Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 338: I Will Look After Her

"You are talking about that cursed weapon which yohan used inside the hundred poison valley while confronting Nicholas,don't tell me that frightening sword is related to the imperial family" kana looked in the direction of Leon and asked with a surprised gaze.

"yes that weapon is originally belonged to the imperial family and passed down from generation to generation but hundreds years ago that thing fall into elder song's hands, I don't know the detail but he did some good thing for the previous emperor and he repaid him with that swords, but later when yohan initiated soul bond with that weapon everything changed, elder song has no other choice but to let yohan use that sword after all that weapon is not mean to a normal individual, any normal human would dare to touch that sword bound to die and elder song realized that very well and somehow he convinced that sword to mean for yohan" Leon responded to kana and explain everything.

"If that's the case then let's go, with the elder song's help we can initiate the connection with the imperial family," Kana said as she looked at Leon, hearing kana Leon nodded his head but suddenly they heard a familiar voice which came from behind.

"Give my regards to elder song and don't worry about anything I will stay here and look over lady Evelyn,"yohan said as he stood behind them, Leon and kana changed glances as they heard yohan, he is somewhat looking different and both of them were surprised as they didn't know when did he arrive inside the elder hall without alarming them, kana approached yohan and she took Yohan's hand in her hand, seeing his hand's condition kana felt furious towards her little sister as she knew this is all caused by her,yohan smiled as he looked towards kana and shook his head.

"it's okay it was just a small scratch, you don't have to make this face, you should go along with a grandpa and I am sure elder song will help if he has access to that portal which connect to the imperial family,"yohan said as he took kana's hand and hold it tightly.

hearing yohan kana took a deep breath and nodded her head in response," we will back soon, please stay beside her" she said with a concerned gaze,yohan nodded his head, at the same time old man Leon also noticed the condition of Yohan's hand and understand something might happen outside when he was inside the elder's hall but before he could say anything yohan interrupted him.

"I am fine grandpa,i was just exchanging some moves with her, you better hurry that old man is a wonderer, its better you take grandpa lin along with you, he knows lots of things about him and it will be a lot easier to find him if grandpa lin accompanied you, "yohan said as he looked towards Leon and tried to avoid the talk about his injuries, Leon took a deep sigh as he understands Yohan's reasoning and he shook his head in response.

"Whatever you say, but this is something not cool, your mother and other ladies will be pissed if they see your hand like this, you better look after yourself, I already warn you inside the hundred poison valley when you were fighting with general "Leon said as he looked towards the direction of yohan, hearing his grandpa yohan remain calm as he understands his reasoning but he did not want to discuss the event which happened between aana and between him, Leon took a deep sigh as he saw those expressions on Yohan's face, he was disappointed in him and feeling angry towards aana for harming his grandson.

"let's go kana, we don't have enough time to waste here, I know he will do whatever he wants to do, after all this kid not listen to anyone but I did not expected this from aana, why didn't she pick someone of her caliber, she knew that there is a vast difference between their cultivation" Leon mumbled and with those words, he left the elders hall with frustration,yohan searched his head when his grandpa left.

"Leon is right, this is not acceptable, I can understand his anger towards Aana but trust me she is not like that, I don't know what is happening with her, she is deeply affected by Lady Evelyn's condition"kana took a step and looked at yohan as she said those words.

"it's okay go ahead he is waiting for you out"yohan smiled and look kana, hearing him she nodded her and slightly raised her body before placing her lips to Yohan's lips,yohan placed his hands on kana's waist and pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately.

Meanwhile, at the same time, two figures could be seen standing in front of each other.

"I heard your conversation inside the elder hall, do you want to take revenge after what I did to your grandson, do you know old man Leon, I told him too many times to stay away from me but he keeps bothering me just because he didn't digest the truth that he is responsible for lady Evelyn's condition, the moment he showed in front of our door lady Evelyn become obsessed by him and even offer him to become her disciple but your grandson ignored her request, if she was in her real self during that attack no one could harm her, he just wanted to get away without taking responsibility of his action,"aana said as she looked towards Leon who was standing in front of her, the moment he left the elder hall she appeared in front of him.

"lady aana there is only a single reason you are still alive because I am not old Leon who used to be, you know very well, and I don't care about your reasoning, you are frustrated because you weren't able to fulfill your duty, you failed to protect her and wanted to get away from your failure by blaming yohan, lady Evelyn and your sister kana is not obsessed with yohan, they saw something unique in him which you failed to saw,"

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