Lilith continued groping her way forward.

The white smoke around her was getting thicker and thicker, to the point where she could not see her fingers. Pressing on in this condition, she risked stumbling upon a trap without even realizing it.

Nonetheless, she was determined to keep going.

One, because it was pointless to stay put. She might as well wander around and who knows, she might get lucky and stumble upon a little villain who fell flat on their face and knocked themselves unconscious as a result.

Second, it was all for the sake of her lovely and hardworking maid, Kieran.

Truth be told, it was highly unlikely that Lilith would be able to find Kieran in the space where her vision and senses were disrupted, unless the enemy voluntarily dispersed the smoke or someone powerful came to their rescue.

However, being able to find him and actually going to find him were two entirely different matters. It was like math homework—if an elementary school student did their homework but did not manage to solve the math problem correctly, the teacher wouldn’t scold them, because it all came down to their academic capability.

If the student did not even attempt the homework, then it was an attitude problem. The teacher must correct that attitude! Even if the student later did their homework but did not manage to solve the problem correctly, they would still be punished.

Therefore, Lilith realized that she needed to adjust her attitude. Even if she could not find Kieran, she had to appear as though she had made a significant effort to find him, even if only for show. That way, she would at least be able to blame… ahem, clarify to Kieran how she ended up losing him at a later time.

There was one thing that puzzled Lilith. If the enemy had gone after Kieran, why had nothing happened to her yet?

Apart from the white smoke surrounding her and the black shadow that was walking in front of her to confuse her, Lilith sensed no malice toward her. It was almost as if she was never the target of the enemy to begin with.

Could it be that… The enemy really preferred to pick on the weaker ones?

Was Kieran her only target? What about the others then? Was she just going to leave them alone?

If that was the case, then why did she release this mysterious white smoke?

Was it to trap her here until she died of old age?

A cold smile spread across Lilith’s face.

Death of old age?

She wouldn’t dare to say the rest, but she was confident that the dragons never lost out to anyone in terms of lifespan.

Those guys in her clan had lived at least tens of thousands of years. Given Lilith’s young age, if the enemy wanted her to die of old age…

Hehehe… They could dream on.

Even by the time this city fully deteriorated, Lilith would still be looking gorgeous at the age merely tens of thousands of years old.

The more Lilith thought about it, the more she could not figure out what Lacey Guinevere’s purpose was.

Was it to kill the weakest one among them to give them a warning, or… was she only here for Kieran?

Lilith frowned. Something still did not make sense.

Kieran was not much of a fighter and did not have a prominent background. He did not uncover any of the enemy’s darkest secrets.Come to think of it, Kieran did not even possess any quality that could be attractive to Lacey Guinevere.

The only thing worth mentioning about Kieran was the fact that he was a man who dared to cosplay a maid in front of everyone.


Could it be that… he had been taken captive because of his beauty and got forced to become a bandit’s wife?

Pfft. No way. Who could possibly have such a questionable taste?

Lilith chuckled and shook her head. There was no way she would be able to guess the truth unless she relied on her own eyes to confirm it.


As Lilith was about to leave, she heard a loud, miserable scream nearby. She turned her head in the direction of the scream, her expression suddenly became serious.

It was unmistakably Kieran’s voice. Although her vision and perception were distorted, her hearing was clear enough to pinpoint where the scream came from.

However… The expression on Lilith’s face turned into confusion.

Although Kieran’s scream was piercing and sorrowful, it seemed to stem from a psychological anguish rather than physical agony.

Could someone have force~fully taken advantage of him?


“Don’t come any closer!!!” Kieran shook his head as he frantically backed away.

Unfortunately, the guy in front of him clung to him like a parasite, staying within a distance of less than two feet, and Kieran could not seem to get rid of him.

“What’s wrong, beautiful? Haven’t we already opened our hearts to each other? Why are you still avoiding me?” Lacey gazed deeply into the eyes of the person he loved, but he backed away, causing his heart to ache. The melancholic look on his lovely face could easily melt hearts and evoke sympathy from anyone.

