Chapter 322

  1. Everyone has a plan… (5)  

#3 Their Circumstances: Circumstances of Mirea

“Here it is.”


After examining the map, the most suitable place is chosen.

When everyone nods their heads looking at it,

“Why here?”

There was someone who couldn’t grasp the atmosphere.

“This is my motive…” 

“Why are you looking at me with such a pathetic expression? Am I abnormal?”

Everyone nodded at the pathetic motive.

“This? Is it not strange to form a formation here?”

“Of course.”

“Where else is there a better formation than here, why are you saying that?”

“Is this the limit of a hero… No wonder a hero moving with a few elites doesn’t know how to operate an army.”

At the subordinates’ words, the friend starts shaking.

You look embarrassed.

“It can’t be helped, everyone understands. Because he’s a hero.” 

“No, I know too? I know how to operate the army to some extent? Did you forget that I’m from the Raina Grand Duchy family, and even a direct descendant?!”


It was inevitable for a sigh to burst out.

Love for friends, love for country. 

I tried to put into practice what the instructor said, but this fool ruined everything.

“I’ve learned various things including the royal studies since I was young, I also learned how to operate the military!”

If you learned, why are you like that?

I barely held back another sigh and nodded with a smiling face.

Don’t let your friend be embarrassed!

“Ye.s, tha.t.”

“What’s with that rigid ye.s tha.t? It doesn’t seem like that at all!”

Yes. It’s not like that at all.

If you know, then don’t say it. I wonder why he acts so insensitive?

“Look! At this terrain!”


The hero who stood up hitting the desk yells while looking at the map.

“Looking at this formation the answer is obvious! Where to establish a stronghold!”

It was as he said.

The moment I looked at the map, the place to establish a stronghold was clearly visible.

“Where is that place?”




“Yeah. Nowhere else but there.” 

“That’s right.”


I pointed to a place on the map.

A perfect location. Apart from this place, there was nowhere else to establish a stronghold.

My excellent subordinates nodded satisfactorily at the point I chose.

“Why? Why on earth?”

Only my colleague and Nature’s hero, Swin could not understand and yelled.

It was a truly embarrassing moment.

If Aria was here, she probably would have thrown some spell and told him to shut up.

Because Aria is smart.

“Why there! Why there! Leaving this place and going there!”


Looking at the flustered hero grabbing his head and yelling, how pathetic…

“Why there?”

“Of course, it’s normal to choose such a place!” 


I turn my head and look around.



“I cannot understand why you would choose such a place.”

“I cannot comprehend. Why on earth that place…”


A normal conversation with subordinates.

Through that, I showed that the motive was wrong.

“Why! Why!”


Seeing my colleague grabbing his head and shouting, how pathetic…

“We can perfectly surround the Demon King by taking this spot, me leading the heroes to take this spot, and placing the united forces of the Doctrine that will soon arrive and support troops from other kingdoms here!”

“I see.”

“What do you mean ‘I see’!? Then we should do this!”

Seeing my colleague pounding the desk with a bang! sound again, my head tilts.

“What are we going to do by surrounding the Demon King?”

“What do you mean, we came here to catch the Demon King!”


Now I understand why my foolish colleague was spewing such stupid words.

Our purposes were different so our actions seemed disjointed.



“We didn’t come to catch the Demon King.”

My subordinates also seemed to finally understand the hero’s words as they nodded.

“Come to think of it.”

“No matter how great a hero he is, there’s no way he would get such a basic thing wrong.” 

Their behavior betrays their bewilderment.

“I-Is that so?”

“Yeah. We came to catch the instructor, not exactly to catch the Demon King. We only followed the Demon King to find out the instructor’s location.”

Our one and only goal is the instructor. 

The Demon King merely played the role of a guide towards the instructor.

The Demon King is not stupid.

Though he claims to have never been hit by the metal bat attack, he is a senior from long ago.  

No matter how he was never hit by the metal bat, no matter if the instructor wasn’t perfect at that time, there is no way a person taught by the instructor would be stupid.  

There is no way a person taught by the instructor would be reckless.

The only reason why he inflicted massive damage and attacked the Black Anvil clan’s village despite that is because the instructor must be there.  

The Demon King must also know. That facing the instructor requires massive troops.  

Not just brute force but the means the instructor can utilize are endless!

The instructor is not righteous.  

The instructor is not honest.

The instructor does not play fair and square.

He is someone who can deceive everyone and give up everything he has for his own gain.  

A person who thinks of the worst rather than the best case scenario first.   

That is the instructor.

When dealing with such a person, you need to hold plenty of cards in your own hand as well.   

And cards beyond what you anticipated!

Even with cards that the Empress deemed flawless, she couldn’t catch the instructor.  

“We will catch the instructor inside here.”

*taps the past location of the Black Anvil tribe’s village on the map*

“To do that, this place is the best stronghold.”  

Next, my finger moved to behind the Black Anvil tribe.  

It’s quite a distant mountain but with decent altitude and no obstacles blocking sight, it was the optimal spot for surveillance.

“We’ll install magic tools here and monitor the Black Anvil clan’s fortress walls 24/7 and request backup to surround the fortress with even more troops.”

According to intel extracted from Black Anvil tribe prisoners, there are numerous secret underground passages but we won’t utilize them.   

Our opponent is the instructor.  

There’s no way he wouldn’t have noticed the dwarves’ escape routes.

This is not my personal judgment. Even when I asked students from Yugrasia, they all shook their heads.   

“That man… Didn’t notice? Just dwarves? That makes no sense.”

