Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 162: The Man’s and the Woman’sSituation

WARNING: NSFW CONTENT. Please be advised that the following chapter has 18+ sexual material and should be exclusively reserved for a mature audience. It’s only a very brief part in the beginning, but I’m putting this warning up anyway. You have been warned.

“G-Give me an explanation that I can understand.”

Laura spoke. Her voice was almost pitiably sad. She herself must know that this was a pointless struggle. I smiled from ear to ear.

“Think about it. The Imperial Princess is monopolizing their military power. If you exclude the margraves in the rear, Elizabeth von Habsburg practically has complete control over the imperial army.”

“The ministers of the imperial palace are also…….”

“Military power becomes authority the more critical the situation is, as it is now. Do you understand, Laura? The Imperial Princess has the most authority within the empire.”

I stroke her small butt. It must have been because of the foreign object that had been inserted inside of her, as her face would occasionally contort and she would let out a hot breath.

“Military power must be dealt with by military power. If you wish to make the Imperial Princess lose her position, then you must have a military strength that is almost equal to hers. The ministers do not have any military power. In this case, they would have to either bribe the Imperial Princess’ subordinates or pull in the margraves.”

However, there was no news of this happening.

“According to the rumors, the Imperial Princess voluntarily secluded herself. Once the emperor ordered the evacuation of the people from the capital, she stepped down as she was unwilling to follow the royal command. ……Fufu. Does this not make her ulterior motives clear?”

If the ministers truly had power, then they would have used any means to spread malicious rumors about Imperial Princess Elizabeth. It would only be right for the Imperial Princess to retire. This is the right decision. They would have gone through the effort to make people think this.

However, only good rumors about the Imperial Princess were being circulated. The people were instead mad at the ministers, the Emperor, and the Second Imperial Prince.

“How would this seem to the people? Elizabeth, the Third Imperial Princess, was the one who had been stopping the Demon Lord army’s violent approach until now. However, the imperial army hopelessly lost the capital as soon as the nobles took action. This is how it would seem like to the public.”

Margrave Rosenberg was chased out of his land without even putting up a proper fight.

Crown Prince Rudolf suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Austerlitz.

Both the Margrave’s army and the central army had been wiped out. The Third Imperial Princess appeared like a comet and clashed with the Demon Lord army. Even though the Demon Lord army had 100,000 soldiers, the Third Imperial Princess managed to miraculously achieve victory after victory with a small number of troops…….

“The people are not aware of the minute details behind the war.”

This distortion was incomparable to others.

In truth, the victories that the Third Imperial Princess achieved in battle were small. They were nothing more than tactical victories.

In terms of strategy, the Third Imperial Princess had continued to retreat before eventually giving up on even the capital. This fact was hidden underneath the deceptive appearance of tactical victories. The people were cheering for the victories that could only be seen from the outside.

“This is my assumption, but the Second Imperial Prince has most likely already become Elizabeth’s puppet. The true people to lose their standing is most likely them and not the Imperial Princess…….”

* * *

“S-Sister, I have a request.”

A man spoke carefully.

The woman sitting at a table didn’t even remove her gaze from the documents in her hands as she responded.

“What is it, Brother?”

“Could you allow me to see Father at least once?”

“I apologize, but that is something that I cannot permit.”

An immediate answer. The man gritted his teeth.

The Second Imperial Prince of Habsburg, Ferdinand von Habsburg.

The 24-year-old young man wasn’t particularly obsessed over becoming the next emperor. In truth, he had no interest in the peerage. Ferdinand believed that if you end up taking such a heavy responsibility, then your life would only become miserable.

However, authority was still important. You had to have a certain amount of authority if you wished to live a comfortable life. Ferdinand raised his own faction while also cooperating with his brother the Crown Prince.

His faction was a perfect size. Be it his brother, the Crown Prince, or his sister, Imperial Princess Elizabeth, they had to receive the support of the Second Prince’s faction if they wanted to win the battle of successors.

He didn’t want to become the emperor himself; however, he could make the next emperor. Ferdinand was satisfied with his role of kingmaker. It didn’t matter who succeeded the throne as long as he could maintain his luxurious life.

