Everyone who had played RPG games would know, most of the time bosses with good reputations would have more than one phase.

That was the same for the girl before me.

Diana Augustride.

A villain that was obsessed with her brother and for this sole reason she became the villain in the game.

A talented girl that mastered one of the strongest special spells of elves at the age of 16 in the game.

Such a girl was now before me using the spell she would have mastered at the age of 16 while she was still 14 years old.

Diana's boss's state was a sight to behold. The green aura that surrounded her seemed to come alive with wisps of ethereal light like a crown of nature's spirits adorning her. Her silver hair flowed in the breeze as if the very wind obeyed her command.

Her eyes glowed with fierce determination, and her staff crackled with raw energy. She was the embodiment of nature's power, a goddess of the earth and all its elements.

Everyone held their breaths as they could feel the pressure emanating from her. I didn't know how she could have mastered the spell in such a short amount of time, but considering the changes that were happening in this world I could easily say that the scenario of the game no longer applied here.

"Brother, shall we really begin now." With those words, Diana raised her staff as the magic began to bloom.

"You are strong, dear sister. I really shall give you that." I said with a smile, as I had seen the huge amount of mana she was using.

'She looks like she was already proficient at this magic…. It seems she had mastered it quite a while ago.' I thought to myself. From the looks of it, this battle was going to be harder than the original.

Diana chuckled a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Flattery won't save you, brother," she teased, and with a flick of her staff, she summoned a wall of thick vines that surged toward me.


The smile in her mouth contradicted her actions as the vines that came towards me contained a strong intent to damage.


However, I was not staying idle either. I raised my hands, conjuring a barrier of fire to block the incoming vines. The flames clashed with the resilient nature magic, creating a whirlwind of energy that pushed us both back.


In this boss state, Diana's power had grown exponentially, and her control over nature's magic was nearly unmatched. The enchanted forest around us seemed to pulse with life, responding to her every command.


I countered her attacks with my own magic, reading her every bit of move. But, that didn't mean it was easy for me. No matter how fast I conjured my magic, the strength of the magic I mastered was lower than the magic she was using right now.


And most importantly, she was not giving me any time to chant as she was constantly trying to pressure me.

As the battle raged on, the arena turned into a spectacle of elemental clashes. The enchanted forest Diana had conjured swirled with vibrant colors, its magical flora, and fauna dancing in a mesmerizing display. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the towering trees.


Until the sounds of explosions entered one's ears and the stench of something burning released, after all, this was a battle between the destructiveness of fire elements and the constructiveness of nature.


With every move Diana made, the forest responded. Vines shot towards me like living whips, and I countered with jets of searing flames. Fireballs collided with bursts of nature's energy, creating dazzling explosions of colors that lit up the arena.

'I can't keep up with her using normal magic.' Reaching this conclusion, I started observing her habits once again. I could see the small signs she was giving before conjuring her magic.

'She will attack me with wines and then will summon a nature familiar now.' Referring to the boss state I had observed in the game, I concluded, as I could see a tremendous amount of mana sucked into her spell.

I needed a stronger spell. Thus, I immediately conjured a 3-star one as fast as I could. In a matter of two seconds, the spell was conjured.


"Searing Flare," I mumbled, directing a focused beam of fire toward Diana.


However, she countered with a "Verdant Barrier," forming a protective shield of dense foliage that deflected my attack. I knew what that spell was both from the game and from the books she had shown me.


And following her barrier, suddenly, a wide golem of nature appeared on the ground.

"She could create a golem?"

"What? Isn't this a five-star spell? How can she create a golem of this strength?"

There were several questions raised by the audience, but I knew the reason. In this state of hers, Diana could use one-star higher magic from her usual state.

And this state enabled her to use any magic without a chant since she was the ruler of nature in this place right here right now.

"Brother. Is this all you got?" A mocking voice came from Diana. She looked genuinely happy right now; I could see it.

Not answering her taunt, I closed my eyes and focused on the things I had learned. My mana senses were going to notify me whenever an attack came; it was fine.

There was no way I was going to let this sister of mine beat me in such a way. Even if she was an overpowered boss or not, it didn't matter.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

This pride of mine would never allow such a thing.

<Ding! Trait [Ego] is resonating with the emotions of the host.>

I could hear the voice of the system, but I ignored it.

"I see….Then, let me end this, brother." I could hear her voice, and following that, a huge amount of mana sucked into her spell.


As the crowd held its breath, the golem of nature lumbered toward me, and vines shot out like whips, aiming to ensnare me. I could feel the intense pressure of the dual attack closing in, but I still kept my eyes closed.

I understood that the fire magic I had been constantly using was not enough to deal with this girl before me.

"Hiss…" Releasing a frost breath, I calmed myself down as my brain started processing at a rapid speed.

My mind cleared, and the world around me seemed to slow down. In this heightened state of awareness, I could see the flow of mana in the air, the intricate dance of elements that surrounded me.

At that millisecond, insane amounts of memories flashed before my eyes, the way Diana had used her magic, the way the demon used, the way Celia used; everything slowly entered and started forming a picture.

With newfound clarity, I focused on my fire magic and the sensations I got while using one of the only three 4-star fire spells I knew.

I knew I had no time to chant. There was no way that my mouth could move fast enough to chant while the golem was approaching me.

<Ding! Trait [Prodigy] resonates with the thoughts of the host.>

<Ding! Trait [Child of Mana] resonates with the host's will. Mana obeys the host's command.>

<Ding! Class [Sorcerer of Beginning] resonates with the will of the host.>

<Ding! The host's will is partially connected with the [Will of the World].>

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm My head was filled with the notifications of the system, but I ignored all of them. At that moment, my thoughts were only on the mana.

Recalling the sensation I felt at the same time, it was not on the same level, but I didn't care. I felt like I could feel the fire particles around like I did with Aether at that time.

The wind mana, the water mana, the attributeless mana, I felt like I could transform that into fire mana and use them like fire magic.

<Ding! The host enters partial Enlightenment.>

I knew I needed to do the impossible. Thus, I did.

Transforming all the mana around me into the fire, I conjured the spell solely on the sensations. No chant was involved; it was like finding my way in the forest with a blindfold.

Inferno Cascade.

I named the spell.

A spell whose whole purpose was to bring destruction.

I conjured such a spell.

The golem approached me at a rapid speed; the vines shot forward.


I could feel the wind around me in an instant.


But before they could reach me, a fire of explosion erupted, centering from my location.

I infused my fire magic with a surge of telekinesis. The flames around me intensified, swirling into a maelstrom of fire that extended in all directions.


A wave of incredible energy shot forward. My whole mana reserves were exhausted in that brief second, supplying the magic I had created on my own.

I opened my eyes to see the scene before me. I wanted to see the results of my own magic.

The inferno swept through the arena, enveloping both the golem and the vines in its searing embrace. The golem roared in agony as its wooden form charred and crumbled, and the vines withered and turned to ash.

And the fires enveloped Diana as if the duel reached its end….


Now, normal updates will continue. Thankfully, I am feeling fully refreshed right now.

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