Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 161: The Man’s and the Woman’sSituation

WARNING: NSFW CONTENT. Please be advised that the following chapter has 18+ sexual material and should be exclusively reserved for a mature audience. If you do not wish to read such things, then feel free to skip the latter half of this chapter. This will not affect your reading experience as long as you know the implications are there. You have been warned.

To put it simply, Barbatos had put on a show.

She could’ve left the death knights in her shadow. In situations like pursuits where speed was key, it would naturally be more efficient to move around with them in your shadow.

If Barbatos genuinely intended to pursue the imperial army, then she would have only gone out with a few elite Demon Lords like Beleth. She would’ve assaulted the imperial army during the night. Death knights are quite literally the most optimal soldiers for surprise attacks, after all.

Despite this, she marched while putting her death knights on full display.

I was certain.

‘She probably didn’t lose even a single death knight.’

In reality, she must’ve led shabby soldiers like orcs and skeleton soldiers on her pursuit. 1,000 of these soldiers……. Well, it was questionable whether she actually lost all of them or not.

At the price of losing less than a thousand soldiers, Barbatos managed to obtain the feat of being the only Demon Lord to pursue the humans till the very end. The world will come to know that, while the other Demon Lords were showing their true colors and standing idly by, Barbatos alone participated in the Crescent Alliance genuinely.

Demonkind will most likely give Barbatos their full support. Even if a majority of demonkind believes that conquering the continent is impossible, that doesn’t change the fact that Barbatos had achieved this feat. They will have no other choice but to give her their respect.

– Kekeke.

I could hear Barbatos’ laugh in my head. She sure likes employing underhanded methods.

I sometimes wonder if she never gets tired of being so underhanded. Making the people around you smile while living a bit more sincerely and earnestly, wouldn’t this be a life worth living?

Barbatos had a rotten personality. Seriously. Tsk tsk. It’d be best to not get involved with people like her.

I thanked Sitri.

“Thanks, Sitri. I was able to learn about how the Crescent Alliance has been doing thanks to you.”

– Hehe. This is nothing. You don’t have to thank me for this.

Sitri laughed. She had long forgotten the concern she was having about whether she should apologize to Barbatos or not. Wouldn’t you be able to live a happier life if you lived as simply as Sitri? This thought went through my head.

– By the way, Dantalian, you’re not in good shape at all!

Sitri abruptly hit me with an uppercut.

I was currently in the underground pool and I was obviously naked. I had adjusted the angle of the magic sphere to only show my upper body, but Sitri made that comment after seeing my body.

The corners of my mouth trembled a bit.

“I’m not in good shape? You’re slandering me. My physique is completely average.”

– Huh?

Sitri looked genuinely perplexed. What is this guy saying? This was what her gaze was saying.

– No, you’re wrong. Your physique definitely isn’t average, but below average. This, I’m certain of.


– You have no muscles, your arms are thin, your shoulders are narrow, and your chest is flat. What about this seems average to you? You have to draw a line here. With your physique, you can’t farm or go out on the battlefield.

There was no malice in Sitri’s expression or tone. It felt like she was simply saying the honest truth. She spoke a matter-of-factly like she was explaining what she had for dinner today. She was pure-hearted, so it hurt me that much as well.

I tried to give an excuse.

“I-I’m not the type of Demon Lord who goes out and swings his sword. I don’t need things like muscles since I’m in the back thinking up strategies and tactics. That’s right. What’s important to me isn’t the muscles in my body, but the muscles in my brain.”

– Eeh? That’s not right. You should at least have an appealing body. Dantalian, your appearance is lacking as both a ruler and a scholar. Be honest with me. You don’t get any exercise, do you? You need to work out! Even if our regenerative ability is more exceptional than normal demons, that doesn’t mean our average physique will also go up by itself.

Ah, I felt like I was experiencing deja vu.

It felt nostalgic and made my desire to rebel surge up. If I’m not mistaken, then I’m certain it was this. The thing that all humans naturally start to rebel toward―a mother’s nagging.

– You’ve become a highly reputable Demon Lord now, so you have to act more Demon Lord-like. I’m able to act like a debauchee since I’m Big Sis Paimon’s subordinate, but you don’t intend to always stay as Barbatos’ subordinate, right? If that’s the case, then you have to give people the impression that you’re not like the other Demon Lords!