However, this art of living only worked when the factions were balanced.

He had already forgotten how many inspections he had to go through simply to meet the Imperial Princess. A body search was a given and even an anti-magic spell was cast on him. This was an incredibly discourteous thing to do to a prince; however, Ferdinand was in a position where he had no other choice but to accept this disrespect…….

He got on his knees.

“The complaints from the people are spiraling out of control……. They will start to revolt at this rate. Sister, not only does this involve the safety of our father, but the fate of Habsburg is also on the line……. As the imperial prince of Habsburg, I have a duty to request our father to console the people!”

One of the noblest people of the empire was kneeling down on the cold ground. To the Imperial Princess whom the public believed was secluding herself. If someone were to see this, then they would probably turn pale from astonishment.

Nonetheless, the Imperial Princess refused to look away from her documents. Compared to the documents she was looking at, her older brother kneeling to her had no value whatsoever. This was what her demeanor was saying.

“Did I not tell you already? His Highness the Emperor made a royal decree that he does not wish to meet with anyone. Even I have been unable to meet him after I was chased away previously.”

“That is why I am asking you to somehow…….”

It was a lie.

Ferdinand wasn’t an idiot. How could he not know that his little sister was lying to him?

The families of the ministers had been taken hostage. Even the Imperial Prince’s wife and son were confined. They kept being told that it was an ‘Imperial order’, but abandoning the capital and digging out the imperial tombs were absolutely ridiculous orders.

The ministers and the Imperial Prince naturally kicked their way into the Imperial estate, however, what met them wasn’t the Emperor but a bunch of warriors leaking out murderous intent. The warriors claimed to be ‘the Emperor’s escorts’ as they chased them out. It was then that the nobles realized who had orchestrated all of this.

None of them had the courage to point the truth out before that certain person.

No, to be more exact……they no longer existed. All of the nobles who resisted were thoroughly disposed of. Their entire families were destroyed. The capital was under turmoil for a while as they tried to evacuate the citizens. A few households being destroyed was buried under the chaos.

It was the same for the Second Imperial Prince as well. He has a son and a daughter and they were both being ‘escorted’ by the Imperial Princess’ faction. They were being protected strictly in case the people were to become enraged and attack them……. The Imperial Prince could only talk in a roundabout way.

“Somehow, is it?”

The Imperial Princess chuckled. Her laugh was as dry as the desert.

This was the first time she was showing any interest since her brother had entered the room, but rather than welcome the response, the Imperial Prince felt terrified. She most likely laughed just like this when she ordered the destruction of several noble households to set an example.

“You are making quite the onerous demand, Brother. As long as I do not become the emperor myself, how could I possibly refuse His Highness the Emperor’s command?”


Ferdinand trembled in fear.

He had also lived in the palace for more than a decade. There was no way he could not notice what the other party’s intentions were. His little sister had just declared openly that she would usurp the throne. That wasn’t all. She was saying that she wouldn’t take the throne herself, but that he, her brother, would be the one to enthrone her…….

“Y-Your Highness.”

The way he referred to his little sister had changed. Just kneeling was no longer enough as he brought both his palms down on the ground.

“Although our family was not that close, I still believe that we are kin bounded together by our blood……. Please allow your brother to know at least a small portion of the truth.”

“Brother. Of course, I am also your faithful little sister.”

Contrary to her gentle words, the Imperial Princess had yet to turn her head even once. She didn’t tell him to not refer to her in that way or that she would allow him to know the truth. The Imperial Prince felt vexed.

“What will happen to me……no, our family?”

“You are already the head of a single family. A family’s fate is determined by the head’s actions.”

The fate of his wife and his kids depended on him. The Imperial Prince prostrated further.

“Should I……assist Your Highness so that you are able to meet His Majesty the Emperor?”

Do I have to help you start a coup d’etat? This was what he was asking.

This was the best idea he could think of as the Imperial Prince. He could betray his father and enthrone his little sister. However, this would ensure his family’s life. Was there anything better he could do to show his devotion?

The other party denied him.

“No. That is not what I am expecting from you.”

