The inferno swept through the arena, enveloping both the golem and the vines in its searing embrace. The golem roared in agony as its wooden form charred and crumbled, and the vines withered and turned to ash.

For a moment, it looked like Callius gained the upper hand, just like he always has done until thus far. Everyone was expecting the same to happen. No matter how strong his foes were, Callius always had shown unpredictable magical spells, surprising the crowd, and it was the same this time as well.

The audience erupted in cheers as they witnessed the destruction caused by Callius' powerful fire attack. They believed he had defeated Diana and emerged victorious.

"Did you see that? Callius is amazing!"

"That fire attack was incredible! I think he had won for sure!"

"He's going to be the best mage this academy has ever seen!"

"But, I really wished Diana to win this time. I want her to erase that proud expression on his face."

"Yeah, that bastard Callius is too proud of his own."

"Shut up. He has the strength to back his own ego. Do you think he just mindlessly wanders around and boasts his strength? Different from you, he is always training. He is either in the library or in the training grounds all the time."

"Heh… I can also be ranked one if I train like him."

"Why not do it then?"

"It is bothersome."

"Sure, loser."

Excitement filled the air, and whispers of admiration spread like wildfire among the onlookers, though there were some that didn't like to see such a beautiful girl enveloped by the flames. However, all of them knew the healing formation, so no one said anything about it.

After the last duel with Callius, the formation was strengthened since Emilia about got a lifelong scar on her face almost.

Even the instructors that were watching the scene knew the thing Callius did was nothing short of an achievement on its own.

"No matter how much I see it, this child doesn't stop surprising me. He is naturally talented at destroying things, I feel like." The red tower master spoke with her fan in her hands. She was observing the battlefield with her eyes filled with interest.

"Indeed, that is the case. I shall apologize to him for showing disrespect at first." The young man beside her answered.

"Though, it is sad that he can't win against that girl." Waving her fan, the orange-robed woman said with an alluring expression. "I really wanted to win against that woman, but I guess that is for a later time. Even he knows he didn't win."

Following her words, her attendant turned his attention to Callius and saw that he was looking at the fire with a tired expression. It was evident that he was about to collapse from the mana exhaustion, but he didn't show any signs of cheering for his victory.

And after a second, suddenly, the cheers from the audience stopped, and an eerie silence befell the arena.

The reason for that was simple.

The moment the flames subsided down, a figure was revealed on the ground.

A figure of a young girl who was covered by nature itself.

Amidst the jubilation, Diana slowly emerged from the fading inferno, her once graceful appearance now marred with slightly damaged skin from the intense flames. Her clothes were singed, and she bore the marks of the fierce battle she had just endured.

However, her wounds began to heal rapidly, a testament to her nature magic's regenerative abilities, with a green aura surrounding her.

"Diana is incredible! Look at her healing!"

"She's like a nature goddess, rising from the ashes!"

"Callius better watch out. This fight is far from won!"

As the audience caught sight of Diana's resilience, the cheers turned to awe and admiration. They realized that the battle was far from over, and both mages were still standing, ready to continue the fight.

Of course, it was only for those that were not proficient in fighting.

Since the seniors who knew the truth better than else couldn't help but shake their heads.

"He's running out of mana," one of the senior mages murmured, awe in his voice. "To think that girl could withstand such an attack….Freshmen do really seem monstrous…"

"He went all out with that last attack. I don't think he has anything left," another senior mage added.

"He's in trouble. If he can't keep up the fight, Diana will overpower him."

"The fight is already over; that guy should surrender now." A girl said with scorn on her face. She was a girl with blue hair, but the ornament on her shoulder was enough to show that she was a person belonging to the church.

"Yeah….No matter how good he is, a mage without mana is useless. Though, I think we should invite both to our club."

Such talks were all around the arena, and inside the arena was no different.

"That was a tough one, brother. You really went for the kill." Diana said as the wounds on her body visibly healed at a rapid speed.

'At most, in ten seconds, she will be back to her top condition.' Callius concluded.

He ragged his brain at a rapid speed, constantly trying to look for an opening, but he was not able to find one.

'Unless I reveal my strength, there is no way I can beat her here.'

"Sigh…." Releasing a sigh, Callius knew from this moment on acting pridefully would only make him look like a fool. He simply lost, and he knew that.

