The room suddenly became extremely quiet. So quiet that it was suffocating, like calm before a storm. Cornelia looked at the empty ground in front of her in silence. No one could see the expression on her face right now.

Shiloah and Gaz were both unconscious. Naturally, Little Hand didn’t dare to interrupt Lady Cornelia when the latter was in a bad mood. So she climbed off Cornelia’s shoulders cautiously and instructed her ‘clones’ to clean up the mess that was left behind.

First things first, she must recover Shiloah’s arm… Little Hand grabbed her other arm and raised it high up, so that the eye in the palm could scan the entire room. However, she didn’t find what she was looking for…

Weird, that arm couldn’t have run off by itself.

“Why bother with that trash? Hurry up and find those two!”


Little Hand shivered with fright. Cornelia raised her head, revealing a pair of eyes that were reddened by both anger and humiliation.

“Must find… and murder both of them…” she seethed.

“But… Lady Cornelia… There are so many rooms in the castle and…”

“Find them at once.” Cornelia glared at Little Hands murderously.

“Right away!”

With a yelp, Little Hand immediately rushed out of the room with her ‘clones’ and started the quest of finding a needle in the haystack or the ridiculously huge castle in this case.

Right after her departure…


Cornelia brought her fist down, the impact left a huge crater in the ground in front of her.

Putting aside that dragon girl, she didn’t expect to be made a fool of by an ant that she didn’t even bother to look at earlier. Not only that, that ant actually took her enemy away right under her nose…

This was simply a big humiliation!

“There’s still some time… I must find and kill them before they could cause even more trouble!”

Cornelia picked up the unconscious Gaz from the ground, then went to Shiloa who was also unconscious. She crouched down and set Gaz down beside Shiloah before… Violently stabbing her hands right into their chest! Her eyes were filled with the same craze that Lilith had before.

“I won’t let you two escape… Hehehe…”



In an unfamiliar dark room, Lesiah slowly regained consciousness.

“This is…”

The princess propped herself up while holding her forehead, and found herself in a strange room.

“Seems like thou art quite fortunate… to remain unaffected by my soul power and retain your sanity…”

“Who’s there?”

The unexpected voice frightened Lesiah. She quickly snapped her head around, only to spot the phantom of an alluring woman with purple hair floating behind her.

“You’re… the cruelest of all, Ruth Devia?!”

The princess’ eyes widened in shock when she finally identified the phantom.

As the eldest princess of the Macedonian Empire, Lesiah naturally had full access to information on important lists like the Slaughter List. This was also how she came to know Ruth Devia, the cruelest person who caused a bloody storm on the main continent back then.

She hurriedly backed away, trying to put a distance between herself and the person who formerly ranked first on the Slaughter List.

But… Wasn’t the cruelest of all rumored to have died by the hands of Golden Demon Htilil? Why was she here?! Lesiah suddenly realized something. Golden Demon Htilil… was Lilith!

So this vengeful ghost had come back to seek revenge? Just how did Lilith kill the cruelest villain to make her die such a tragic death that she turned into a vengeful ghost? Did she r̲a̲pe̲ her before killing?

“I must commend thy rich imagination.” The purple silhouette swayed and reappeared in front of Lesiah the next moment.

“I am not some mere mortal who was a criminal. She just happened to be a body that I had borrowed before. Apart from that, I am not related to her in any way.”

“Not related…? Then who are you?”

“Oh my, how rude. Thou can no longer recognize me after waking up from thy sleep? Oh, right…”

The purple phantom slapped herself on the forehead in realization.

“Thou was spoken to directly in thy head before. Listening to my voice through thy ears now must have been very different. ‘Tis only natural that thou cannot recognize me. Even so, thou should have recognized me by the way I speak.”

The way she speaks…? And speaking directly in my head…?

It was only then realization dawned upon the princess. “You are Lady Artifact Spirit?!”

“It seems like thou art not a hopeless r̲e̲t̲a̲r̲d̲.” Sae put her hands on her waist and nodded.

“Indeed, I was, Lord Gerald, the majestic Origin Dragon’s most reliable general. I am the strongest artifact spirit, the Grim Reaper of gods… Thou may address me as Lady Sae.”

The princess stared at the conceited Sae, who had the appearance of Ruth Devia, in confusion.

“Lady Arti… Sae, how did you end up looking like that criminal?”

“Did I not explain it earlier? I borrowed that woman’s body before and it temporarily shaped my soul.

“Temporarily shaped?”

Sae shook her head. “Let’s not talk about esoteric subjects like souls, it is very troublesome to explain and there is not much time for thou to waste now.”

“Uh, alright…” Lesiah nodded in agreement.

Just when she was about to end this conversation, she suddenly remembered something.

“Hold on, Lady Sae! What do you mean by I remained unaffected by your soul power and retained my sanity?!” The expression on the princess’ face changed drastically.

“Didn’t I tell you not to bother about esoteric subjects like souls? There’s not enough time for you to waste right now, why do you have to keep harping on such trivial matters?”

Sae crossed her arms and huffed like she was reprimanding a child.

“I nearly went insane! How could you label that as a trivial matter?!”

“Thou art just a mere mortal. Whether thou turn into a lunatic or a monkey, both are merely trivial matters to me.”

“What?! So I am no different than a monkey in your eyes, Lady Sae?!”

“Please do not put it that way…”

Sae gazed affectionately into Lesiah’s eyes. “Monkeys are adorable. Why must thou insult them that way?”



Jokes aside, serious business awaited them.

“We… managed to escape, right?”

“Not really. This building is terrifyingly huge. Not even I could leave this place easily. But I have already set up a special formation in this room. We should be safe from those people for the time being.”

“Good…” Lesiah breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, right… Where’s Lilith?”


Lesiah’s eyes followed Sae’s finger and saw Lilith lying peacefully in the heart of the room.

Her hands rested on her abdomen, with her fingers intertwined. She was sleeping peacefully, like a sleeping beauty who was waiting to be woken up by the kiss of her prince.

Her tattered clothes were folded and placed on her, only barely covering the important bits. Dust and black marks from the previous battle still clung to her skin.

She looked like a little beggar. For some reason, the sight brought a smile to Lesiah’s face. It was almost as if all the pain and fright she suffered earlier had been erased away.

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