Question: What is Lilith’s voice like?

Answer: Clear, slightly childish, but enigmatic like a lark. A 100% pure loli voice.

Question: So, was that Lilith’s voice?

Answer: Absolutely not.

Kieran froze, then stiffly turned his head around while murmuring to himself endlessly.

I must be hallucinating. I must be hallucinating. I must be hallucinating…

I must be hallucinating!!!!

I was definitely hallucinating!!

“Am I that terrifying?”

Although the voice was gentle, it sounded like the piercing cry of a malevolent ghost that escaped from the depths of hell to Kieran.

F̲u̲c̲k̲, it wasn’t!

Kieran braced himself and looked behind him.

He was met with a pair of cold eyes that sharply contrasted the gentle voice. In that instant, Kieran felt as though he was trapped in an ice block.

It sent a shiver down his spine. When he returned to his senses, he gulped.

They were cold, but they were really beautiful.

His attention was immediately captured by a flawless face with delicate features that made it seem otherworldly.

Kieran had never met a more stunning person.

St. Caroline Academy was always graced with an abundance of stunning women. The students were either gifted or came from esteemed noble families. All of them were genetically blessed with beauty.

Of course, Kieran was also acquainted with an exceptionally stunning group of people, including that little devil, Lilith, and the other girls in her circle. Each one of them was a first-class beauty, capable of turning heads on the street by a staggering 200%.

Even for them, none could compare to the beauty standing before him.

It wasn’t that they were less attractive, but the person before him was simply too perfect.

Despite standing only a step away from her, Kieran could not find a single imperfection on her face.

Rather than saying that her face was sculpted from a block of jade, it was better to say that her face itself was a block of jade.

The urge to collect, no, to hold it in his hand and carefully inspect it was overwhelming.



“Do you like what you see?”


“Come with me then.”

“Okay… my a̲s̲s̲!?”

Kieran quickly snapped out of it, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face from being teased. He instinctively swatted away the cold hand that was about to make contact with his cheek.

Taking a few steps back and putting distance between them, he stared warily at the beauty. His heart was racing wildly, and his forehead was already covered in a layer of cold sweat.

He was actually…

Charmed by her beauty.

Sensing Kieran’s wariness, the woman smiled gently and asked, “Why do you refuse to join me even though you are attracted to me?”

“Because you’re super suspicious. Do you think I’m the kind of idiot who thinks with his lower half?” Kieran wiped the sweat from his forehead and sneered. “How about you come with me, beautiful?”

The alluring woman brought her finger to her red lips and thought for a moment before smiling.

“Sure, I’ll come with you then.” She turned her body to the side and gestured for him to take the lead. “Go on, I’ll be right behind you.”

Kieran did not move.

He scrutinized the strikingly gorgeous woman before him with a tinge of doubt, unsure of her underlying motives.

“Who are you, anyway?”

Kieran found solace in returning to the basic questions, at least knowing that would make him feel more in control of the situation.

“Me?” The beauty’s cold eyes, in stark contrast to her soothing voice, curved into crescents as she said, “I am the one you have all been eagerly searching for.”

With a graceful wave of her hand, the white smoke that had engulfed the area receded slightly, as if it had been dispersed by a gentle breeze. After a moment, it began to slowly fill the space once more, like water seeping into a shallow pool.

Without hesitation, Kieran instantly assumed a fighting stance.

Although the person Kieran had been eagerly searching for was Lilith, there had only been one particular person he was determined to find for the past couple of days.

Lacey Guinevere.

The owner of this floating love hotel, Lovetide, who also had a possible connection to the former chief law enforcer’s act of self-immolation.

The sudden appearance of smoke and her arrival suggested that she was not simply here to greet him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to fight.”

Lacey raised her empty hands in the air, indicating that she had no intention of doing anything at all.

“If I had intended to fight, I wouldn’t have shown up on my own accord. Would it not have been better for me to ambush you in the smoke?”

Kieran remained cautious and asked, “Then what are you doing here?”.

“I’m just here to see you.” The tip of her tongue flicked across her seductive red lips as she fixed her gaze on Kieran’s face.

“I could not help but fall in love with you from the first moment I saw you, beautiful~” she said with a suggestive smile.

“……” Kieran’s eyes suddenly turned wide.

Wait a minute.

What did she just say?

“Truth be told, you have already captivated me from the very first day you stepped onto this boat. Your flawless face, graceful movements, and regal demeanor drew me in immediately. When I came to my senses, I realized that I had not been able to take my eyes off you. It was at that moment, I realized that I had been fatally poisoned by the venom called love. I’m beyond help.”

Lacey’s cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as emotions rippled through her eyes that used to be as still as an ancient well.

The way she looked was undoubtedly that of a young girl who was deeply in love.