For the first time in his life, he raised his trembling hand as he gritted his teeth.

<Trait [Ego] is affecting your thought process.>

<Trait [Ego] is affected

The voice of the system constantly rang in his hand, coupled with the sounds of onlookers.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm


Losing his emotions for a second, Callius shouted, and following that, an eerie silence descended onto the arena itself. Almost all of the audience thought Callius was addressing them, and they were not wrong either.

"I-I surrender."

With his voice shaking for a second, he accepted his loss. His whole body was screaming to continue fighting, but he knew it would be pointless from this moment on. He would only look like a fool, and that would damage his ego more.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm "Are you sure, Student Callius?"

The referee asked. Even he was surprised.

"Grr….. Yes."

Callius gritted his teeth as he glared at the man standing on the referee stand. If the looks could kill, the man would be dead.

'Bastard, are you trying to mock me now?'

Callius' thoughts were not in his right mind at that moment. His pride was damaged, and his ego had taken a hit.

"He surrendered? Just like that?"

"But he was doing so well! What happened?"

"I can't believe he gave up. I thought he had a chance."

Those who didn't know much about the duels or those that couldn't see the signs of mana were caught off guard by his decision.

And that made him more and more mad.

"You lost, brother." Diana descended right beside him as her hand slowly approached. She had a proud smile on her face but, at the same time, a genuine one. After all, she had just acquired the thing she had been waiting for. "It was a good duel."

Seeing this, Callius got more annoyed, but at the same time, he couldn't show his emotions. At least, the rage he was feeling at that moment shouldn't be directed at his sister, and he knew that.

"Diana, let's speak later." Callius didn't meet her gaze. He turned away, frustration and disappointment evident in his body language. He didn't want to hear words of consolation or sympathy. All he wanted was to be alone with his thoughts, to process what had just happened.

"Huh?" Diana was surprised at that minute second, but soon her eyes turned into a look of understanding as she saw the blood flowing from his hands. 'As expected, he couldn't take the loss….'

It was the brother she always knew. If it wasn't for her having more time to train her magic, she knew she would be burned to the crisp right here right now.

Her eyes turned into a crescent shape as she watched his departing figure.

"Slurp… But, you can no longer escape from me, brother…. You have promised that." She licked her lips as her thoughts turned in a strange way, fantasizing about a thing only god and she knew of….

Though her mood instantly fouled by the words she heard.

"I can't believe he surrendered. What a letdown. As expected from a bastard child of a noble. Her mother is a-"

Before the bastard that was speaking ill of her brother could speak further, a deathly glare pierced through him, making him stop his words.

Just like that, the crowd dispersed as everyone turned their attention to the things they needed to do…..


"Send ten four-star golems."


I stood on the training grounds, my heart still heavy with the bitter taste of defeat. The memory of my recent loss to Diana, my own sister, haunted me like a relentless ghost. The frustration and disappointment gnawed at my soul, and I needed an outlet for the turmoil within.

'I lost again. I lost again. I lost again.'

This was the sole thought in my mind right now, and I knew I couldn't function properly unless I smashed something.

Before I stood a row of formidable stone golems, each one an embodiment of my weaknesses and doubts. But today, they were not just training dummies; they were my chance for redemption.

My mana had already recovered thanks to the potions I had consumed, and I also released the constraints on my aura as well. I was going to all out here.

With trembling hands, I summoned my fire magic and enveloped my fists in flames.


A battle cry escaped my lips as I charged at the first golem. My fiery fists collided with the stone body, and I felt a surge of power and anger flow through me. I struck again and again, my attacks relentless and fueled by the need to overcome my recent defeat.

The golems retaliated with equal force, their stone bodies absorbing the impact of my fiery onslaught. But I didn't back down. Instead, I pushed myself harder, fighting with every ounce of strength and willpower I possessed.

My hands started to bleed, the skin cracking and blistering from the intense heat and the force of my attacks. But I ignored the pain; it was nothing compared to the turmoil within my soul.

Just like that, like a frustrated little kid, I lost myself in the sense of pain and battle until the emotions inside me calmed down….


Hope you liked the chapter.

This one was essential to show that no matter how prideful he acted and how strong I had shown Callius to be, in the end, he was a flawed individual.

Also, it would be weird if he could beat Diana in this duel; that would lower the weight of the villains in the game.

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