“He could escape from a small academy even using the Elemental Lords. There’s no way he wouldn’t have noticed dwarves escaping.”  

“He is a monster who looked through every measure, even hidden cards that no one else knew about. There’s no way he wouldn’t have noticed holes in the ground.”

“Speaking as someone who dug tunnels under the academy. There’s absolutely no way. I secretly dug using earth spirits and while tunneling, it got connected to strange passages and the metal bat sprang out.”[tl/n The academy here is most likely the villain branch school]

From my knowledge of the instructor and subordinates’ anecdotes, I could be certain.   

That place is a trap.  

Underground and tunnels.  

Those are undoubtedly excellent escape routes.  

It’s something all kingdoms basically install in their royal castles as well.

Even if one is said to be a remarkable technician, the moment that gets completed is when one would kill to keep it secret.  

It’s an obvious thing.  

Secret passages, as the name implies, are pathways that represent secrecy itself.  

One can secretly slip out through them or infiltrate.  

The less people know about it, the more value it has and it must absolutely not be exposed.  

If the instructor, who completed such a perfect fortress, noticed dwarven underground passages, what would he think?

A normal person would destroy it or move their base somewhere else.   

But the story changes because our opponent is the instructor.  

The instructor would utilize it to set traps.

The two words that come to mind when you think underground and tunnels are just one!

Buried alive!  

That’s right.  

The moment we enter through the secret passage, the instructor could blow it up and bury us alive.

With many summoners among us, we may survive through earth spirits or related summons.   

…But that’s still too scary of an enemy to presume that and enter.  

The instructor would be someone who considers things to that extent.  

Just maybe.  

Lava is flowing nearby so when the secret passage blows up, it could get connected to the lava zone.  

Lava may flow in through the secret passage.

That definitely sounds absurd.   

But since the instructor does absurd things, absurd situations must also be considered.  

Such an extremely irrational being.

That’s what instructor is. 

That’s why you need to create only the best situations, not just the optimal ones.

“What if we miss the Demon King?”

My partner asks seriously, but it was a meaningless question.

“We can find the Demon King again if we miss him, but not the instructor. If we miss the instructor now, it could take years to find him again.”

He’s a human who went into the demon continent in a human body, tricked the demons and even the Demon King. 

Now even if he escapes through dimensions to the spirit world, water world, or the divine world where gods live, it would be surprising but he would regain his composure quickly.

Compared to that, the Demon King and his evil god forces are laughable. We can just overwhelm them with force.

“But isn’t now a good opportunity since the evil god forces have weakened? Isn’t underestimating the Demon King too much?”

“No way.”

The Demon King is useless.

I was the first one to witness that.

When I saw Senior’s dignity with my own eyes, I was so surprised!

Could I ever forget that chilling situation that made my hairs stand on end?

I know better than anyone that Senior is strong, even more than Swin.

“But nothing compared to the instructor.”

It’s not me who’s useless against Senior, it’s the instructor who could easily take me down if he wanted. But if I wanted, I’m confident I could at least put a hole in Senior’s stomach.

My nemesis is the instructor. 

And Senior, who I thought didn’t exist, is the instructor’s nemesis!

Even if not exactly Senior’s nemesis, I have enough power to fight Senior.

Just me alone.

And if I lead my subordinates, I’m confident we won’t lose even if we take damage.

On top of that, against the Demon King I can rely on the help of heroes, orders, other countries, and even other species.

“That’s why we need to surround the instructor, not the Demon King.”

Listening silently to my explanation, Swin shook violently.

Could he have finally realized his ignorance?

If he’s shaking because he’s embarrassed to have realized his ignorance, I can cover for my partner.

Because I’m a nice partner!

“Hey… you…….”

“Yes? What?” 

Swin, who was blankly looking at the map shaking, looks up at me.

His face seems to show various emotions, but the most intense is one thing. 


Just showing with his expression that he doubts me without hiding it…

I guess it means he doesn’t intend to hide it.

“Don’t tell me… You were leaving the Demon King alone even though you could take him down..?”

I was quite nervous, wondering what to say.

Even though he’s the most fierce of my partners, he’s the instructor’s disciple.  

I worried he noticed one of my secrets, but

“Don’t surprise people with useless questions like that.”

There’s no way he would ask such a useless question.

“Right? Mirea, no matter how impulsive you are….”

“Of course I left him alone!”

“She really is an impulsive girl!”

An impulsive girl! As a girl, I took great offense. 

So much that I thought about sending him to the front lines when fighting the instructor to get whacked two or three times with the metal bat.

That would bring him to his senses.

While plotting for later, I quietly took in my partner’s words.

Of course, ready to leap out at any chance!

And so the meeting ended, and we headed towards our destination to establish a base.

And that night.

Amidst the noise of setting up tents and such, I got to meet someone.

“This is…”

“Read it alone.”

The small letter he handed me.

The moment I read that letter, I felt my breath get stuck in my throat.

“I shouldn’t do this…”

Being a spy means walking on a tightrope.  

And that tightrope is watched by those with scissors that could cut it anytime.

If you only focus on one side, those on the other side will cut the rope; and the moment someone on the opposite side notices the existence on the tightrope, they will cut the rope without hesitation.

It’s that dangerous.

The contents of the letter was asking if I wanted to add another person who would cut that rope.

Yes, that’s right.

Not a double agent, but a triple agent, no, maybe even a quadruple agent!


Swallowing dry saliva and examining the letter, I burned it with magic.

The conclusion is simple.

Of course I’ll do it!

Opportunities to feel thrilling chills running down my spine are rare!

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