Kieran reacted like a startled cat, leaping several meters away as if its tail had been stepped on.

“Don’t call me beautiful! Don’t ever come near me again! And don’t talk nonsense! We never opened our hearts to each other!!!”

Kieran wanted to cry.

He wished he could go back in time to a few minutes ago and smack the fool who didn’t turn and flee at the earliest chance.

I told you not to be blinded by beauty!

I told you not to be blinded by beauty!

I told you not to be blinded by beauty!

Why did you keep staring at his face?

Why didn’t you look lower?

I thought you like boobies!

If you had looked lower… just a little lower…

Maybe you could have noticed his chest was flatter than that little devil and…

Realized that he had an Adam’s Apple.

But… It was too late for regrets. The enemy has unleashed an extremely effective psychic attack and he has been struck by it.

This emotional damage had left a lasting imprint on Kieran’s heart, and it was something he would carry with him for the rest of his life.

If Kieran had only one breath left before dying, he would use it to scream…


Geez… What the hell… What the hell is going on…! How could… he be so unlucky to have been slapped by Lilith and then have a super beautiful guy confess to him? If he had known about this, he would rather be slapped a few more times.

“Calm down, beautiful… no, handsome. We both have to calm down. As mature adults, we must approach the topic of relationship between genders with rationality and avoid acting impulsively. Impulsiveness is often the recipe for disasters.”

Kieran was sweating bullets as he saw that Lacey had no intention of staying away from him. Unfortunately, as he wasn’t familiar with Lacey’s strength, he could only try to reason with him for the time being, hoping that he would give up this dangerous idea.

Instead of stopping, Lacey grew even more excited. His tongue flicked across his crimson lips while assuring, “You have nothing to worry, beautiful. I’m truly serious about you.”

“That is exactly why I’m worried!” Kieran snapped.

Lacey smiled faintly. “Besides, strictly speaking, this isn’t really a relationship between the genders. Logic doesn’t apply in this.”

“It still applies!” Kieran was growing desperate. He realized that there was no way he could reason with this man, and decided that his only option was to flee!

He scanned his surroundings, but everything was still white and the interior of the ship was particularly spacious. Running around like a headless fly in this place would only earn him bumps on the head. This was probably why Lacey was not worried that he would run away.

There was one thing Lacey did not know. The maid’s dress he had on was highly resistant to physical impacts.

Kieran’s eyes glowed with hope. That could work!

He could take advantage of the intelligence gap between his side and the enemy! It was a plan that would definitely work!

“Lilith!” Kieran suddenly looked past Lacey and shouted.

“What? How could she have found this place?” Lacey turned back in horror, but there was no one in sight.

Kieran’s heart was filled with joy. He did not expect the enemy to actually fall for such a simple trick! In fact, it was the oldest trick in the book! This was the perfect chance for him to leg it!

He swiftly spun around and bolted away as if he were racing in a 100-meter dash, shielding his head with crossed arms in anticipation of any potential collision.

Lacey turned around calmly and indifferently watched as Kieran disappeared into the smoke. Instead of giving chase, he retrieved a small doll from his storage space.

Despite its poor craftsmanship and unsightly seams, Lacey cradled the doll with tenderness, as if it were a cherished possession. He gently caressed the doll before taking out a piece of paper and stuck it on its head.

He then took out a pen. With utmost care and attention, he used it to write “Kieran” on the paper, forming each letter with precision.

With a satisfied look on his face, Lacey put away the pen and held the doll up in the air, admiring the words he had just written.

Gently squeezing the doll’s short legs, he moved them one forward and one back, then one forward and one back again, repeating the motion like a child making his doll walk in the air.

Lacey then shifted his gaze away from the doll. The smoke nearby stirred, and Kieran came out of it with a horrified look on his face.

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