“Then what shall we do next?” Lesiah asked.

“How would I know?” Sae shrugged. “I have been in a deep slumber most of the time. Hence, I am not that knowledgeable of this little world. If it weren’t for Lady Lilith dying again, I would still be soundly asleep.”

“Lady Sae, aren’t you an artifact spirit? Can’t you think of something?”

A conflicted look appeared in Sae’s eyes. “I’d advise you to refrain from expecting too much from me. Indeed I am an artifact spirit. But due to some reason, I am barely one now. Not only that, my physical form has been severely damaged and my powers are suppressed by this world. I cannot even use any single one of my abilities. Not to mention after how badly I got tricked by Lady Lilith before, I don’t even have any spare energy to bring you all to safety.”

“That means it’s up to me to figure out a solution now?”

“Didst thou see any other way? Thou could search for those guys just now and beat every single one of them. That way, we’ll be safe.”

“If I could do that, do you think we’d still be worrying down here?”

Looking at her slender and delicate hands, Lesiah smiled wryly. They looked nothing like the hands of a warrior who had been wielding a sword for a long time.

No matter how movingly gorgeous those sword-wielding beauties in the storybooks were depicted, their long and arduous sword training would undoubtedly leave calluses on their palms unless they had broken through the saint realm and been cleansed by the miracles of transcending a tribulation.

Hence, those sword-wielding beauties, who had velvety soft hands despite swinging their swords tens of thousands of times a day since childhood, was nothing but the imagination of some otaku who had never held a girl’s hand in their life.

Lesiah’s slender and delicate hands were just symbols of her powerlessness. She could no longer recall when was the last time she had taken her sword practice seriously, or even bothered to do it. She couldn’t recall when she had last wielded her sword in a serious battle either.

Her occasional free time was spent on practicing strange escape skills. Thus, she didn’t learn anything about fighting.

In any case, her sword had been taken away from her.

She managed to eventually attain the peak of rank nine by relying on the saint-level techniques handed down by the royal family, but to put it bluntly, she was as useless as her mother.

She was just a useless, beautiful-looking trophy.

“When will Lilith wake up?” Lesiah glanced over to Lilith and asked.

If Lilith could just sit up right now, she would be at ease.

“Why… dost thou always rely on others?”

“Because I’m weak, of course…”

Lesiah lowered her eyes in shame and hugged her knees. “I know better than anyone how weak and useless I am. It’s ironic that people keep putting their expectations on someone as useless as me. Are they not worried that I would dash their hopes in pieces? They just keep insisting that I have to bear these responsibilities as the crown princess…”

“No one would ever put expectations on someone useless… Never mind, I am just wasting my breath with you.”

Sae floated to Lilith’s side. Placing her translucent fingers on Lilith’s wrist, Sae stood still for a while before a sigh escaped her lips.

“Lady Lilith’s body has been severely overspent. Her heart rate is under three hundred beats per minute… If this goes on, she will no longer be able to wake up by herself.”

“What do we do then?” Lesiah panicked.

“Easy, she just has to replenish her stamina.”

Sae removed her fingers from Lilith’s wrist and moved to her abdomen. She was unable to hide the anxiety in her tone.

“But I remember that it’s difficult to quickly recuperate when an overspent body. She needs to be nurtured by natural treasures of heaven and earth over a long term, otherwise, she will suffer from sequelae.” Lesiah frowned in thought then continued, “Putting time constraints aside, we don’t even have any natural treasures right now…”

“Thou doth not have to worry about time. Let us not forget that Lady Lilith is a dragon. Apart from their powerful strength, they have an even more powerful physique. Anything they ingest will be quickly digested and replenished to stamina.”

Sae glanced at the storage ring in Lilith’s finger. “I recall Lady Lilith has the habit of carrying precious ingredients with her in her storage ring. Unfortunately, she couldn’t wake up now. Hmm… We are indeed stuck.”

“Lady Sae, you are an artifact spirit. Can’t you crack the spiritual mark on Lilith’s ring?”

Sae instantly paled and waved her hands frantically. “D-Don’t… even think about it! That person with a daughter complex must have set up something terrifying in the ring. I certainly do not wish to be squashed to death like a bug.”


Lesiah’s last glimmer of hope was extinguished.

She curled up and rested her forehead on her knees with a bleak expression on her face. In the end, all they could do was only wait for the enemy to arrive?

“Damn…!” Sae suddenly cursed while checking Lilith’s abdomen. “It seems like Lady Lilith’s internal organs are still in a mess!”

“What do you mean…?”


Sae’s expression turned grave. “I was wondering before, why Lady Lilith had to shift her internal organs back to their original positions with her own hand. Turns out that at that time, her self-recovery ability had started failing.”

“T-Then… what will happen to Lilith?!”

“What do you think will happen?”

Sae cast a glance at the princess, exasperated. “Kick the bucket, duh. Although Lady Lilith had shown her terrifying self-recovery ability before, do not forget the fact that dragons are still living creatures. If her internal organs stop working for a long time, even a dragon will die…”

“What do we do then?!”

The revelation immediately put a worried expression on Lesiah’s face. “Is there no other way to save Lilith?!”


Sae shook her head helplessly. “One cannot make bricks without straw. Even if I have a thousand ways to save her, how could I save her without anything in hand? I cannot possibly give her my internal organs. Oh, apologies. I forgot I do not have any at the moment…”


Seeing Lesiah’s lack of response, Sae floated to a corner and sat down cross-legged.

“It’s over, it’s over! Lady Lilith is a goner this time. I think we should just give up and hand Lady Lilith’s corpse to those people. Just tell them that our conscience made us realize that we should not help this villain and wish to serve a new master, so we killed her with our own hands to prove our loyalty. Those people might just believe us, spare us and even treat us to a banquet. Who knows, we can make them our allies and maybe I will have hope to gain a physical body.”

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