Kieran took a few tentative steps back.

He opened his mouth and attempted to speak, but no words came out, leaving him gaping like a goldfish.

Calm down.

I must remain calm!

This must be a trap!

A trap to catch him off guard!

Lacey was a woman.

Since she called him “beautiful”, she perceived him as a woman too. How could a woman fall in love with another woman?

That was too…

A certain little devil popped into Kieran’s mind…

Followed by the two weirdos who were by her side…

It was totally possible!!!

Kieran shook his head to clear his mind of the confusing thoughts clouding it. He looked at Lacey and cautiously asked, “Are you serious?”

“Of course.”

Lacey placed her hand over her heart with a miserable look on her face. “Do you want me to rip my heart out and prove it to you?”

Kieran took a few steps back again.

Not good.

This is really bad.

Kieran was a suave and handsome man, who had captured the hearts of countless girls in his heyday.

Throughout his life, he had the pleasure of dating over ten lovely ladies.

Back when he was still playing the field, he was known as quite the charmer, with a reputation as a casanova.

He never thought that one day, he would be confessed by a girl as a girl…

By a girl he had met for the first time.

Kieran’s reaction brought a slight frown on Lacey’s face. She strode forward boldly, closing the distance between them once more.

With their bodies only ten centimeters apart, Kieran could clearly smell the alluring scent of Lacey’s perfume.

“I specifically came to see you and even went through all the trouble of setting up this smoke, so that we won’t be disturbed by anyone else. Don’t you at least have something to say?”

“Well…” Kieran attempted to pull away once more, only to realize Lacey had grabbed his wrist. Her grip was so strong that he could not break free.

All he could do was smile awkwardly and politely.

“It’s a great honor to hear that you are attracted to me, but I’m afraid that… we’re not a good match for each other.”

Lacey was very gorgeous and beautiful. Her beauty seemed to transcend all worldly standards and expectations. This was the reason that kept Kieran from harboring any intentions toward her. It left him with a sense of unease.

Furthermore, Kieran wasn’t the type of guy who would fall for good looks. He had always preferred inner beauty over physical attributes when it came to women.

All of his dozen or so ex-girlfriends could attest to that.

So Lacey’s charms would not work on him, and he would never consider going out with someone as a girl.

“It’s okay even if we’re not a good match, we can always take things slow and make it work.”

Lacey lovingly caressed Kieran’s hand and said affectionately, “Besides, I’ve agreed to go with you. I’m sure we can work things out as long as we stick together.”

Kieran’s hair stood on its end. He could clearly feel Lacey’s obsession toward him. She would not stop until she got what she wanted.

Since the woman who was suspected to be related to the self-immolation case took the initiative to appear in front of Kieran, Kieran understood that he must give her a satisfactory answer.

Kieran gulped nervously as he saw Lacey’s body was almost pressed up against his.

He had no other option left but to do that.

“Umm… Miss Lacey, there’s one thing I must confess.”

“Oh my, is this what they mean when they say that lovers should open their hearts to each other?” Lacey said excitedly. “You are quite an eager one, beautiful. Tell me all about it, I will accept all your flaws.”


I hope you’ll still be able to say the same after hearing it.

“Miss Lacey, can you let go for a moment so that I can show you something?”

“Let go?” Lacey narrowed her eyes. “You’re not going to run away as soon as I let go, are you?”

“O-Of course not. Why would I run?”

“Is that so?” Lacey was still a little doubtful, but she still loosened her grip around Kieran’s wrist anyway. “Fine. If that’s what you want, I guess I’ll have to oblige. Besides, there’s no way you’ll be able to escape from me, beautiful.”

Lacey took a step back, giving some space. “All right, what is it that you want to show me? Take it out.”

“Right away.” Kieran took a deep breath, then reached for the hem of his maid’s dress. He shut his eyes, then took a deep breath before opening them again.

He looked at Lacey firmly, then… Without any hesitation, he flipped his skirt up.

“Look, Miss Lacey, I am actually a guy!”

This time, it was Lacey’s turn to widen her eyes. Waves of emotions stirred up in the depths of her eyes. Her lips trembled as she pointed at Kieran, but she could not find her voice for a long time.

She was as shocked as Kieran had been when he heard her confession, if not even more so.

Kieran breathed a sigh of relief at her reaction.

Although there was no telling what kind of crazy things Lacey might do later, for the time being, the immediate issue had been resolved.

At least, Kieran was able to preserve his reputation as the “casanova”.

Kieran quietly smoothed down his skirt. He hung his head wearily and was prepared to make this escape.


It was at this moment, a resounding slap echoed through the air.

Kieran looked up in dismay, only to see Lacey slapping her thighs. She turned to Kieran, her eyes glowing with a pleasant surprise.

“What a coincidence, me too!”


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