Woow……I gave Sitri a bitter look.

Why was I only surrounded by people who nagged at me? I didn’t have to even mention Lapis and Laura who fwould always nag at me whenever it came to doing exercise. Now Sitri was included in this list. What sin did I commit to make people form an alliance to nag at me?

I know. This era prefers muscular men. In other words, macho men were revered.

It’s obvious if you think about it. Muscular men have more of an advantage when it comes to farming and they also have an advantage in battle. In this era where survival is treated as the greatest goal, people only sought out macho men. It was hard for men who weren’t muscular to survive.

I made a bold declaration as I stood in the center of this irrational era.

“Slender men are the current trend!”

– Eh?

“Muscles are nothing but symbols of violence and oppression. Why must all men be muscular? A wretched prejudice……. This is a prejudice that infects this era and its people. Beauty is not exclusive to females. Men can also be slender!”

– Wait a second, Dantalian. What are you talking about? I don’t understand.

“Hoo. Sitri, you may be pure-hearted, but is it because of this that you were unable to escape from this era’s prejudice? Were you also a specter who got caught by this era’s obstinacy? Alas, I feel as if I may cry when I look at you. It cannot be helped. We should end the call here.

– Dantalian? Dantalian! Wait, I still have more to say…….

I turned the magic sphere off. Sitri’s image faded away and the cavern became quiet.

I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Sitri, I believed that I could genuinely become friends with her; however, the prejudice of this age turned out to be this heavy. That’s life……. In the end, there is a wall between people.

I stepped out of the pool and didn’t put any clothes on. Ever since my Demon Lord level went up, I gained the ability to slightly control the temperature of my dungeon, so it was currently at a perfect warm and cool temperature. Laura and my monsters were the only ones present in my dungeon anyway, so it didn’t matter if I walked around naked.

I returned to my room. Laura was in the middle of reading a book. The sight of a blonde girl reading a book felt like something you’d see in a painting.

“Aaaah, Laura! Laura!”

I ran to Laura naked. Laura let out a terrified cry as she wrapped her arms around her book to protect it and stood on the chair. However, she was caught by her waist.

“Huah! Lord! What are you doing!?”

“The world is tormenting me, kuh. It keeps taunting me saying that I’m not in good shape and that my physique is laughable. Laura! You do not think this as well, right? My physique is average, is it not?”

Laura made an incredibly annoyed face.

“There is no way that is true. Your Lordship is quite literally the definition of an unattractive man.”


“Uah!? Why are you massaging my chest, Lord!? Ah, uu, why are you taking off my skirt!? Wait. Wait a second! At least do some foreplay before you put it in! No, don’t put it in right, hggh!? Lord, it hurts! Hgg, Lord!”

Four hours later.

I looked down at Laura who was laying on the bed and breathing heavily. Her butt twitched each time her body spasmed.

“So, Laura. Is my physique average?”

“You……have the greatest body……in the world…….”


I grinned. I puffed my chest out in pride.

“You’ve finally admitted the truth. Now then.”

I brought my lower member to Laura’s face.

“As an apology, please lick it clean.”

Laura looked disgusted.

“Uugh. Semen and juices are mixed together and emitting an indescribably strange smell…….”

“It is your juices. You should clean up your own mess.”

“Then clean up your semen yourself, Lord.”

“A vassal should naturally clean up after their lord.”

I responded coolly.

Laura shed a tear.

“How has this young lady fallen this low? Where did my life go wrong? Has life always been irrational and illogical since the beginning? O Goddess, please show sympathy to this frail mortal.”

“The Goddess has fated you to lick my tip. This has been determined since the beginning of the world. Now then, hurry up and start licking.”

“I will definitely kill the Goddess one day……hggh.”

Laura uttered some absolutely blasphemous words as she licked my glans. She moved her tongue around as if she were exploring before eventually putting the tip in her mouth.


A light and soft sensation spread throughout my lower body. Laura kept letting her saliva flow out as if she intended to clean her juices with her saliva. My member soon became slick. Laura continued to suck while making audible slurping sounds. She was still skilled at giving fellatios.

“Continue to suck while you listen. It is about the situation with the Crescent Alliance.”

