Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 489: Complicated situations between master and disciples

"Yes it was my promise to you that saved her, I can't able to go against my own words that I gave you, my last encounter with her prove me right that there is no place for fallen cultivators inside this world, they are walking disaster among us, if I was not there she might end up destroying that place along with those people," Evelyn took a moment before starting again.

"Her powers are growing and if she reached new heights and regains her cultivation base then it will be hard to stop her, but I leave that to you, when you woke up you have to take some serious decisions regarding your partner, and have to decide which side you are standing on, but right now I need to know something else," Evelyn mumbled as she looked at yohan, right now other than diya she has something else in her head, she wanted to know about the feeling that she getting from yohan.

Having too many unanswered questions in her head Evelyn moved her right palm towards the direction of yohan's chest, her hand was literally shaking and her heart was pounding thinking about various possibilities, one of the last things that she wanted to know wether yohan is missing his soul just like diya and if he missing his soul then she knows what it means, soon enough her palm was finally resting on yohan's chest.

"I hope you haven't done anything stupid to save me, why would you go to such length to do that,afterall we always had..."Evelyn whispered and she stopped at one point as she feel like she is saying something that she shouldn't have said.

Evelyn gulped and she closed her eyes in order to satisfy her suspicion about yohan, her palm started illuminating with golden light and started pumping small shockwaves in yohan's body, sweat could be seen on Evelyn's face as she inspecting yohan's soul power in order to know whether he is missing his soul or not, time passes very quickly seconds turns into minutes and minutes turn into an hour and Evelyn kept focusing on analyzing yohan's body.

Meanwhile, at the same time, two figures could be seen walking here in there outside the hallway in front of Evelyn's room both of them were aana and kana who is waiting for their master to call them, every single second seems an eternity for them, from time to time both of them exchanging glances with each other but they are saying nothing as they don't know what sort of talk they could have right now, after sometimes later aana couldn't hold anymore.

"I am feeling anxious about this, its been two hours since the master send us outside the room, we dont even know what is happening inside the room, now I am feeling more worried about yohan, what should I do now, should I knock, I know she is going to mad at me but I will take any punishment, I just want to be with him and do whatever I can to help him out, it's very stupid and useless walking outside mindlessly"aana exhale deeply and looked kana with a serious gaze.

"Don't even think about doing that, we don't know what is going on inside the room, don't you see those serious reactions on the master's face when she sends us outside the room, it was too serious and I am sure lady Evelyn dont want us to see what is going on inside or dont want us to involve in anything serious that might affect us" kana responded to aana, she was well aware of that there is something serious going on inside the room, kana also want to know everything related to yohan but she knows that she dont have what it takes to oppose her master.

"But sister...'' Aana tried to persuade Kana and was about to say something to oppose her but she wasn't able to complete her sentence when both of them heard a sound and soon enough they saw a familiar face that caught them off guard.

"Master...."aana and kana called Evelyn in sync when both of them saw Evelyn who opened the door and exited from her room, both of their faces turned dark seeing her like that,aana's heart synced since she was talking about going inside her room.

"I need some fresh air, don't come after me,yohan is alright and out of danger, he just needs some good rest, look after him for a while," Evelyn said as she looked at aana and kana with a blank face, hearing their master both of them exchange glances and looked at Evelyn who is somewhat looking different and lost in her own thoughts, after saying those words to them Evelyn disappeared in front of their sight like a ghost, she doesn't even waited to hear her disciples response.

"What happened to the master, why did she give such good news in a different manner, I don't get it"aana looked at kana as she asked her.

"I don't know, I have never seen her like that before, there is something that happened inside the room and she is not telling us, I thought things were different when the master will wake up but things become more complicated between us, "kana responded to aana and next moment she entre inside the room.

Aana took a deep breath and she also followed her big sister inside the room in hurry, after all this is the best thing happened to her recently as she heard that yohan is out of danger and he is going open his eyes soon, both aana and kana make their way inside the room and approach yohan who is laying over the bed, both of them felt relieved seeing him, his breaths are normal and he is somewhat looking calm.

Aana took a seat beside Yohan's head and looked at him with a smile. She gently placed her hand over his head and combed his head backward while using her fingers.

"I am happy seeing him safe and sound, other things dont matter right now,"aana said and tilted her head in the direction of kana, hearing her kana nodded her head and took a seat next to aana and took yohan's hand in her hand.

"Yes he is safe and that's all matters right now, I don't know what he had done in other to treat our master or what kind of decisions he took, but I am sure he won't have any regrets about it, that's what makes him different from any other men's, "kana whispered as she slightly leans her head and kissed yohan's hand.

"I am going to miss him badly, the moment he opens his eyes I am sure he is going to leave us, "Aana said with a sad expression and she caressed Yohan's head with a bitter smile.

"Yes me too, but we can't do anything about it, there are people who are waiting for him, it's not like we are not going to him again, with our cultivation level it will take few moments to reach river shore city," Kana said as she blinked in the direction of aana, seeing her big sister like that aana broke into a laugh.

"Yes, you are right, we are bound to him, he can't escape from us no matter where he goes, "Aana responded.

"Aana look after yohan, I am going to look for our master, no matter what she said we can't leave her alone," kana said and the next moment she got up from the bed.

"I understand don't worry about him, I'll look after him "Aana nodded her head as she understood kana's reasoning, kana smiled and one last time she looked at yohan with a gentle gaze and a moment later she left the room leaving aana and yohan behind.

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