

The next day, Sun Yichen arrived home early after work, his thoughts still on the meeting he attended earlier and its outcome which seemed to be more of a setback rather than anything else. 

He knew they were going to have to rethink their plans for now until things settled down again.

He stepped out of his car and walked towards his front door to find Fang Daiyu waiting for him in the porch by the door wearing a red dress that hugged every curve she possessed perfectly while showing off her slender legs.

At once his brows furrowed slightly while halting in his step. One question bothered him. 

Even though it was his personal house, it did not give his security or his maid any right to allow just anyone into the premises. 

Taking a deep breath, he clutched his suitcase in his hand as he made way closer, his gaze settling on Fang Daiyu who stood there watching him expectantly as if awaiting some kind of reaction from him.

"What are you doing here?" Sun Yichen asked bluntly but kept walking past her only to stop when her hands reached up to grab at his shoulders causing him to turn around and look at her. 

"I asked what do you think you're doing?" He repeated himself and when he took his time to study her face, he noticed her eyes looked puffy like she had been crying recently. 

His frown grew deeper yet.


"I-I..." her voice broke and another tear fell off her eyelid. 

Sun Yichen turned around completely, his attention finally caught. "Is anything the matter? Something I can help you with perhaps?"

She shook her head slowly before taking a few steps forward so that they were almost nose-to-nose with each other. 

Although he flinched, he tried his best to keep calm and wait for what she was going to do. 

"I sent you a message earlier on to meet. I have something important to tell you but I suggest we go in."

His eyes narrowed on her face, causing her to look away shyly as he held his breath for some seconds. 

When he had seen her message, he discarded it as though he had seen nothing. 

Unlike her, Sun Yichen knew exactly what game was at play here and had anticipated all of her antics in advance. 

However, rather than call her out at it, he chose to play along in the game. 

"Fine. Let's go in."

Just as he was about to place a knock on the door, the sound of hurried footsteps came rushing towards the door from within. 

The door opened immediately after the footsteps stopped revealing the slightly middle-aged woman dressed in a simple dark blue knee-length gown as she lowered her head to welcome him. 

"Welcome, Young Master." 

She stepped to the side, allowing them entrance into the house. 

"Thank you. Please prepare some wine and snacks and send it to the living room," Sun Yichen instructed as he handed over his suitcase to her. 

Turning to his right-hand side, he beckoned on Fang Daiyu to come with him. 

"Follow me."

He led her to the living room and offered her a seat, taking one for himself as he undid his dark purple suit buttons and waited for her. 

"Thanks for letting me speak to you."

"Yes. I do hope it doesn't take long though. I have other things to take care of." The coldness in his voice was sure and distinct as he ensured she knew he wasn't a pushover like his brother. "Speak."

Fang Daiyu took in several deep breaths before she began speaking in an even tone that was not too loud or soft but just enough so that she could hear herself clearly without having to raise her volume unnecessarily.

"I am pregnant, Sun Yichen." She blurted out before looking away shyly while biting her lower lip hard drawing a little blood on her lip.

Sun Yichen's eyes darkened instantly and the corners of his lips curled upward in a satisfied smile unknown to Fang Daiyu who chose to lay the shy and innocent girl.


More than anything his inner mind was glad at the progression of things. Good thing he was fertile and a sharp shooter. Now he did not need to repeat this action much to get his desired outcome.

When Fang Daiyu noticed he didn't say a word, she averted her gaze back to him. "I just said I'm pregnant. Don't you have anything to say?"

A few seconds passed and no longer did his face hold that satisfied expression, rather they were back to their stoic ones with a hint of intrigue in his eyes.

And when he spoke, his words left Fang Daiyu speechless. "Interesting."


The midday sun cast a golden hue upon the bustling streets of the city, painting a vibrant tapestry of life. 

Amidst the whirlwind of activity, a sleek black range rover pulled up in front of a towering glass building, its mirrored entrance reflecting the energy of the metropolis.

The car door opened as a pair of white shoes stepped gently on the ground. Emerging from the car, Liu Xueyi stole a quick glance around. 

Thankfully there wasn't any attention from his fans today and he could easily sneak in and out without catching their attention. 

Unfortunately for him, his aura commanded attention, an ethereal presence that seemed to transcend the ordinary. 

Dressed in a tailored midnight blue suit that exuded elegance and a magnetic pull, he succeeded in drawing the gaze of onlookers. 

His jet-black hair cascaded like a silken waterfall down to his shoulders, a distinctive trademark that set him apart.

The photographers stationed outside the building surged forward, their cameras flashing in a symphony of light. Quickly two of his men rushed forward, acting as a blockage to anyone trying to bother him. 

'It doesn't get old,' he voiced internally. 

Liu Xueyi's lips curved into a faint smile, a hint of mystery and allure that only fueled the intrigue surrounding him. 

He moved with fluid grace, his steps measured and purposeful, as if every movement was meticulously choreographed for maximum effect.

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