused on the vile child they had left behind. It was a pity that the twin brother had gone too soon, or she would have taken the liberty to do the same to her husband's son from that woman.

Anyway, Zhang Wuying wasn't the only one who took an interest in the sudden news of the empress and the devil's marriage. Miles away from the heart of Shenzhen City, a man stared at the monitor of his laptop with a sneer on his face, his eyes never leaving the photo taken from the last night's event, where Feng Tianyi was seen extending a hand towards his wife, his eyes filled with adoration and pride.

Didn't Feng Tianyi know that by announcing his marriage, he was actually giving his enemies a dual-edged sword that had the potential of destroying him?

For the longest time, he had waited for the devil's return, and knowing that Feng Tianyi now had weaknesses and had vulnerabilities, he couldn't wait to exact his revenge soon. Knowing that the devil had a wife and children he could exploit to hurt Feng Tianyi brought immense happiness to the man who had lost everything because of him.

"Feng Tianyi, you better enjoy your days for now, because sooner or later, I'll take everything from you." He said with a tone filled with hatred towards Feng Tianyi.

The man opened the top drawer of the desk in front of him and pulled out a gun from it. He gave it a good look before nodding to himself, satisfied with the sudden turn of events that was in his favor. It was enough for him to know that the devil who ruined his life was back. Knowing that he was married was just the icing on the cake.

It seemed that fate was in his favor now. He wouldn't waste this chance to get even with Feng Tianyi. How could he allow the man who was responsible for his nightmares to live a fulfilling and happy life while he was suffering?

Soon, very soon, Feng Tianyi would know how it feels like to lose everything he held dearly in this life as he did. To wake up every morning only to face another day filled with deep regret and helplessness. To hope every day that he would be better off dead than to face another day only to suffer all over again.

"You should have stayed in whatever hellhole you were hiding in before and never come back. You can only blame yourself in the future."

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