

Inside the building, the atmosphere hummed with anticipation. Producers, crew members, and actors darted about, each focused on their individual tasks, creating an energetic setting to the impending scene. 

As Liu Xueyi entered the building, all eyes instinctively turned toward him. Amid the controlled chaos, Fang Qian Qian, the vivacious and bubbly A-list actress, noticed Liu Xueyi's entrance. 

Clad in a vibrant yellow dress that seemed to mirror her effervescent personality, she practically skipped toward him, her enthusiasm an infectious spark in the air.

"Liu Xueyi!" she chimed, her voice a melody of excitement. "You're here! Isn't this set just incredible?"

Ever since Fang Qain Qain found out the almighty CEO of Liu Corporation was the same person as Ye Yuan the A-list actor and Emperor of the Entertainment, her infatuation for him skyrocketed and she wanted nothing more than to be the woman by his side. 

Like she and many others, so long as Andromeda did not wear a ring binding her to him, he was still capable of being stolen.

Liu Xueyi turned his gaze toward her, his enigmatic eyes locking onto hers. A small smile curved his lips, silently acknowledging her presence. 

Not wanting to seem rude, he appreciated her enthusiasm, but his focus was elsewhere.

Without a word, he began to make his way toward the heart of the action, a solitary figure navigating the bustling world around him—Qi Fuyi, the director.

Dressed in a black tuxedo outfit, Qi Fuyi noticed Liu Xueyi's approach. He briskly made his way over, a mixture of respect and eagerness in his expression. 

"Ye Yua…" He paused midway and immediately corrected himself. "I mean, Mr. Liu, welcome. I'm thrilled you could make it on the first day in spite of your busy schedule."

Liu Xueyi's gaze met the director's, a nod of acknowledgement passing between them. 

His voice, when he spoke, was a smooth, commanding cadence that demanded attention. "It's a pleasure to be a part of this production. I've heard great things about your vision for the film."

The director's eyes lit up in a blend of pride and appreciation. "We're honoured to have you bring your talents to our story. I am thankful Director Chao put in a word."

As the director and Liu Xueyi exchanged a few more pleasantries, Fang Qian Qian hovered nearby, her exuberance barely contained. 

She was determined to be a part of this conversation, to share in the limelight that Liu Xueyi effortlessly commanded. Yet, Liu Xueyi's focus remained resolute, directed toward the director and the task at hand.

Undeterred, Fang Qian Qian chimed in, her voice bubbly as ever. "Liu Xueyi, I can't wait to work with you again. I bet Fans are already dying to see their favourite actor and actress couple on set again play the male lead and female lead."

Liu Xueyi's gaze flickered toward her, a fraction of a second's worth of attention before he returned his focus to the director. 

"I have no doubt this production would do well, Director Qi. I read the script you sent."

"Exactly," Fang Qain Qain added again. "Also your reputation as an actor is beyond impressive." 

"Likewise, Fang Qian Qian. I'm sure our collaboration will be a memorable one." Although he smiled, Director Qi could notice his smile never reached his eyes.

It was no news that Fang Qain Qain had the hots for Ye Yuan for a long time now but he never gave her the time of day and seeing it first hand, Director Qi could only shake his head.

She was trying too much. 

"That alone would make this a…"

The director cleared his throat, a subtle cue for Fang Qian Qian to give them some space. 

With an apologetic smile, she stepped back, momentarily containing her vibrant energy.

As Fang Qian Qian ventured off, Liu Xueyi and the director delved into the specifics of the upcoming scenes, discussing nuances of character, motivation, and the overarching narrative. 

Liu Xueyi's engagement was unwavering, his inquiries insightful, and his commitment evident in every word and gesture.

"He is so on another level as compared to other actors in the industry," a young man in his late twenties complemented, stepping closer to Fang Qain Qain.

"Yes. And that's why he must be mine."

"I see." The young man chuckled lightly. "Pardon me. My name's Taio Rong. Nice to make your acquaintance."

Taking a swift turn, Fang Qain Qain's eyes raked through the gentleman standing in front of her. "Fang Qain Qain as you already know."

His lips curled up in a bewitching smile. "I do."

"I'm guessing you are one of the actors in this movie?"

"Yes. And I hope we have a nice long production together, Ms. Fang."

Her gaze studied him for a moment. He wasn't particularly bad looking. In fact, if he was placed close to Liu Xueyi, he wouldn't completely be thrown off. 

Although in her eyes, no male could best Liu Xueyi. His handsomeness was on a different level.

Standing before her was a young man dressed in a cream suit with a black inner long-sleeved turtle neck shirt in. His short hair was combed forward, bringing out a particularly enchanting hue to his features. 

"I hope so too."

Immediately a thought clicked in her mind and her eyes narrowed a bit. "Wait, Taio Rong? Y-You are the second male lead, right?"

"Ah," he chuckled nervously, raising his hand to rub his head slightly. "You finally recognized me."

"Of course. You won the 2nd best award for the…"

'That's enough. I am glad I can be recognized by Ms. Fang. My achievements do not compare to Ye Yuan's."

Fang Qian Qian's lip pulled back to the side revealing a small smile. "Yes, it doesn't but that doesn't mean you aren't good too," she praised. 

"Thank you."

She mimicked his smile and gave a curt nod. "I need to take my leave now. See you around."


Without wasting another moment, Fang Qain Qain walked off, her hips swaying in an enchanting motion. Her eyes held a particular glint, like one who had triumphed already. 

'Ye Yuan or Liu Xueyi, wait for me. I have seen just what I need to reel out the jealousy and create a competition to get what I need.' With those thoughts, her smile sparkled even more, drawing the attention of most males around. 

It took some time, but Liu Xueyi and Director Qi finally ended their conversation. Just as he was about to take his leave to join the others, the Director called out, forcing him to halt in his steps. 

"Oh and what about the lady I spoke to you about, Mr. Liu? I need her."

Seconds passed, Liu Xueyi did not speak and then turned slightly, his hands tucked in his pocket and responded with a slight smile. "She's not an actress, Director Qi."

"Anyone with interest can be moulded into one," the Director challenged. "I'm sure she'll do great."

"I know she will but my answer is no."

Wanting to press further, Director Qi pushed again. "Mr. Liu…" his words were silenced the second he saw the dark glint in Liu Xueyi's eyes. 

"Who knows what the future holds?"

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