Imperial Princess Elizabeth got up from her chair. She approached her brother and slowly lowered her posture. She placed her hands on her brother’s shoulders.

“Recently, wicked individuals have been appearing among the people. They go around openly saying that the wrath of Heaven will fall upon us. They claim that this is the end of the Habsburg Empire and that the people must destroy the imperial throne with their own two hands…….”

The Imperial Prince was already aware of this. Even now, he had used the people’s anger as an excuse to receive an audience.

“You must punish them, Brother.”

“What do…….”

The Imperial Prince inadvertently raised his head. The people were already on the verge of bursting. If they take aggressive measures, then the people would undoubtedly start a rebellion. There was no way his smart little sister wouldn’t know this, so why―.

His eyes met his sister’s. Her eyes that were as blue as the seas were staring at him coldly.


The Imperial Prince realized everything once he saw those eyes. A chill went down his neck.

His voice shook uncontrollably as he failed to even finish his sentence.

“I……I am, g-going to be a sacrificial pawn……?”

“My guards will protect your family at all costs.”

The Imperial Princess didn’t mention his protection.

The Second Imperial Prince will suppress the people. Right when the people are about the burst, the Imperial Princess will dispose of her brother. He will die while taking on all the anger. On the other hand, the Imperial Princess will receive their support and be able to pursue the next step. It was like killing the dog after the hunt.

Imperial Prince Ferdinand grabbed his sister’s hand and pleaded.

“E-Elize……please have mercy……please, forgive me……. Are we not a family……? Do we not share the same blood……?”

“Do not refer to me by that name.”

She abruptly glared at the Imperial Prince.

“Since the moment I was born, I have never considered being in the same bloodline as you people as being a blessing. Ferdinand, I hope you have not forgotten what you and Rudolf had done.”

There were other imperial princesses besides Elizabeth in Habsburg; however, those imperial princesses passed away from an illness several years ago.

This wasn’t the truth. Crown Prince Rudolf and Imperial Prince Ferdinand had conspired together to rape the imperial princesses. It wasn’t a one-time thing either. They raped them persistently for several years. In the end, the imperial princesses could no longer endure the humiliation and chose death. It was told to the public that they had died of a disease…….

“Do not hope to receive my compassion now. Has there ever been compassion in our family?”


“We definitely share the same blood. We are both accursed monsters. You raped your sisters while I am driving you to death. Are we not quite the splendid family?”

The Imperial Prince noticed a hint of madness within his little sister’s eyes. He also realized that his death had already been determined and he had no other choice but to do what his sister says if he wishes for his wife and children to live.

“It will not be only you. The ministers will also be suppressing the people. Your path to the afterlife will not be lonely. Well, think of this as my last sign of compassion to you. I will at least treat you as a family in your final moments.”

Elizabeth laughed.

The Imperial Prince left the room powerlessly. It felt like the Imperial Princess’ laugh had stuck to his back and refused to leave him. He shed tears as he lamented. Since when? Since when did it all go wrong……?

Four days later, the Imperial Prince’s faction carried out their violence.

Second Imperial Prince Ferdinand von Habsburg mobilized dozens of other nobles and soldiers to suppress the people residing in the capital indiscriminately. 300 bystanders were killed during this process.

Imperial Princess Elizabeth, who had been silently secluding herself, became enraged by their tyranny.

She tossed away her seclusion as she personally led some troops to wipe out the soldiers of the nobles. Every noble that participated in the tyranny were executed. The Imperial Princess’ brother, Ferdinand, was not an exception. The Second Imperial Prince was decapitated and his family was also similarly beheaded afterward and tossed to the people.

The people praised the Imperial Princess who had stepped up for their sake.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Did I even have to put that NSFW warning at the beginning. I feel like I’ve already forgotten to put that warning up once before for a NSFW chapter. I can’t remember to be honest. I know I don’t have to actually leave a warning all the time, but I know there are some people who find this kind of stuff sort of jarring to read. I know I would feel a bit awkward if I was suddenly thrown into some NSFW stuff without any warning whatsoever. Gotta be considerate.

In any case, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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