“Uu, lick……haaub. Uh…….”

“The Crescent Alliance successfully managed to capture the capital city of Habsburg. It was a bloodless victory. They say that the imperial soldiers of Habsburg abandoned their own capital and retreated. According to the rumors, the Emperor himself ordered the retreat.”

Laura paused for a moment, but she soon resumed bobbing her head back and forth as she earnestly sucked my member. It would only be natural to be tired after 4 hours of sex, but my lower rod had become hard again as it ravaged the inside of Laura’s mouth.

“Due to the Emperor’s order, Imperial Princess Elizabeth, who had been leading the imperial soldiers until now, has partially lost her position. The person who had more of a hand in cleaning up the capital and retreating was the Second Imperial Prince and not the Imperial Princess…….Compared to the Imperial Princess who has a lot of support from the people and the military, the Second Imperial Prince shoulders the support from the nobles in the royal palace. Therefore, it should be fine to say that the Habsburg imperial family has been taken over by the Second Imperial Prince and the palace nobles.”

“Hbb, uuu……haam……chlup.”

Ah. Laura bared her teeth a little.

It wasn’t an accident. She had intentionally scratched the skin on the tip of my member with her teeth lightly. I didn’t dislike this sensation. It sent a tingling sensation through my body.

Laura started to use her hands now. She covered the top of my member with her mouth while using her hands to grab the base and stroke it up and down. The soft pleasant feeling and the stimulating pleasant feeling mixed together as they reverberated together. I could feel my climax crawling its way up.

Come. Hurry up and fill my mouth with your thick and smelly semen. Laura bobbed her head more intensely as if she were saying that to me.


I felt like it would be vexing if I came like this, so I leaned over on the bed and picked up some beads. The beads were connected by a string. They were oiled up so they had a sheen. I placed them against Laura’s rear.

“Laura, let me ask you some questions.”


Laura looked up at me with my rod still in her mouth. Only the desire to finish this up as soon as possible could be seen in her green eyes. They had been going at it for 4 hours. She was exhausted.

“If you get this correct, then we will end it here. However, if you get it wrong, then I will put this in your rear.”


I’m not sure if I was seeing things, but Laura’s complexion went dark. Having her rear teased wasn’t an issue for Laura. She had received a lot of education as a sex slave before she was hired by me, and anal play was a part of this so-called education process.

However, she dreaded the idea of doing this any longer. This was how she felt. Of course, it didn’t particularly matter what she felt, so I arbitrarily continued with my questions.

“Well, don’t worry too much. There are multiple questions. You only have to get one of them right. How about it? Does that not sound easy?”

Laura dropped her gaze and went back to fellating me. Do whatever you want. That was what she was saying.

“Here’s the first question. According to the rumors, Imperial Princess Elizabeth was confined by the Emperor and the Second Imperial Prince. Will Imperial Princess Elizabeth lose her standing because of this? Now then, if you think she will lose her standing, then lick the tip slightly. If you think otherwise, then deepthroat it.”


Laura looked up at me with an annoyed gaze since I was talking like some quiz show host. The fact that she didn’t take her mouth off of my member throughout all this made it clear how strong her service spirit was.

“You must give an answer in 10 seconds! Starting now! Ten, nine, eight, seven…….”

Laura fell into deep thought. She moved her head carefully once I counted down to four. Her small tongue licked the tip of my member. It was cute because she was moving like some sort of pet animal.

I grinned.

“Unfortunately, you are incorrect.”

I slid the first bead into Laura’s ass. Laura, who had still not taken my member out of her mouth, involuntarily squirmed as she let out a moan.

“Hk, hah, haaaauh!”

“Ah. I did not say this beforehand, but I will insert a bead every time you get a question wrong. I am very curious to see how many beads you can take.”

I smiled brightly.

Despair filled Laura’s eyes.


Author’s Afterword

Dantalian: Jeez, you rotten and wicked loli.

Barbatos: Sheesh, you pervert who only thinks about fucking up others.

Laura: …….


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. You know, I thought this segment wouldn’t have an NSFW part because of how the first chapter went, but I guess I was wrong. It’s not like I hate doing these parts. It just feels awkward. Oh well. What’s done is done. Nothing much else to say. I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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