Chapter 597 - I’ll Take Everything From You (1)

Tang Moyu felt like she had just finished a rigorous workout. Her whole body ached as she woke up from her deep slumber. She wasn't sure what time it was but she knew damn well that it was certainly not morning, given how the orangey lights that streamed through the tall window of their bedroom hit the floor near the side of the bed.

She opened her heavy eyelids and blinked several times, trying to focus her eyesight around her. She looked down at her n.a.k.e.d body and sighed. At least she wasn't feeling sticky and sweaty at the same time. Feng Tianyi must have made an effort to wipe her clean during her slumber. As to why she wasn't able to wake up much earlier, he probably took pity on her and didn't bother to wake her up.

Tang Moyu forced herself to get out of bed and dragged her a.s.s towards the bathroom to get a proper bath. Ah, she really should have known that her husband planned to keep her bedridden after the passionate night they just shared. Even now, her legs trembled and her waist felt painful as she went under the shower to clean herself.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%E2%80%99ll-take-everything-from-you-(1)_52156229379751060">#%E2%80%99ll-take-everything-from-you-(1)_52156229379751060</a> for visiting.

She was starting to think that Feng Tianyi's intention was to truly make her pregnant again in spite of their agreement to wait for some time. It was a good thing that she was already on the pill and wouldn't have to be worried about getting pregnant.

She then pondered what would happen now that their marriage was finally announced to the public. Would it change anything between them? Anyway, she was a person who didn't like being held up by other people. So what if she was married? There was nothing more important than being true to herself.

When Tang Moyu stepped out of the master bedroom, her stomach grumbled due to hunger. She was starving and couldn't wait to eat something. Her eyes caught their study and her face turned beet red from embarrassment as she remembered how her husband took her last night. His thrusts seemed as if they were releasing an unleashed violence, but the empress didn't have the heart to hate it. In fact, she craved more of it.

She remembered seeing their reflection in the mirror inside the study with him, still in his tux as he took her from behind, accentuating the powerful lines of his body while she was n.a.k.e.d, except for her high heels and the silver star hair pins that were still stuck in her hair. The image was shockingly e.r.o.t.i.c and Tang Moyu was shocked to see them in such a scenario.

His eyes met hers in the mirror. A smile curled at the end of Feng Tianyi's lips as he looked at their reflection.

"Look at us, Moyu. Don't look away." He whispered hotly against her ear as he took her hard and fast, all she could do was hold onto the edge of the desk, her hair tumbling around as the hot flame consumed her body, keeping her rational mind at bay. She couldn't think, breathe or even do anything, except feeling whatever he was doing to her.

Indeed, m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e out of their bedroom didn't look so bad after all, Tang Moyu thought. She and Feng Tianyi only needed to be careful so as not to be seen by their twins in such an awkward position.

She went downstairs and found her twins at the kitchen table together with her husband, still in their pajamas. It seemed like she wasn't the only one who got out of bed late today.

"Hi, Mommy! Do you have a good sleep?" Little Star came running towards her, still in her pink rabbit pajamas, looking up at her with a wide smile on her face.

Tang Moyu lifted her up and kissed both of her chubby cheeks. She felt that her children were growing up too fast for her liking.

"En. Mommy slept well…" She wouldn't dare to mention how tired she was and how she preferred to stay in the comfort and warmth of the bed right now. "What do we have here?" Tang Moyu asked as she placed her giggling daughter on her l.a.p after taking a seat next to Xiao Bao.

"Something light we can eat for late lunch." Feng Tianyi placed the dishes on the table, one by one, while Tang Moyu helped their son to start eating on his own. She watched with interest as Xiao Bao ate carefully, not wanting to make a mess with his meal, while Little Star waited for her to feed her.

"Now that everyone knows we are married. Do you have a date in mind for our wedding ceremony?" Feng Tianyi asked his wife in the middle of their meal.

"I thought Mom is the one responsible for the planning?" Tang Moyu replied, wiping the smear on Little Star's chin. It didn't seem like Little Star would relinquish her position as their youngest child anytime soon, given how attached to and pampered she was by both her and her husband.

Feng Tianyi shrugged. "She's just making sure the date will fit both of our schedules."

"I see. Then I will check with Cheng Ning first. It would be better for us to have the ceremony soon, so we could get over it already." Tang Moyu continued to feed their daughter before she started eating her share.

Her eyes droop a little, exhaustion still apparent on her face. Looking at her, Feng Tianyi couldn't help but feel guilty. He should have given her at least a day to rest before pouncing on her like a dog in a rut.

Ah, but he couldn't help it, okay? His wife looked so enticing, so beautiful last night that he couldn't stop himself from staking his claim on her. Now that everyone knew that she was his, the only thing he needed to do was to convince her to have another little bun soon.

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