Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 488: Fallen cultivator

"Should we inform the lin clan,afterall yohan is here and our master is back, they must be worried about him, it's been a while since he left the lin clan,"aana whispered and she looked at kana who is looking in the direction of her master's room door, the moment kana heard aana's words her facial expressions changed drastically.

"What are you talking about aana, how could you even think about that,dont you know they will be more worried if they know about yohan's condition, don't give me hard time, I hope no one comes here finding him until he regains his consciousness, I promised lin that I am going to look after his grandson and will protect him at over my life, I still remember diya and his other partner's eyes the way looked him when he left with me, I am scared aana of facing them, I am scared of facing anyone at this moment, I am scared to face myself, I was the one who brings him here, he is inside that room laying on the bed unconscious just because of me" kana exclaimed as she looked aana with tears.

"You already know that this is not your fault, and why are you crying, our master is going to heal him, don't you see that she already extracted that black matter from his body, it's a matter of time before he is going to open his eyes, just dont cry..."aana took a step and give a tight hug to kana.

"You already aware how dangerous that thing is, I don't know whether I feel relieved or not after seeing that thing, it was too hard for me to wipe that blood from his body, I kept pretending that it doesn't affect me seeing him like that, it's a very cruel thing that I did back there, I suppressed my emotions in front of our master, on the other hand, you respected your feeling towards him, without giving any thought you did what you feel like doing, I envy you aana" kana tightly squeezed aana as she mumbled those words, her voice is shaking and those words barely escaped from her mouth.

"It's okay, you did the right thing, I am proud of you big sis, I completely forgot that our master recently woke up from his deep sleep, in that moment I forget everything that she teach us over the year, I forget about her, yes you did the right thing"aana gasped and she took a moment before continuing again.

"Big sister I have seen the worst, I know how much you love him, you don't have to feel bad about anything or also you don't have to be worried about him, I have faith in him, he will open his eyes soon, I know he is going to come back for us, no matter how far he goes he will find his way to home, "aana mumbled as she caressed kana's back and tried to calm her.

"He is cheeky, he said similar things to me" kana whispered in aana's ear, hearing kana's words a smile appeared on aana's face.

"He might have said the same thing to all of his partners, but his words make us believe in him, and indeed I believe what he said to us, he will definitely going to find a way to come home, no matter how far he goes from us, "Aana said with a smile.


Inside Evelyn's room.

"I am sorry but I have to do this on my own, if my suspicion turns true then things will definitely going to become complicated and I don't want to involve both of you in that mess, I don't want you to suffer more, you two are already went through too much pain just because me" Evelyn whispered as she looked in the direction of the door and then she shifted her gaze towards yohan who is quietly laying on the bed, both yohan and Evelyn are surrounded by a thin layer of barrier that is placed by Evelyn herself in order to keep things inside the room.

"I am somewhat aware of how did you extract this thing from my body," Evelyn whispered as she looked at a small transparent glass bottle in her hand, the bottle is filled with black liquid that she extracted from yohan's body, she took a deep sigh, and the next moment she tossed that bottle inside her spatial ring and shifted her gaze to yohan.

"There is something else that is bothering me, this feeling is weird that I am getting from you, I sensed the same thing when I first meet diya your first partner, she was the woman who is missing her half soul, I was surprised to see her, she was the second person I met in my entire life who lost her half soul, transferring soul is not something an ordinary cultivator could achieve, that practice lost long ago, even I am not that confident about my self that I can perform such kind of ritual, the ritual is taboo and only a willful person can perform such kind of ritual, the process itself is a living hell," Evelyn looked yohan with different gaze and whispered those words, she took a moment and then she continued again.

"now I am getting the same feeling from you as the feeling I got when I see diya, I hope I am wrong about this afterall you are too young to have that kind of forbidden knowledge, on the other hand, your partner is a fallen cultivator who is missing soul along with her real cultivation, I kept that secret from you because your feeling towards her was genuine and i made a promise to you that no matter what i will save her,that's the only reason i didn't kill her in the first place and let her live for your sake... '' Evelyn looked at yohan with a serious face and she said those words that she never told him before.

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